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terry the lone wolf

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Everything posted by terry the lone wolf

  1. Adam "Batman" West vs. Jerry "Superking" Lawler! http://www.craveonline.com/filmtv/videos/0...super_king.html
  2. The original & greatest is BACK!!!!!!!!!
  3. All I wanna see is some Orion slave girls! Hee! Hee!
  4. I found a review for ROBOTECH: The Movie: http://www.anime-games.co.uk/VHS/anime/robotech.php
  5. I never seen this show before. I'm still waiting for Thunderbirds 2086!
  6. I heard the WB has signed a distrubution deal with Imagi for Gatchaman, TMNT 2, & Astroboy. Any news about the live action Gatchaman project directed by Takashi Miike?
  7. I really like Halle but c'mon she's really becoming the Billy Dee Williams of this generation. You want a certain role filled you call Halle. There's other Black actresses out there. Here's my list: A) Stacey Dash B) Holly Robinson Peete C) Lynn Whitfield D) Rae Dawn Chong E) Nicole Ari Parker F) Tamala Jones G) Gloria Reuben H) Cynda Williams I) Lark Voorhies
  8. Yeah I'm downloading your show with Kevin McKeever right now; can't wait to hear it. Thanks for the added FASA/HG info!
  9. You see! You said ROBOTECH: Battlecry not just Battlecry. Now if the game was called BATTLETECH: Mechwarrior(and I wonder why they dropped the BATTLETECH title for the game)......Also, I didn't call the entire "francise" MECHWARRIOR but since that's FASA's cash cow nowadays that's what I'm referring to. Finally, if you can't hold an intelligent conversation without throwing an insult maybe you should drop this? Besides, don't get mad at me that FASA was using STOLEN designs.
  10. Welllllllllllllllll.. They don't name their games BATTLETECH it's called MECHWARRIOR.. So when they start to use BATTLETECH I'll use BATTLETECH.
  11. I heard FASA obtained their licence from a illegitimate source(ala with Malibu Comics & their Captain Harlock series). It was Revell that had the true licence to manufacture MACROSS related merchandise under the ROBOTECH moniker. HG sublicenced from Tatsunoko(I guess the rights they eventually bought) & Revell. It was proven that FASA didn't have a legitimate claim on those designs so they had to stop using Valkyrie & Destroid models in their game(though they've been making dervitives on MACROSS mecha for years ala MECHWARRIOR). I know about the new designs from Studio Nue but that has nothing to do with the HG case.
  12. Isn't MECHWARRIOR aka BATTLETECH still ripping off MACROSS/ROBOTECH designs?
  13. I found these on a spanish anime board awhile ago uploaded by a dude named Isamusen. Part 1: http://www.megaupload.com/es/?d=0LUDIYVI Part 2: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=8MBKNCGZ No subtitles & you'll need HACHA AXE software to merge the file.
  14. I wanna see updated Valk....Oops! I mean Veritechs!
  15. My feelings exactly; Big West would have to be idiots not to jump on this. Hey, the'll prolly share in the producing credits & it wouldn't be a stretch to change the name of this flick from ROBOTECH to SDF MACROSS: The Movie in Japan.
  16. This just in from G4 headlines: Production is due to start spring of 2008!
  17. I gotta admit that's brilliant! Why break up a good team Tobey as Rick & Kirsten as Lisa. Maybe Kelly Hu as Lynn Minmei, Heath Ledger as Roy Fokker, Toni Braxton as Claudia, & Edward James Olmos as Captain Gloval. Sounds like a winnah!!!
  18. The reason why the dialogue was left out was that animation was intended for ROBOTECH: The Movie(because of the changes that Cannon Pictures wanted HG to do to the MZ 23 footage) but the shelving of the movie in the U.S. led HG with no outlet to release this new footage. The dialogue would've been RT centric & not MZ 23. So they added it to their dub of MEGAZONE 23 PART 2 at the begining of that feature. Then they added narration to explain the MZ 23 story & music from the original MZ 23 soundtrack.
  19. The complete uncut ending of RT: The Movie from the opening of MEGAZONE 23 part 2 LD. "A Present For You"! Part 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SLKKVgj4x8Q Part 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SiMWuF36Bf4
  20. Well this is something BW & HG have in common: They're both lousy at promoting their products.
  21. A live-action JLA movie would've been "interesting"(um, Legends of the Super-Heroes or unaired JLA pilot anyone) but this is better in the long run. The animators will be free to create the perfect super-hero action flick with no huge budget restraints.
  22. A true classic anime. Great story, characters, & animation. I saw the Toonami version(albiet the late night version) but woooooooooooooo was that story engaging. Very deep!
  23. Damn! I had high hopes for this. Maybe a reboot or even a return to a serious military MACROSS. OHHHHHHHHHHHHH well... J-Pop rules ....MACROSS is dead ....I agree with the Duke, "Time to move on."
  24. I ran a search for Macross Frontier & I found this page. When I translated it it called the series Macross Galaxy. http://forums.odysseyweb.idv.tw/index.php?...entry5371 What I translated: A.D. 1995, unknown time shocks caused events of a disagreement between the axis of the galaxy. A.D. 20XX, in order to seek to live rap, Macross Galaxy, Macross Frontier vessels such as immigrants continue to navigation. Income Is it new for hints? Macross Galaxy, Macross Frontier Oh yes what? Understand~~ --
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