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terry the lone wolf

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Everything posted by terry the lone wolf

  1. Could this be the CGI Condor Joe? http://www.realtimecg.com/template.php?id=...gu.php&n=29
  2. Oh! THAT'S FUNNY!!!!
  3. Boy! THIS is awkward.....
  4. For the luvamike Hikaru! Will you please wash your face?!? That's the biggest zit I've ever seen!
  5. I always wanted to play both of the PCEngine MACROSS games. Thanks for posting this!
  6. The only thing I remember about these is that they guest-starred on an episode of Transformers: Headmasters. Hey Ladic, you met Jenna Haze!?. Damn, you lucky sonavagun!
  7. Sonic Soldier Borgman tv series: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S2ogmmvziA0 Heavenly War Chronicles Shurato: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HBUXuP6NcxY&NR
  8. Good luck buddy; I hope you can accomplish it. How would you make this available?
  9. Please post this link. This sounds fantastic!!!
  10. Thanks guys! I really appreciate the help!
  11. I have Windows Media Classic player but my capture program stop working for me. Are there similar video players that do what the Classic player can do?
  12. There's a new news bite on the official site. I can't read Japanese so I don't know what it says. Please translate! http://www.macross.co.jp/
  13. I love MZ23 but I'll never understand the radical character design change in part 2. Aren't there plans for a remake of MZ23?
  14. In the U.S. & Canada known as Teknoman. These special were originally included on a special laser disc. There was three OVA specials created between Tekkaman Blade & Tekkaman Blade 2. One even bridged the gap(but rather loosely) between the two main series. TWIN BLOOD: A retelling of the first meeting & battle of Blade(Teknoman Slade) & his twin brother Shinya AKA Evil. Burning Clock: (For those who haven't seen the last two episodes of Tekkaman Blade this might be a little spoilerish) Tekkaman Evil lays dying after the final battle with Blade and reflects on his life. Missing Ling was the final special that takes place between Blade 1 & Blade 2. Its made in a trailer format & it reveals how Aki(Star) became a Tekkaman and the events of Black September. Sorry no vid on this one.
  15. Those repaints of the YF-19 & VF-1J are pretty sweet!
  16. Oh snap!!! Tuvok from Star Trek: Voyager & Diana from V was in The Highwayman! I do remember that scene when Diana was talking smack to Sam Jones & he tossed her into the fountain. LOL!!! I loved this show. It ended way too soon.
  17. Has this music passed into public domain territory? I wonder why HG hasn't made a stink about this....
  18. Damn! And I really wanted to see a bald Donald Trump!
  19. I can live with the new look but c'mon a rock band?!? The next will be the Thundercats travelling across the country solving mysteries like the Scooby gang or the Amazing Chan Clan. This sounds sooooooooooooooo 70's. Jinkees!!!
  20. I don't think I have problem if the new Trek might be a reboot. The whole series could use a overhaul.
  21. Wes was overexaggerating; Mylene doesn't get assualted. It's just she acts so young and her suiters act very mature.
  22. After everytime I watch ROBOTECH: The Movie I find myself humming "Underground" and "Only a Fool". Pure 80's goodness!
  23. A rebroadcast of Mac 7!?!?! GAK!!!!! I feel so used.....
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