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terry the lone wolf

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Everything posted by terry the lone wolf

  1. Yeah, it happened and then it was gone.The new show was called Speed Racer X. I think DIC(who was licencing both Classic Speed Racer & Speed Racer X properties from Speed Racer Enterprises) had a falling out with S.R.E. that led to cancellation of Speed Racer X.
  2. Kitty Pryde in a X movie is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay overdue! I know she had cameos in the other movies but she has too much history to be regulated to quicky appearances.
  3. Unfortunately, I don't even know where to begin to string together a gig! 387128[/snapback] I just visited her MySpace page and listen to a few of her tracks. OMG can that girl sing and her J-Pop/Jazz sound is timeless. Mari will always be Lynn Minmay to me.
  4. "Hybrid" and "Battle of Sacrifice" are the two samples up. Check it out:robotechscmusic
  5. LOL! The perfect Wonder Woman for me is........Veronica Zemanova! Ya feel me on that?
  6. Nice vid but why was those dudes looking so bored during m'man's presentation?
  7. Not bad. Not bad at all.....
  8. I like Kate and I think she could pull off Wonder Woman but I think she's a little short. A toned Charisma Carpenter might still be a better choice. If Kate gets the part I wouldn't have a problem with it.
  9. Has anybody seen Albegas? I know it would've been Voltron III in the west.
  10. Thanks Seibertron.com: Ethan Phillips(Neelix from Star Trek Voyager) will appear in Transformers movie. His part is unknown.transtrek
  11. That's great news; I always wanted to see the original versions of both Voltrons. I heard they're pretty dark and scary.
  12. Y'know, this sounds more like when Buster Witwicky(Spike's younger brother) wheeled Bumblebee in his father's shop to repair him.
  13. Man, I love North Star but it's really, really dated. The new OVAs were really good but they reall should've done new projects around the early 90's at the height of its popularity.
  14. READ MARVEL ZOMBIES! Or Spiderman will eat your brains! Thanks Newsarama!
  15. Considering the size of the spear and the location of the wound, NO ONE could have survived that injury. It was very disappointing that they wussed out in killing Duke. GI Joe the cartoon was for the most part okay, but the Movie and the 1986-87 season sucked. They should have never have gone off on the whole Serpentor and Cobra-La tangent. The comic book written by Larry Hama rocked, though. Larry killed off Serpentor as soon as he could and he completely refused to inject Cobra-La into the comic. As for Transformers the movie, it was the defining moment as a 12 year old Transformer fan. I left that theater back in August 1986 completely blown away. Unfortunately, the 1986-87 season of the cartoon royally sucked in both the story and animation departments. 385321[/snapback] Larry Hama is God as far as I'm concerned. His Joe comics and writing were great. Hell, I even read his stint on Wolverine back in the day(killed off Wolverine's fiance just before they got married). The man took chances like having one crazy badass SOB Viper kill off a huge contingent of Joes led by Duke. It was extremely violent but it was one of the best Joe comics I ever read. I gotta diagree, there was one Trans episode of that season that didn't suck, "Call of the Primatives".
  16. This just in from IGN Filmforce: It's been confirmed I Robot's Shia LaBeouf is in talks to play Sam in the Transformers live-action movie. On the site, they give brief descriptions of his and other characters:transcast
  17. Hey,The Duke is the man! G.I. Joe's Duke is cool too. What's your prob dude? Hey, some of those cartoon chicks are hotties. Daphne from Scooby Doo, The Baroness, Wonder Woman, etc, etc!
  18. Hold the phone! They planned to show Zaranna nude? She did look hot in that bikini shot before that Cobra-La clam showed up; LOL!!!!!
  19. That was the original plan until the producers changed it. Check this link:killduke If you loved "Superman is a D**k, you'll love this:dukedeathlongoverdue!
  20. Lisa was incapacitated when the SDF-3 got fragged and lost a baby, she's sidelined and probably on Tirol during the Shadow Chronicles. But Lisa was onboard the modified SDF-3(Shadow Dimensional Fortress-03) when they tested the Nuetron S-Missles and tore the Space-Time Continnum(huh?!?). Her, Rick, and others were sucked into a white hole(?).
  21. You'd think that but BG was threatning to HG's a** if they use anything resembling their designs. So, what are you going to do? Eventhough, I kind like this modified Bioroid.
  22. I found this scan Yui Yuasa's fansite; this is the mech Breetai flew.
  23. Actually, that's MOSPEADA prototype art. They did some really cool stuff before they decided on the final look of the Legioss. 384846[/snapback] Hey, thanks Jenius but is that same battiloid that Breetai flew in the Prelude to The Shadow Chronicles series?
  24. This isn't Shadow Chronicles related but it's so cool I had to post it up. It's a Ken Stacy cover to Robotech# 21: Before the Invid Storm featuring Dana Sterling and Johnathan Wolfe. Also, this appears to be a Southern Cross Bioroid that converts to a VF; possibly for Shadow Chronicles. Thanks again Captain JLS and the Shadow Chronicles Yahoo! group!
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