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terry the lone wolf

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Everything posted by terry the lone wolf

  1. In the Hama comics Baroness was Asian(Eventhough I prefer the Eastern European version,"Destro! My darling!"). Baroness & her brother was members of the Vietcon & she hated Snake-Eyes because Snake was responsible for her brother's death.
  2. Awesome! I thought Gally was supposed to be CGI. Mind you I'm not complaining!!!
  3. Nick Fury started as a WWII era soldier(Sgt. Fury & his Howling Commandos) then later revamped as a James Bondesque superspy. Stan Lee & Jack Kirby created him & later the great Jim Steranko took over the "Nick Fury Agent of Shield" title which pushed psychadelic pop art. Everything you wanna know about classic & ultimate Nick Fury: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nick_Fury http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ultimate_Nick_Fury
  4. I really enjoyed your reviews on Macross Flashback 2012 & Cosmo Police Justy(I loved that Viz mini-series).
  5. "Tony Stark makes you feel, he's a cool exec with a heart of steel. As Iron Man all jets a blaze! He fights & he fights with repulsor rays! A blazin' armor! He's Iron Man! A blazin' armor! He's Iron Man!" Man! I can't wait for this flick!
  6. No, I used to collect them back in the mid-eighties(Just when the big robot craze was going on). The Asian & jewelry shops in the Downtown area where I'm from had loads of these. They used to sell them 2 for $5.00 U.S. There were knockoffs for both Lion & Vehicle Voltron too.
  7. These were Taiwanese knockoffs of the SDF Macross & the Variable Fighters 01A, 01J, & 01S. They were poorly made & broke 5mins after you take them out the box. These were the toys that introduce me to Macross pre-ROBOTECH. Here's some links: http://www.toyarchive.com/Robotech/st7/sdfj.html http://www.toyarchive.com/Robotech/st7/kovf1j.html http://www.toyarchive.com/Robotech/st7/kovf1a.html http://www.toyarchive.com/Robotech/st7/kovf1s.html
  8. It sounds pretty good....People forget that Voltron had some apocalyptic overtones anyways & exclusion of all that magic stuff was a nice touch. I'd like to see it!
  9. No it didn't because they changed the name to "Arsene et Cie" to avoid any legal entanglements. Has Lupin fallen into public domain territory because Monkey Punch/TMS seems to use the name pretty freely now. Area 88, I couldn't tell you the source because I just stumbled across the link web surfing.
  10. "Arsene et Cie" or Lupin the 8th was to be series produced by DIC & TMS probably for the French market. The pilot takes the Lupin gang into the far future with future archetypes of the whole crew. Unfortunately there's no audio track but the sound effects are intact. Check it out: http://stage6.divx.com/Trailers-Opening-En...20900/L-8-pilot
  11. Does anybody remember the 90's spin-off Team Knight Rider? It featured a group of agents that used talking vehicles. They worked for F.L.A.G.(Foundation for Law & Goverment). The series ended on a cliff-hanger that revealed one of agents, Jenny, to be the illegitimate daughter of Michael Knight. http://www.teamknightrider.com/cast/cast.html
  12. Here's the official site: http://www.compileheart.com/megazone/23.html Some caps:
  13. Well didn't Kawamori do a reboot already? I think it was called "MACROSS: Do You Remember Love"! LOL! Wasn't SK going to replace SDF Mac with DYRL as the real universe? If it wasn't for Mac 2(that's tied closely to DYRL) DYRL would be canon & not relegated as "Historical Fiction". I'm not surprised their doing an AU or even totally throwing out the old continuity. I stated before BW should distance itself from the old series & let HG have it.
  14. Shurato TV & OVA, Hi-Speed Jacy, & eveything you have posted on the top of the page!
  15. Kresphy! You are "The God of MACROSS News"! Thanks buddy!
  16. If spitting in a man's face is considered assault I don't see why throwing a pie in man's face is not also considered assualt. It doesn't always have to be an exchange of physical force to assualt someone. This was a premeditated act regardless if it was a pratical joke. I think you're darn lucky that Tommy Yune doesn't file an order of protection out on you.
  17. I found links to the vid & Khyron's full uncensored report! The vid! http://www.robotechespanol.com/ Khyron's report! http://www.robotechespanol.com/khyronprimereport.html
  18. Props to Tommy for keeping his cool because if that was me it would be a totally different scenario. I would called up my crew & rough dude up Notorious B.I.G./P. Diddy style! Gangsta!!! Does anybody have links to that video because it's gone.
  19. Doesn't HG/Tatsunoko basically own the international distributions rights of the show & Big West/Studio Nue owns the line art & design of the show as well as the show in Japan? I always wondered why HG just didn't licenced the character & mecha designs of Macross from BW in exchange for BW being able to sell their MACROSS products in the states. In recent yrs. it seems BW is moving away from the original 1982 designs for a more modern look. Why not let HG have the older stuff & BW can get an opening in the states. HG wants to use MACROSS in ROBOTECH & BW wants to sell product in the West. It's a win win for both sides.
  20. So, is MACROSS 25 the official name because they don't seem to be changing it.
  21. If Hi-Hi Puffy Ami Yumi is doing the theme song I think it's a safe bet that we're approaching "THE END OF DAYS"!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  22. The first look at Optimus Prime from the Cartoon Network Co-production! I understand they want to make a kid friendly TRANSFORMERS but c'mon! They couldn't get TOEI, the company that animated the darn thing 20+ yrs ago, to do the animation! They do kids stuff; BO-BO-BO-BOBOBO, anyone?
  23. !! To quote Blue Beetle: "Bwa, Ha, Ha, Ha!!!"
  24. I don't know; I just found it searching YouTube. I think it's at a Con but I don't know which.
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