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terry the lone wolf

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Everything posted by terry the lone wolf

  1. Ginrai, I don't have a problem with Mylene being the main character of Mac 7 but I'd rather see a character more like her sister in MAC 2036 game. Even Silvie Gena(who incidently has Zentradie blood). I also agree that in Western culture writers do explore racial themes more but it's not totally alien in the East.
  2. So was Guld to but what I'm saying is the Zents are either bad guys or support characters. I like to see a Zentradie be the hero for a change. In MAC Plus they hinted that Human/Zent relations were still not the best so a Zent pilot dealing with human prejudice & mistrust would be a compelling story.
  3. Y'know I'm kinda glad I'm sticking with "The World's Greatest Comic Magazine" rather than "The World's Greatest Piece O' Crap sequel". GAWD! Galactus as a cloud(shudder!). I mean these guys want do a movie based on a comic but they don't want to do a comic book movie(catch 22). It's soooooooooooooooo stupid! The current FF arc is pretty good with Black Panther & Storm. Black Panther uses Doom's power dampner vest and proceeds to kick the Silver Surfer's a*%(COOL). Hey, here's a novel idea! Why don't these studios hire the comic book writers & do a decent movie for a change.
  4. I hope they make a Micron Zentradie the main character for this one; Zents are always the bad guys. Guld was a complete bad-a#@ but he was still the villain up until the last part of MAC PLUS.
  5. More prelim art(including UTOLAND City & Eagle Ken fighting a Gallactor robot) & logo featuring the Gatchaman Team! Also the announcement of whose writing the script! http://www.aintitcool.com/node/33008
  6. I like the designs but they don't blow me away. They look lil' too much like KissDum or Eureka 7. They don't scream "MACROSS" to me but I'm reserving judgement until I see the finish product.
  7. Jeff was guest-starring as Jazz but he always kept Philly as his home while Will did move to Hollywood.
  8. I know this is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay off topic but I gots mad love for DJ Jazzy Jeff & The Fresh Prince: "Girls of the World R but Nothin' Trouble", "A Taste of Jazz", "Parents Just Don't Understand", "Summertime", & my favorite "Charlie Mac is the first out da limo"(a rap about their bodyguard). I know Jeff is still a mainstay in Hip-Hop and his "Taste of Jazz Productions"has produced for acts like Jill Scott & Floetry. Jeff never left Philly for the bright lights of Hollywood. I remember in the mid to late 80's Jeff competed & beat all the best DJs in New York City at a big DJ competition.
  9. No problem. You can practically watch the entire Omega Man on YouTube.
  10. Area 88, your classic 80s threads are the bomb!!!
  11. The trailer for The Omega Man: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mbdVB0YZcRU&NR=1 "There is no phones ringing!"
  12. Looks pretty good; so I take back anything negative I might've said. Terminator girl is defintely a hottie!
  13. I loved The Omega Man! Charleton Heston versus Zombified Hippies! Rosalind Cash was great to look at! I'm sooooooooooooo stoked to see this version!
  14. Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww...That's just plain evil..... How come Big West is allowing that Space Gandam V stuff to continue to be sold? MACROSS School.....Maybe it'll be like Starfleet Academy but with Valks!
  15. Roy why do gotta dirty up a very touching scene? Ok, we know the Jim/Mint relationship is lil' weird but I always had the impression it was more of a big brother/little sister thing. I watched the RT version and I do own a few MOSPEADA eps. on the perfect collection of RT. I saw the cut scenes where you see Mint flash her panties and yes there were times she threw herself at Lunk. I never read anything too sexual just a little harmless flirting. I own Love, Live, Alive & yes that scene was about the last camp fire for all the rebel fighters and Yellow's last goodbye to his friends.
  16. Aoshima, they're also producing Toynami's prototype Beta & that'll be sold in U.S. as the Masterpiece Beta.
  17. Marvel at Lois's investigative skills! Warning for real strong language but ohhhhhhhhh so funny!
  18. So long as Kawamori san is limited to basic plotline but not overall story I'll be happy with the new MACROSS 25. Still nobody can touch his mechanical design though.
  19. OMG!!! That was just too funny....Oh! It was a red dust infected Superion(Arial-Bots Combiner) that wrecked Kup, Blaster, & Bumblebee but B.B. was the only one rebuilt into a brand new Bot.
  20. OMG!!! I sooooooooooooooooooooo hope they don't screw this up because a live-action Mai Shiranui would totally rock!! Terry yells-POWER GEYSER!!!!!
  21. I still like the series but that was really a CRAPTASTIC finale. Your're supposed to leave the viewer wanting more & to look forward to next season. The writers of Smallville & BSG know how to do a finale(Bizarro Clark & The return of Starbuck, yay!) but Heroes....Hmmmmmmmmmm...Let me see...HIRO GETS STUCK IN ANCIENT JAPAN?!!?!!! That's completely lame. The only thing that can save that storyline if Hiro trains & becomes a real badass samurai.
  22. Well I don't pay my good money to see Jet talk but to kick a@#!!! This looks tight!!!!
  23. I must agree with my fellow Lone Wolf; SK MUST GO! How about Shinji Armaki?
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