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terry the lone wolf

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Everything posted by terry the lone wolf

  1. New pics from the teaser that'll play with X3: The Last Stand!
  2. Look HG's throwing us a bone; new wallpapers to celebrate this momentous occassion. Commander Taylor Marcus Rush Starship Icarus
  3. CGI test footage from the upcoming movie or fanmade film; you decide! Thanks blackfilm.com!
  4. I can't play it even with quicktime7; it says it's not a movie file. What's the problem?
  5. It takes forever to download. Also, you need Quicktime 7.
  6. http://www.kickstartent.com/movies/ksp_demo_reel06_hires.mov
  7. You guessed it! C,mon it was the Silver Age!
  8. Well, I guess you're not going to have a high opinion on "Matter-Eater Lad" or "Duo Damsel".
  9. The line up from left to right: a) Phantom Girl- can pass through solid objects b) Braniac 5- 12th level intelligent humanoid with a computerized brain. c) Saturn Girl- telepath d) Superboy- C'mon, teenage version of Superman. Nuff said! e) Lightning Lad(I hope they call him Live Wire from the 90's reboot)- electrical powers f) Timber Wolf- keen fighter with animal senses, agility, and strength g) Bouncing Boy- able to bounce huge distances
  10. Ta-Daaaa! The Legion of Superheroes!
  11. If Cyclops is going to die it'll be a damn travesty. I mean the man is the heart and soul of the X-Men; he's the embodiement of Xavier's dream. Yeah Wolvie is the most popular mutant but Cyclops is the heart of the X-Men.
  12. I don't think that's a skirt but baggy shorts. Hey man, it was the 90's and baggy pokadot shorts were all the rave.
  13. Stacy Haiduk will always be Lana Lang to me. Man, was she fine!
  14. I was reading some episode synopsises. Yes, they had some of the DC villians so i am curious to how they portrayed them...As I recall it was a half an hour show, with limited budget(you know what i mean-special effects) so on some levels it may seem corny... but then again i hear that alot about Star Trek TOS. Maybe i'll rent it first... i have S1to 4 of Smaville on dvd too btw 398497[/snapback] Back in the days it was a saturday afternoon show; so it didn't have a primetime budget but it wasn't entirely a kid's show either. Some episodes were a little dark but overall it was a fun show. Lot of the enemies were good translations; not perfect but were enjoyable.
  15. I say check them out. The series had appearances by Mettallo & Bizarro. There was also storylines where Superboy went into Alternate Universes and met different versions of himself.
  16. I.....love....Riding Bean! Thin on plot but great action and visuals! Did you know that Rally's name is supposed to be Larry? I disagree with your review of the soundtrack. I'd pick up that CD; I love that 70's/80's soul/jazz/pop music and it goes well with the OVA. Riding Bean! "The King of the Road!"
  17. grillled? i didnt hear him pressured once during the whole thing...... all i got out of that was a headache 395306[/snapback] What were you expecting? Joe Friday from Dragnet grilling? "Just the facts maam; just the facts."
  18. Spoiler! Spoiler! Danger Room & Sentinels! Hooray!
  19. When CN announced that they were going to co-fund Big O with the japanese I was really excited. The 2nd season started off really well with Rodger & Dorothy battling all those Bigs in the ocean and Rodger going back and forth from reality to fantasy. OMG, did that last episode ever suck. A terrible ending to a great show.
  20. SciFi has announced plans for a prequel series "Caprica". It's set 50 yarns before BSG in a society not that much different than ours but technology is rapidily increasing. Featuring the families of the Greystones and the Adamas the series will have political intrigue, shadowy figures, and sexual themes. The creation of the first A.I. will eventually lead to the Cylons. Ronald D. Moore & David Eick are back producing.caprica
  21. On a side note, I didn't mean to mislead anybody. I guess I got confused on the voices of Kevin & Tommy. So I apologize but now to the update. UPDATE The Robotech Press Tour rolls on! Captain JLS of Robotech Blogspot interviews Tommy and this time I'm 99.9% sure it's him, LOL! It's a MP3 file available for download with more parts on the way!tommyinterview
  22. He's grilled on Shadow Chronicles info, Macross's domestic and international rights, and Macross Zero. gatv
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