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terry the lone wolf

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Everything posted by terry the lone wolf

  1. Screencaps from the Chinese subtitled trailer! [attachmentid=38486] [attachmentid=38487] [attachmentid=38488] [attachmentid=38489] [attachmentid=38490] [attachmentid=38491]
  2. ..........Aren't we being a tad bit cynical?......
  3. Well I wasn't talking about Janice; you said you already mention the street date already. I'm saying HG & Funimation has confirmed it. Now it's OFFICIAL. NOW for the animation quality, that's your opinion she looks like crackwhore. I think she looks like an android so let's agree to dissagree. The show was geared for television release not theatrical or direct to video.
  4. Well, the official sites have now confirmed it; so whaddaya gonna do? As for the quality of the animation, y'know it was originally intended for tv. I guess at the time HG couldn't nail down a decent television contract but that might change. Listen, I'm not expecting Spirited Away or even Macross ZERO just a pretty cool ROBOTECH story.
  5. Funimation has put up a new trailer for Shadow Chronicles! Really! http://www.funimationfilms.com/films.html
  6. As confirmed by Robotech.com & Navarre Corp.(parent company to Funimation): ROBOTECH: The Shadow Chronicles DVD street date is 02/06/07. [attachmentid=38372]
  7. I agree with Hikuro; Kawamori san should step away from Macross for little and hand the reigns to newer writers. Maybe stay on as an consultant/producer ala Gene Roddenbery. Macross needs a new vision.
  8. New Tommy Yune interview at RDF Underground. http://www.rdfpodcast.com/?q=node/139 http://www.rdfunderground.com
  9. OHHHHHHHHHHHHHH...The agony of dissapointment......
  10. I discovered these on ROBOTECH.com & newgrounds. They're pretty good: Part 1: http://www.robotech.com/gallery/mmitem.php...=SWF&id=313 Part 2: http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/347613
  11. LOL! Hikaru becomes Skull Leader only after all of his squadron is dead or missing!
  12. Good stuff! It's funny that the Sentinels cels actually looks better than the finished product.
  13. It's not accurate; it'll prolly be around February.
  14. She's like the "Three Faces of Eve" but with super powers and a bad ass attitude.
  15. They were given out on "LIMITED" basis at one of the earlier screenings of Shadow Chronicles.
  16. Now presenting......ROBOTECH COLA! [attachmentid=37470] [attachmentid=37471]
  17. At the end of the "Prelude to the Shadow Chronicles" series the SDF-3 & Dukalion ships were testing the NSMs in a dead sector of space. It looked liked the missles tore open space & the ships were sucked into it. I think Rick realized the Haydonites were setting them up and that's the reason he had a change of heart.
  18. There's a new plot/spoiler thread. Check it out: http://www.robotech.com/community/forum/re...genumber=1#post
  19. Cryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy forrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr theeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee moooooooooooooooooooooooooooon! X!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hell Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
  20. It was an unsold pilot that's why there was not a 2nd episode to "Pryde of the X-MEN".
  21. The Brood from the Claremont/Cockrum/Windsor-Smith/Silvestri eras of X-MEN comics. [attachmentid=37320] [attachmentid=37321]
  22. Here's a link to download the alt. intro: http://www.spikedhumor.com/articles/32433/...me_Intro_2.html I found these on the net; they look like anime cells: [attachmentid=37313] [attachmentid=37314]
  23. X-MEN was broadcast in Japan and they change the intro twice. The quality is sooooooooooo superior I don't believe Marvel didn't hire these guys to do an animated movie. Ohhhhhhhhh well here ya go: The first was shown in the U.S. but at the end of the syndicated shows (?). http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aPY2BfgRgRQ The second is better than the first. It has Apocalypse, Iceman, Sentinels, and even the Phalanx. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tVMTBWPUCSk
  24. Thunderbirds 2086 and Hanna Barbera's american remake of ULTRAMAN! Nuff Said!
  25. Japanese Transformers Movie Site is up! http://www.transformers-movie.jp/top.html
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