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terry the lone wolf

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Everything posted by terry the lone wolf

  1. That's Lron and he's a bear. He wasn't in the Sentinels movie but in the comics and novels. Trust, he looks better now than back then.
  2. Hey. a cast list for PTTSC and Shadow Chronicles! Thanks Captain JLS!
  3. I heard that's Janice Em; an android singer voiced by Chase Masterson. Janice is supposed to contain the A.I. of EVE from Robotech: The Movie/Megazone 23. In the Sentinels, she was created to be a singing partner for Lynn Minmay in case they ran into any Zentradei who wasn't exposed to protoculture. Double the whammy!
  4. Scans of the opening for Trainman is a remake of DIACON IV done by Gonzo. Yeah I just discovered all three anime openings a few weeks ago. Blew me away!
  5. I'm going through some serious Macross withdrawls!
  6. It isn't Star Wars without the usual decapitation of limbs!!!!!!!
  7. I like Mazinger Z; he fights dirty!
  8. "Someone" over at the "Unofficial Robotech Reporter's Blog" has posted the link to the Composer of Shadow Chronicles MySpace page. You can play short samples of the musical score; not too bad.robomusic here's the direct link to Scott Glasgowscottglasgow
  9. Sometimes GITS can be little long winded but the action scenes(when it finally gets there) and the animation is top notch!
  10. That is sweet!!! HG should hire you Mike!
  11. Is Aikman in MvC2: New Age of Heroes to? It'll give me a reason to play it again.
  12. They're dissing you because you are on Macrossworld and not on their site Heh, heh. 381505[/snapback] Thanx man!
  13. Well, I'm looking forward to a sequel to the CG Appleseed. I liked both versions and the manga.
  14. Mai(in all her buxom glory) and Athena are in first part as they help Soiree fight Iori Yagami.
  15. But you'll always be "someone" to me. 381034[/snapback] Oh! We got jokes. What? Slow news day?
  16. Update: Over on The Unofficial Robotech Reporter's blog, "someone" posted up my little finding and credited me as "someone". The name is, Terry the Lone Wolf ya'll! robotechblog
  17. I agree; it would be nice to have longer episodes but I like the story and the action sequences. Also, the interconnecting stories are similar to Pulp Fiction and worked well to weave the overall story together. Did anybody catched what the girl said to Alba and Soiree at the end of prt.04? I watched it twice and still can't make it out.
  18. Yes, KOF is finally animated and it's sweet! SNK and Production IG have partnered up and created a 4 part serial that ends directly after Maximum Impact and leads directly into Max Impact 2. An explosion that leads to a fire in Southtown and the heroes have to save lives and discover who caused the explosion. the official site:kofofficial youtube has all the parts fansubbed: youtube Wonderful animation, kick ass story, and pretty catch soundtrack!
  19. I taped my copy on the Anime Network. I liked it but I wouldn't spend $25 on the DVD.
  20. I can only see them do a re-imagining MZ23 because of prt.3 that story is pretty much done. I wouldn't totally mind and maybe this time around they never find Earth. I never saw the Streamline version but yeah most of the actors in ADV's pretty much suck. Eventhough, I did like Yui; she sounded all nice'n slurmty. Just the way I like my girls! Ha!
  21. Have U seen the new Flash? The Flash: The Fastest Man Alive will be available in June. The team of DeMeo and Bilson(who wrote and produce the 90's Flash tv series) will be writing. Thanks ComicContinuum for the image.
  22. Vehicle Voltron, without a doubt. First, the sories were sci-fi based and very dark. Second, it featured a multi-racial cast from different planets. Lastly, VV was just a"kick ass" kind of robot similar to Mazinger Z.
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