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terry the lone wolf

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Everything posted by terry the lone wolf

  1. Yo! Sam Jackson is the baddest mother beeping MOFO in the mother beeping galaxy! Mother Beepers!
  2. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. http://macross-sekai.netfirms.com/fotos2.htm
  4. Whenever I see Mari she is how I would picture Minmay if she was a real person. Though, I like the video of her doing An Angel Paints on stage much better. Singing at the mall just seems a little sad to me.
  5. This sounds sooooooooooooooo crazy that it might be brilliant. RD Jr. can act; Tony Stark was an alcholic womanizer fighting his demons. So that's prolly not that big a stretch for Downey Jr. Also, does anybody know about Blade being cancelled?
  6. February 2nd or 6th..... http://www.icv2.com/articles/home/9386.html
  7. I'm not going all Ga-Ga for an imaginary nomination & award. So HG can add the moniker "The award winning sci-fi film Shadow Chronicles". All of this fudging is unnecessary; the old fans will buy and so will the ones who discovered Robotech on the Sci-Fi channel or bought the DVDs. Fudge!!!!!
  8. I found this over on the net:
  9. I think I prefer the Robotech version (just for this one time) of what happened to the supporting Macross characters. Global, Claudia, & the Bridge Bunnies would be dead weight in any Macross sequel (if they ever make one). Besides, their deaths serves as an inspiration to the surviving crew and their mission. So it's makes them bigger than what they were.
  10. This has been long overdue. Instead of making a prequel they should've done this!
  11. I love Subby; he can be a villain & hero all at the same time. One issue he's saving humanity from some threat and in the next he's leading a army to conquer mankind. IMPERIOUS REX forever!
  12. Doesn't World Events retains some rights to Albegas AKA Gladiator Voltron? Any plans for that series?
  13. I never thought I would ever say this but I think my childhood is about to be raped!
  14. I feel ya; I'm not feel'in Red Hood(Jason Todd) or even the Winter Soldier(Bucky Barnes) too much. I'm glad Marvel is keeping Jean Grey dead and Banshee doesn't seem like he's coming back to the land of the living. In the case of Arsenal, I think the Brad Metzler wanted a bowman on the JLA and maybe wouldn't or couldn't use Green Arrow. Speedy's been showing up on JLU and the Teen Titans shows and it looks like DC maybe exploiting that. The new Flash is Bart Allen, the former Impulse/Kid Flash, and in Smallville the Flash that guest starred was named Bart. Johnathan Kent might die in the Superman comics and that would parallel Superman Returns and Smallville.
  15. I believe Brad Metzler wanted to add a bowman to the JLA and returned Arsenal back to his Speedy roots. Also, in Kingdom Come Aresnal was calling himself Red Arrow. Since Ollie Queen is back from the dead Conner Hawke unofficially returned the moniker of Green Arrow back to his father. I'm not sure but I think there was a time they were both referred to as Green Arrow. Conner will be receiving his own mini-series in a few months.
  16. Update: the ALL NEW, ALL DIFFERENT JLA LINEUP! 1) Superman 2) Batman 3) Wonder Woman 4) Red Tornado 5) Black Canary 6) Hawkgirl, alas no Shayera but Kendra Saunders 7) Black Lightning, long overdue JLA affiliation Vixen, this time she's on decent JLA team and also a great character that deserves to play in the big leagues! 9) Green Lantern Hal Jordan 10) Arsenal, graduated Teen Titan
  17. Let me be the first to say "holy crap!" I never expected this series to claw its way out of the distant 80's. Even if the show doesn't focus on Chirico again, I hope it doesn't succumb to the current trend in self-hating, mopey, angst-filled heroes. Votoms should be about kicking ass and taking names. (be warned, I'm sure there will be CG Votoms appearing in the new show. OMGWTF) 426524[/snapback] Votoms is definitely a kick ass anime; I love to check out the new series.
  18. Here's a link to the animated part:GANIME Here's some Amano paintings of Gatchaman!
  19. For all those who didn't see Kickstart's demo reel; here ya go! shadowreel
  20. I had a feeling it was you. I like what I hear and can't wait for the longer version. BTW the VA for Ares sounds pretty hot!
  21. Captain JLS of the Robotech fanzine Emissaries interviews Ford Riley, the script writer for the Shadow Chronicles, about his beginnings as a writer, how he got the job, and why certain characters won't be in the movie.rileyinterview Also, you can download a portion of the conversation.
  22. Faster than a speeding bullet! Here comes Matt Haley's Superman Returns poster.
  23. Eh' date=' he beat the sh*t out of one of the Black Lions in [i']False Start[/i] and got into a barroom brawl in (and apparently didn't get the crap kicked out of himself cause he didn't have a scratch) in Prelude to Battle. He also faked out a Bioroid Terminator into blasting his own buddy before Bowie shot the other one himself in The Trap. Bowie, to be fair, has never been 'weak'. 409200[/snapback] Y'know devil you're right. I forgot about that hook Bowie shot at one Marie's men. Listen I never thought Bowie was a weak person; he had daddy issues with his godfather Rolf and never really wanted to be a military guy. But hey, if people have a perception of Bowie being soft because he rather play on a piano than blowing up Bioroids well that's just too bad.
  24. You know what it's pretty good; the scene is when Ares is briefing the crew on the aircraft carrier and later meets up with Roy.zerodub
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