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terry the lone wolf

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Everything posted by terry the lone wolf

  1. Hey Agent One did you hear about the Arnold impersonator that appeared on the Howard Stern radio show agreeing with Stern to blow up the moon to end PMS? I heard the show and quickly realized it was fake. Stern said if the moon was destroyed we wouldn't have any tidal waves and these waves would stop manipulating women's menstril cycles. Fake Arnold responded that women would stop bitchin' and moanin'. Also, Fake Arnold said if he couldn't get the bill passed he would go the moon and destroy it himself. This is the kicker, a British newspaper covered the story and also MSNBC believed it was the real Arnold.
  2. that kicks all kinds of ass when is this comic out? The book comes out in July and check out this link for a brief description. Also the page has links to interviews with Frank Miller and Jim Lee.ASBR
  3. Yes, it's indeed Richard "Dick" Grayson. DC's All-Star line will be continuity free stories told with iconic interpretations. In All-Star Batman & Robin, it'll re-tell the origin of the Dynamic Duo set in the modern world. There will also be a All-Star Superman series that'll be a close match to his "Silver Age" counterpart.
  4. A lil'bit off topic: Here's a color preview of All-Star Batman & Robin by Frank Miller(Da Man!) and Jim Lee. Look for it this summer!
  5. Before Jim Lee came along, I always thought Arthur Adams drew the definitive X-Men. Not only his covers to Classic X-Men but also his summer X-Men annuals(Days of Future Present, Evolutionary War, etc) i always looked forward to. X-Men always had the industry's best artists like Neal Adams, Dave Cockrum, John Byrne, Barry Windsor Smith, and John Romita Jr. I used to owned that Classic X-Men no.1 too; that was one of the best covers I ever seen.
  6. You all are forgetting the worst out of that bunch.....Greg Cupullo! His Spawn makes me cringe.
  8. It's X-For........uhm...Teen Titans!!!
  9. Remember big shoulder pads with big guns and attitudes. Remember X-Force. Remember their uber time-travelling mutant leader Cable. Remember Youngblood, the MTV generation super-team. Well cousin those days are back because Rob Liefeld, the creator of said creations, is doing a two issue stint on Teen Titans! It'll be penned by Birds of Prey scribe Gail Simone and focus on the new female duo Hawk & Dove! I'm stoked!
  10. Thanks JELEINEN; sounds like a good story. I'm going to check out the movie. Is that the same Ron Glass from "Barney Miller"?
  11. The trailer looks good but I never seen Firefly. What's it about?
  12. Well if your account is still good you have access to their Shadow Chronicles info. For all others it's "coming soon".
  13. Yeah, it's kid oriented and for girls but it's pretty funny show. Especially when the girls kicked the butts of all villians in Townsville. The creator of the show originally called it the "Kick Ass Girls".
  14. The show about three supergirls who were created by a scientist in experiment to make the ultimate girl. The scientist used sugar, spice, and everything nice and also added Chemical X. So the Powerpuff Girls were born to defend thier city from evil threats like super intelligent monkey Mojo JoJo(who incidently was another creation of the same scientist).
  15. Imagine Magical Princess Pretty Sammy and Sailor Moon. Not bad. Check this link for a preview:ppganime
  16. I found this on the net. Imagine....World's Finest!
  17. More skin + Ultra violence = all out action! When I saw the greenskined Orion slave girls episode I thought nothing could top this. Happy to say I was wrong; I can't wait for pt.2!
  18. Nice mech and that Minmay decal is tight!!!
  19. Yes, that was definitely the best Enterprise episode I ever seen. It's a shame that now they figured it out the show will end. The main reason I stopped watching was it was beginning to have that TNG vibe and less TOS. This show was the prequel to the whole franchise and should've been more close to the original Trek. I don't have a problem with Archer Kirking it up a little bit because Shatner will always be the "Captain" for me. I dissagree, Archer played a more caculating evil and less psycho evil.
  20. ComicKaze those are nice!
  21. That's a good job EXO; that S looks almost real it had me fooled.
  22. Presenting....SUPERMAN!!! Thanks Bluetights.net and kryptonsite.com.
  23. They have Bud in Japan?!@! I thought they loved the saki!
  24. she looks older and uglier outside the movie BTW, here are examples of better casting: The face-off! Now, I'm looking forward to that "Batman Vs. Superman" movie!
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