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terry the lone wolf

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Everything posted by terry the lone wolf

  1. lord_breetai can you post a link?
  2. Area 88, can you make a copy the ending? I have the edited version on ROBOTECH: The Movie but I love to get the laserdisc version.
  3. Cheryl is hot no doubt but Ranka in that short chinese dress is NIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIICE!!!!
  4. The Wolf approves!!!!
  5. I have to admit that was a pretty good review & I can't dispute because all the points were valid.
  6. I'm like'n my boy Samson!
  7. "God, she's a hardcase...The b*tch!!!!"
  8. Y'know, I never really noticed KITT's shifting red light effect was similar to the Cylons on classic BSG. Didn't Glen Larsen create KR too?
  9. Angel Cop was one of the first anime I've ever bought(maybe it was the $10 price tag). It's filled with over the top violence & B-movie dialogue that'll make you cringe. Though it's the EXCESSSIVEcursing that makes this a classic. All the best parts edited to a 4min vid on YouTube;props to the dude that did this!
  10. Y'know, Kara is right. Lee is always trying to kill her! LOL!!!
  11. One word, MEH!!!!!!!!!!!This is one of the many reasons M7 will always be inferior to SDF MACROSS(maybe even ROBOTECH). No resolution to the Mylene/Basara/Gamlin triangle or even Max & Millia's story(just keep being the fighting exes plot going; that got old 13 episodes in). Juvenile story with plenty of ecchi jokes(Mylene's a dime piece! I get it ok!!!!).
  12. My problem with the review is you're treating this like a real feature and it's not. It's an infomercial for RT. Something to display all the fast pace action a show like RT brings to the table for a potential network. If a kid saw this pre-airing of RT I think they'd be amazed by the mecha action & not be concerned with really who the characters are(that'll start when show airs 5 days a week). I think your nitpicky because you act like RT was the only show combining/editing/slashing anime(Macron 1 & Voltron anyone). The Minmay stuff was nitpicky because that was set up from the original MACROSS; Minmay was always set up to be the idol of the show. Maybe she was too young but as the show progressed Minmay aged right along with the show. You have to right to review it but keep in mind what it is. For all it's faults CODENAME fulfilled it's mission to sell the show. CODENAME is not a great film storywise but it's not meant to be.
  13. It's a bonus on The Elements of Robotechnology disc; I have mine from the Protoculture Collection remastered discs.
  14. You can criticize but don't nitpick. What were you expecting DYRL or Titanic or something? RT was a kid's show that was dumbed down from the MACROSS version. The only real difference between RT & G.I. Joe was that people got killed. CODENAME is an unofficial pilot whose purpose is to sell a series. One thing that was said in the podcast that I agreed with was you could substitute CODENAME if you didn't want to watch the first 13 or so episodes of MACROSS SAGA.
  15. Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo....You were expecting character & plot development for an extended version of Gloval's Report whose only purpose is to sell the show to networks & give kids a preview of ROBOTECH? When networks want to buy these shows they want a demo reel highlighting the best the show has to offer not drawn out storyline(that's for when the show airs on tv). I understand the need to bash ROBOTECH because most of you all were ROBOTECH fans & found out that RT was a chopped up algamated version of SDF MACROSS but that podcast was completely nitpicky. Codename is not a real movie it's an extended commercial for RT. In the case of Minmay, these were rules set up by MACROSS that Minmay was the apple of everybody's eyes.
  16. If Ellison owns everything in City on the Edge of Forever(except the ST crew & ship) why was the guardian of time used on an episode of the Star Trek cartoon. The Enterprise crew went back to the guardian's planet messed around & ended up erasing Spock's history as a Starfleet officer. So Spock had to go to his past as a boy on one those life & death Vulcan trials to save himself. So did Harlan try to sue Filmation who animated the toon or is he just blowin' more smoke? I like Harlan but c'mon it's been what 40 yrs since Roddenberry jerked him(besides he's been dead for years).
  17. I heard it takes place after the final battle with Bodolza during the early part of the reconstruction era. It deals with the birth of Max & Millia's daughter & how Millard injured his leg as a member of Hikaru's Skull Squadron. There was an tv episode where Hikaru was patrolling wasteland on the comm with a Black pilot. Was this pilot a young Millard in the animation?
  18. Is the trailer downloadable & what's the link?
  19. I have to admit that transformation sequence is "Right On"!
  20. Thanks for the scans Kresphy! I'm SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO totally unimpressed by this; all the delays for this....Wake me when Shoji finally retires & turns the franchise over to Shinji Aramaki....YAWNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN......
  21. I watched Glen Beck's program last night on CNN's Headline News & I think all this panic is just useless. All the main Joes will be American(ok they might be working for the UN but so what). They think this UN G.I. Joe is something new but does anybody remember Action Force?In the U.K. Joe was marketed for a European audience and even some of the Joes ethnicities changed(Flint became British, Lady Jaye became Irish, & Barbeque became Italian).
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