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terry the lone wolf

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Everything posted by terry the lone wolf

  1. LOL! This is what happens when guy has photoshop and WAY TOO much time on his hands. Just plain evilness!
  2. Designs are nice but damn did that movie suck!
  3. I want to support HG but this is getting to be really, really ridiculous. They made so many promises that seem to fall short. Granted, things happened that were beyond their control but this series was promised last year and still no Shadow Chronicles. The comic series was to tie directly into the OVA release and boom another delay. How can they promise anything if they haven't signed a distributor? Promises, promises.......................
  4. Cool! Scott has got a buddy to travel those highways and deliver some serious whupass to the Invid!
  5. I don't know but hey it's gotta be better than The Phantom Menace!
  6. Trek's not dead yet. Eventhough B&B tried their best to kill it. I don't know about J.J. Abrhams but he's proven with Lost & Alias. Besides, Kirk & Spock are the most recognizable characters in the Trek francise. So I'll give it a try.
  7. Secret Wars reanactment with Crisis cameo. Very funny!
  8. No these were not intended to be for a sequel but were posted on Roberto Ferrari's website. He was a member of the Tatsunoko design team and his site includes many Tatsunoko Heroes design works(Gatchaman, Hurricane Polymer, Casshan, etc.). Maybe, these might have been connected with the 90's Gatchaman NTT commercial campaign but I'm not sure.
  9. I thought the hip-hopish/skatepunkish look was kinda cool.
  10. .......Sometimes I just don't understand you guys..........? here's more from Ferrari's site Classic Gatchaman!
  11. Off topic: Roberto Ferrari(former designer for Namco & Tatsunoko)designed new character profiles of the Gatchaman team.
  12. Newsarama interviews Matt Wayne(one of the head writers on JLU) about the last four episodes and the upcoming Legion of SuperHeroes. Also, there's previews for DC's 52 weekly mini with apperances from new heroes like Supernova and the return of old ones like Isis!newsarama
  13. Uber action director Masami Obari directed the opening. He should have directed the whole film because that opening does kick major ass.
  14. An official release and no HG involved....I don't know about this............
  15. I was and still am a fan of MAC II but I have the old VHS dub can someone recommend the DVD for me. Also, wasn't the final song called "Sayonara Love"?
  16. d12onlineProof, whose real name was Deshaun Holton, was shot early Tueday(April 11, 2006) at a night club along 8 Mile road in Detroit. Dennis Dennehy, publicist for D-12's label Interscope Records, has confirmed his death. R.I.P. Proof. proofsofficiallabel
  17. It makes more sense to me for HG to utilize the Sentinels comics and novels without having to throw everything completely out. The Sentinels have a strong fanbase of its' own and they shouldn't be ignored. My main problem with Sentinels were the character designs but the mecha and space battles I didn't have a problem with it. If Shadow Chronicles is some kind of filler series for Sentinels I'm okay with that.
  18. What can I say? It's funny!
  19. Update: Shadow Chronicles info on Kickstart siteshadowinfo
  20. I LOVE those TATAs they're big and they hang; very natural no silicon for those anime beauties! Hee, hee! Seriously, the pics look great and I can't wait to see the final product.
  21. Eagle Riders was a combo of Gatchaman 2 & Gatchaman F(Fighter) that Saban(Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers) leased from Tatsunoko. Only 13 episodes aired in the U.S. and the rest was on in Europe. On the Anime Network, they're airing Gatchaman uncut and unedited(about damn time) from the ADV DVD's. Cool, another MD kid on the board! Whattup Charm City!!!!
  22. A few years ago, NTT in Japan did a Gatchaman tv campaign that featured two live action commercials and one animated. Well it's back: Gatchaman Download all the comercials and enjoy!
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