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terry the lone wolf

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Everything posted by terry the lone wolf

  1. Damn homey! I'm soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo jealous!
  2. When Michael Bradley, the American singing voice for Yellow, was interviewed by Robotech_Master Chris Meadows he stated he would love to audition for Yellow. He hinted it might be some future plans for Yellow but wouldn't confirm it. I wish HG would adapt LOVE, LIVE, ALIVE into ROBOTECH or at least some elements of the OVA.
  3. Darkwater has posted up the DVD menus on his blog. He got his copy pretty early too. http://www.robotechnews.blogspot.com/
  4. For every YIN you must have the YANG! http://www.pegasusnews.com/news/2007/jan/1...dow-chronicles/
  5. I can see myself watching this schlock fest right along with the A Team, Knight Rider, and The Fall Guy. Pure 80's goodness. Nice find by the way but wasn't the cowboy dude in the 90's show Soldier of Fortune Inc.?
  6. The problem with Gwyneth is that she has no sex appeal. She's a good actress but she comes off pretty cold. Now Nikki Cox as Pepper Potts & now we're talking.
  7. Mini-doc prt.02! http://theshadowchronicles.com/trailer.php?id=minidoc2
  8. CGI GATCHAMAN!!!!!!!!!! T'm there man!
  9. MOSPEADA!!!! Quick Action Scott Benard vs. Corg Battle Action Invid Power Suit 2 pack! That'll be soooooooooooooooooo sweet!
  10. Most of the new designs I really don't have a problem with. I think they nailed Prime & Bumblebee pretty good. I have yet to see Ratchet, Jazz, or Ironhide. Barricade looks pretty cool like twisted version of Prowl. I still don't like Megatron because you can't tell what his alt. form will be. What does he transform into?
  11. 9 minutes of "Birth of a Sequel" doc is up on Shadow Chronicles. com. Greg Snegoff, Richard Epcar, Iona Morris & the rest of the crew talk about their characters. http://theshadowchronicles.com/trailer.php?id=minidoc1
  12. The Shadow Chronicles site is LIVE! http://www.theshadowchronicles.com/
  13. Looks good but damnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn no Princess Allura! How come they didn't include the princess? I know Sven was first but the Voltron Force should include hero, loner, pretty girl, big guy, & the kid.
  14. I like 80's style super robot combiner anime. I'll give it a shot.
  15. I gotta admit, the Silver Surfer/Human Torch race around New York City looked pretty cool. A classic MARVEL scene. Hopefully this time they'll show Doc Doom at his best; as a twisted mad egomaniac torturer (we got a little taste of it when he used liquid nitrogen to freeze Mr. Fantastic in the first movie).
  16. THAT WAS AMAZING!!!!!!!!!! The return of the schlock cult movies of the late sixties & seventies.
  17. Here ya go & scroll down. It's under the ninja flick: http://www.funimationfilms.com/films.html
  18. OLD ASS FRANKENSTEIN looking Sly Stallone vs. former light-heavywieght champion Antonio Tarver & then you woke up! I'm not feelin' this flick folks!
  19. MAC II vs. MAC VII: THE BATTLE OF THE CHEESE!!!!!!! The winnah is MAC II!
  20. Thanks to Darkwater of the Unofficial Robotech Reporter Blog! Scans from Versus magazine covering one of the showings of Shadow Chronicles. [attachmentid=38565] [attachmentid=38566] [attachmentid=38567]
  21. Animated Iron Man trailer is up! Looks outta sight! http://www.marvel.com/news/moviestories.756
  22. Hey dude, I already explained what I meant & if you can't understand it well that's too bad. Now if you want the Mods to close this thread down for something that doesn't mean anything then be my guest.
  23. HOLD THE PHONE!!!!!!! It's not a racial issue. I meant since it was animated in Korea the mouths were prolly paced for a Korean version of the script. Then in the U.S. they overlapped with the American/Canadian counterparts.
  24. . Nope, I said short pink hair. So was some fighter pilot. I don't remember her name. Janice does sound a bit like a word fit victem in the trailer. Maia Sterling, youngest daughter of Max & Miriya Sterling & the new commander of Skull Squadron. As for the voices not matching with the voices correctly, it was animated in Korea so the timing might be a little off. Eventhough, it gives the illusion that it's a real anime.
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