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terry the lone wolf

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Everything posted by terry the lone wolf

  1. Wow! A ROBOTECH thread becoming a Soliel Moonfrye pic thread! Mind you I'm not complaining; Punky is HOT!!!!!!
  2. The producer Al Gough has said there might be plans for more DC characters to appear on Smallville. Ones like Mon-El AKA Valor of The Legion of Super-Heroes, Bizzaro, & maybe the return of Pete Ross. also they want more "Superman" actors to guest-star like Dean Cain! Think about it; Dean Cain as Mon-El....
  3. Damn! That's pretty mysterious.....Any idea why people are so secretive about his death?
  4. I think they should do a "Reconstruction Era" series. Valkyries patrolling the post-war lands from Zentradi hordes. Almost like a futuristic spaghetti western.
  5. Hey, what software do I need to make screenshots right from a DVD?
  6. You have to blame the ongoing legal battle between HG & Big West. Anything Macross related was a big no-no. Ford Riley mentioned this but he did say this might've changed.
  7. The boobs on Jack Baker (is that him?) are big too. Wait are they even wearing clothes? I mean they aren't fitten like clothes or even tights. They are like paint on. These pictures are just laughable. That's Marcus Rush. The new hotshot pilot & brother to Scott Benard's dead girl friend Marlene.
  8. I say there's nothing wrong with a lil' macronization!
  9. Exactly, we westerners have made changed the meaning to a rather elitest term. Where anything not animated from japan isn't anime but in japan it's not the case.
  10. It's funny. If this was broadcasted in Japan as MOSPEADA 2 this would be considered anime. Heck, Batman & Lion King cartoons are considered anime over there. It's only in the western world we specialize that term for a specific way of animating.
  11. Oh, and the the flaw in the neutron missiles (whatever it was, they never actually say) is totally forgotten when they blow them all up and blow up the big space station. Hopefully it wasn't something like deadly radiation that will hit Earth anyway and wipe out all life or something. I have to agree. If you read The Prelude to the Shadow Chronicles series then you would've known that the Neutron S missles tear open space and creates black holes. Also, the SDF-03 might've been sucked through the hole they created. Unfortunately, very few people read it.
  12. That's a misconception; it was always meant for Maia Sterling to be commander of Skull Squadron after her father Max. Dana's appearance was to set up the sisterly rivilary between her & Maia.
  13. It would've been a rehash of the past. It was more the spirit of the last episode & not the exact detail. Hey, I really think HG should've added MOSPEADA: Love, Live, Alive as an extra on the SC disc. That would've been a good ending to the New Generation saga. LLA would've explained why Stick aka Scott & Aisha/Ariel were looking so sad because Scott was heading off into space to rejoin the fleet.
  14. It happens to the best & even George Lucas realized that sometimes you got to take a back seat and let others drive the car.
  15. Terry, I will say that part of my disappointment came from how incomplete this felt. If there is some culmination, that would help it greatly in my book. There was also the bad CGI, plot holes you could drive a truck through and the disrespect for even their own continuity, but it also just kind of...ended... Hutch, I understand where the Shadow Chronicles began wasn't the exact ending of ep. 85 of ROBOTECH. Lancer & the gang were completly cut out but I had to realize the story really wasn't about them. It would've been cool to see the freedom fighters again but for the sake of keeping the movie running along I'm really not too bothered by it. Still Scott mentioned his ragtag gang in the movie & there's still a chance we'll see them again.
  16. Hello! Hello! I'm the thread originator. I own the DVD. I watched it twice. I loved it. Shadow Chronicles 2 or 24 episode weekly series can't come fast enough.
  17. GODDAMN! They're going to ruin the Bionic Woman! Can they please stop raping my childhood? A Terminator show without actually having the Terminator. Good one Hollywood ! I think I've seen Twilight before. Yeah it was a little show called..........FOREVER KNIGHT!!!!!!!!!! Though Reaper sounds a little interesting.
  18. I think somebody knows a little somethin', somethin'...........Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm..................................
  19. It's prolly a parody but it's still pretty cool.
  20. Thank you Capt. JLS of ROBOBLOG 3. The Haydonite is in the center of the SENTINELS picture wearing the cloak. They are called "Children of Shadow". Also, Lisa is wearing a Haydonite diplomatic robe. [attachmentid=40197]
  21. Looks like a new Macross be a comin' ya'll!
  22. Anouncement: http://d.hatena.ne.jp/moonphase/ Victor's online voice registration: http://www.jvcmusic.co.jp/audition/v3/
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