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terry the lone wolf

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Everything posted by terry the lone wolf

  1. In the vain of Superman is a Dick, Superheroines in distress! Scans of heroines like Catwoman, Huntress, & Wonder Woman being tied up and escaping from death traps.distress
  2. . Okay, about Shadow Chronicles: what I'd like to know is, are the CG as good as Macross Zero? I'd never personally have thought to compare the two but now I'm intrigued by the concept. Of course, that comment about the CG being "better" and not "shockingly" better than the transformers almost answers that question for me already. Does Shadow Chronicles bring back any of the VF-1's, or is it just more Alphas? Any new mecha introduced? Lastly... when are the 1/100 scale toynamis coming out??? I want some! 408800[/snapback] Sadly no new designs based from preexisting Macross stuff. Everything will be a modified Mospeada look. So yes more Alpha and no VF-1s.
  3. Don't be stupid. The people originally involved with Robotech are perfectly aware of the origins of the cartoon. 407754[/snapback] I keep forgetting that on the internet, people will always deviate from the core argument. Strawman. The original question was whether Tony will do research for his documentary or will it be a propaganda piece for HG. The question is a valid one and to be called stupid for it is to lack insight into the nature of the question as well as a lack of manners. To presume that he [Tony] knows everything about SDF:Macross, SDC:SC and Genesis Climber Mospeada already just because he was a voice actor for Robotech is a ridiculous assumption. He may be more involved than just as voice talent and so may know more, but then the onus of proving that is on the person asserting that he does know more. It wouldn't be a problem if the only mention of the history of Robotech in the documentary is that it used Japanese animation because even as a kid, I recognized the stylisitc elements of Robotech as being Japanese. I just didn't understand why the quality of the story went down after RT:TMS. But there is so much more to that history. Like how three series that comprise Robotech, or the distribution of rights for Macross and why we aren't getting the newer releases of Macross in the US, or how Macross is and remains a critical success in Japan and in some parts of the world before Robotech even showed up. Will this be covered in the documentary or will it just go and say how Robotech popularized Japanese animation and look at all the cool new Robotech things that are coming out. I thought my assembly line analogy worked quite well. The further removed on the hierarchy you are from the executive decisions being made, the less likely you are to be informed about why and how such decisions are made. How far up the hierarchy was Tony that he would know the ins and outs of everything about Robotech? And really, my original post was merely to point out yellowlightman's callousness and the lack of merit whatsoever in his post. I don't really care to attack or defend Robotech. There's never an accounting for taste so, why bother? vinnie 408409[/snapback] Or is it that you believe that anything or anyone will be some unthinking automaton working for HG? Ok, Tony has a history with HG but didn't he say they'll show both sides of the issue. In a documentary, a director will have to be fair and unbiased. Are we assuming that this documentary is a HG project because I didn't get that impression. Also, alot the voice talent in Robotech worked behind the scenes in story editing and voice directing. They just didn't say some lines and be recorded then call it a day.
  4. A guy named Brooklyn Red Leg interviews voice actor Greg Finley (Captain Henry Gloval & Supreme Commander Anatole Leonard) at the unofficial Robotech reporter's blog. Greg gives us some info on his work on Robotech. Here:finleyinterview
  5. Originally the Robotech crew did the voice work in the first Macross pilot & the direct to home video translated by HG. I remember Tony saying he audtioned at that time for Macross. Also, Dan Woren (Stick Benard) & Ilene Leslie (narrator) did voice work in the Mospeada pilot by HG (yes, at one time HG planned to release Mospeada as a seperate series).
  6. Some set pics at Hoover Dam during filming. I didn't know Anthony Anderson (King's Ransom, All About the Andersons, Romeo Must Die) is in Transformers. setpics
  7. I found that comment really insteresting too. I wonder if Tony is planing in going the way of "Oh yeah, we create something new from scratch, and thanks to us, Macross became a major hit through out the whole world, blah blah blah" when he creates his documentary or if he is actually planing to do some major research on the subject.... How deep was this guy really involved in the Robotech production? 407524[/snapback] Maybe back in the day he was just talent but for the 2nd half of his career he's been a producer, story editor, and voice director. He did say he'll be interviewing the original japanese creators .
  8. What's the gist of it? 407465[/snapback] I think the gist is HG is heavily promoting Shadow Chronicles so the public doesn't lose any more interest in the project. Maybe a deal is signed (or close to it) or maybe not. There's been alot of activity on Robotech.com & Harmony Gold these past weeks so I think it's possible that a release could happen soon. Tony & Dan of course were there to promote it but I found Tony's Robotech/Macross documentary project very interesting.
  9. They did seem to dumb down the Dinobots pretty bad starting with the movie. I found Wheelie far more annoying though. 279981[/snapback] " Me Grimlock no kisser! Me Grimlock king!" I prefer that arrogant SOB Grimlock from the comics & 1st season of Transformers that used to challenge Optimus for leadership. Eventhough the dumbed down Grimlock was pretty funny. I heard in the movie when Grimlock yelled, " Me Grimlock love to kick butt!" It was originally kick ass!
  10. podcastinterview Podcast interview with Tom Bateman, Tony Oliver, and Dan Woren.
  11. I have XP Home and I don't have any bittorent software. I downloaded a file from a RAR archive and I extracted it. The file came out as avi torrent. Do you know what software I can use?
  12. I downloaded a Mospeada bittorent avi and I want to change it to a avi. Is there software available?
  13. These might be fan-made boxes but they're still pretty cool! I found them on a japanese Mospeada site. It also had all of Toynami's Alpha Fighter MPCs.
  14. Picture of Michael Bay on location directing. Maybe the Transformers.....Here:bayblog Take note of the girl sitting next to Bay and to what the back of her chair says.
  15. It's no surprise that HG might sell the series as Mospeada 2 in Japan. Eventhough they denied it in the past.
  16. It's here! The countdown has begun!officialtransformersmoviesitecountdown
  17. Yeah that's his name. Ninja in the Deadly Trap is cool too. 406407[/snapback] Yeah, I have a few of his movies; Prodigal Boxer & Fist of Legend with Jet Li.
  18. Man, those pics are sweet! I gotta check that flick out!
  19. You guys know about master kicker John Liu; he's not a Venom but his movie are action packed. His two of my favorites. Incredible Kung Fu Mission aka Kung Fu Commandos: John Liu trains and leads a group of misfit fighters in a mission to resue a revolutionary from a white-haired warlord. It's like Dirty Dozen meets the Venoms! kungfumission Struggle through Death: John Liu and other peasants are captured to work as slaves in a goldmine. After many failed attempts to escape he must learn the three special kicks to free his friends.strugglethroughdeath
  20. Yeah it does look good. I miss those Cowboy Bebop/Outlaw Star/Trigun animes of the 90's. Black Lagoon looks like a worthy substitute.
  21. The Venoms is defintely the best man. Hey, I like that Bachelor Party avatar; that flick is fav of mines'.
  22. That's also one of my faves along with Master Killer. Gordon Liu baby!! 405894[/snapback] I have Return of Master Killer aka Enter the 36 Chambers. Yup, Gordon Liu is da man. He showed he's still one of the baddest out there in both his appearances in both Kill Bill movies. Did you know Phillip Kwok from the Venoms worked as martial arts director in The Brotherhood of the Wolf?
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