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terry the lone wolf

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Everything posted by terry the lone wolf

  1. When is Big West going to make the official announcement?
  2. More concept art:[attachmentid=41416] [attachmentid=41417][attachmentid=41418][attachmentid=41419] [attachmentid=41420] And the next anime remake after Gatchaman:[attachmentid=41421]
  3. Basara folds into the ROBOTECH universe & yells "Listen to my song!" He proceeds to sing Planet Dance & then gets blown up in the crossfire of the REF and Haydonite exchange. Lesson learned.. To quote Lynn Minmei(dubbed DYRL aka Space Fortress Macross) "You can't win a war by singing a song! Its stupid!" LOL!!!
  4. Anime News Service(1:19AM EDT)----Kissdum: Engage Planet- Production Dry Run Before Macross? It's looking as if animation studio Satelight's Kissdum: Engage Planet TV anime coming up for an April debut in Japan will test out alot of the key production concepts that will go into their future Macross revival project. Macross mechanical designer Shouji Kawamori has comeup with several new Macross like fighter planes for the series. Satelight will be taking those and transitioning them into 3DCG models for the work. Writers and character designers will likewise be busy supplying content for a story involving pilots, support personel, lots of young pretty girls and love triangles. Look for alot of the staff to transition over to the new Macross from this one with their hard earned production experience on a very similarly themed show. http://www.animenewsservice.com/
  5. FLASHBACK TO THE 80'S: THUNDERBIRDS 2086: episode: SHOCKWAVE MISSION: Rescue a space bus full of kids before they burn up in Earth's atmosphere and die of loss of oxygen while destroying missles aimed at the western United States. THUNDERBIRDS are go!!!!! http://www.andersontv.co.uk/ Notes: Click on programmes and scroll to the THUNDERBIRDS 2086 EPISODE. You'll get a kick out of the "Honeymoonersesque" voices of the bus drivers. "Hey Ralphie boy!!"
  6. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.. Let me see; attomically purfect women or annoying "LISTEN TO MY SONG!!!" J-pop goodness. I think I'm going with the juggies on trampolenes!!!
  7. Baltar's lawyer is a total KLEPTO!!!! LOL!!! Eick & Moore are insane!!! This is the best show on television!!!
  8. I'm just glad BW is doing something new with Macross. The updating of the website was a good idea and the new format's very eye-catching.
  9. Ahem Rap music's been out as long or if not longer than SDF MACROSS(1982). Rapper's Delight by the Sugar Hill Gang(1979) old timer.
  10. MACROSS FLIER, hmnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.. Sounds pretty cool. A little bit old school.. I like it! Thanks Kresphy!
  11. http://www.jvcmusic.co.jp/audition/v3/
  12. Well it's the end for ROBOTECH: The Movie that uses footage from both Megazone 23 & SDC Southern Cross(aka ROBOTECH: THE MASTERS) to tell an original story. HG changed the original ending for MZ23 to a much happier ending where Mark Landry(Shogo Yahagi)defeats B.D. and is reunited with Becky Michaels(Yui). It's not bad.
  13. Wickedly cute & funny! BTW, what happened to TRANSFORMERS KISS manga? There hasn't been any updates in months. Did Takara pull the (ahem) plug?
  14. I heard that Megazone 23 part 2 had the ROBOTECH special ending at the begining of that disc.
  15. Doves! Cathedrals! Back to Back shooting! Infinite bullets! John Woo + Appleseed= Kick A** movie!!!!!
  16. I like this better than an 24 or 25 episode series. HG'll finish more installments & not worry about network censors telling them how to run their product. I'll shell out the 20 bucks to get more ROBOTECH!
  17. Yep, that's definetely a variable Conbat; Lancer flew one when he crashed to Earth.
  18. In order for this to work JLA the Movie must include the "Big 7"; Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern (Hal Jordan or John Stewert), Aquaman, Flash, & The Martian Manhunter. Other League members such as Zatanna, Black Canary, Green Arrow, Hawkman, Black Lightning, & Red Tornado should get consideration if they expand to 8 or 9 members.
  19. A little off topic: HG has posted a promo for an 'New Generation" mobile phone game. Looks pretty good! http://www.robotech.com/gallery/mmitem.php...=MOV&id=314
  20. That Civil War parody was insanely BRILLIANT!!!!! I totally laughed my ass off. Captain America to Agent Hill: battysezwhat. Agent Hill: What? Bwa-Ha-Ha-Ha!!!!!! Cap busting up Shield agents while singing Black Eyed Peas in his head because Luke Cage was messing with is stereo. I frakking loved it!!!!!
  21. I've met two members from the rap group De La Soul, Rev. Run from Run DMC, and Vinnie from Naughty by Nature back in the nineties when I was living in the NY. Jim Lee signed my Heroes Reborn Fantastic Four no.1 and 2 comics. He even let me sketch a little on his Jublilee drawing; that was pretty cool.
  22. Did anybody notice the references and easter eggs of Megazone 23 & The Sentinels in Shadow Chronicles? Like the number 86 on Vince's ship Icarus & his Cyclone Ride Armor. That represented 1986 when the Sentinels went into production. Also, when the Haydonites attacked to extract Janice the operator radioed there was an explosion in sector 7G. In MZ23, Shogo Yahagi was the operator of sector 7G. Lastly, Janice EM was originally supposed to a downloaded version of EVE(from MZ23) in the original Sentinels draft.
  23. I'm old school......I WANT MORE VF-01 S,J,D whatever! Why mess with a classic design?
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