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terry the lone wolf

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Everything posted by terry the lone wolf

  1. This vid has to be seen to believed!
  2. Sounds like you have the Deculture Edition. Anirena has the official one no subs though. I thought DE one was little bit better but I did like the extended concert scene. I guess it's a case of give & take.
  3. Whyoooooooooooooooweeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! I'll be seeding to but the Duke's review has me sooooooooooooo worried.....
  4. I hope Lou Ferrigno is doing the Hulk's voice this time. He was pretty good in the 90's Incredible Hulk cartoon. HULK SMASH!!!!
  5. Mr. March do you know the designation of this Valk? It's a VF-2 but it looks like a VF-1J.
  6. Can a import PS-2 SDF MAC play on a domestic PS-3 without a boot disc?
  7. Great pics but I'm still not sure whether this a new model or a fully functional bike. Also, has Shadow Chronicles renewed interest in the MOSPEADA brand?
  8. I'll never understand why Southern Cross is always treated like the unloved step-child of the RT universe. HG has full control of the mecha and character designs but they refused to release anything SC related. Breetai's Zentran bio-roid from Prelude to the Shadow Chronicles was pretty cool but we only saw that in the comic-book. With all legal troubles with BW if HG were to have their Zentradi fly this mecha instead of the battle-pods I'd be ok with that.
  9. I heard that the humans were going to become Zor because of the spread of the flowers.
  10. It might be me but doesn't the VF-25 looks like the Orguss-02 Decimator?
  11. I can't wait to see Batman vs. Deadshot anime style! Yoooooooooooooshaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
  12. Thanks azreal. I really, really want that song!
  13. Lego Valks are out of sight; does Kawamori get his inspiration by building them first with legos? Also, when will "Don't Be Late" be released by Big West & Victor?
  14. I have to admit(Man is this hard) I was.... WRONG! This show was actually pretty good. I saw the pilot and found myself enjoying it quite a bit. Can't wait to see the Dinobots!
  15. Oh, BTW Merry X'mas as well. :-) (Only 1 hour to go before Dec. 25 ober here in the Philippines) Thanks buddy & happy holidays! I'm enjoying the ep. a lot better now that I can read what's going on!
  16. Not bad but the young angry pilot bit wears a little thin......
  17. As long as there's no Basara no big whup!
  18. Director Takashi Miike deliver's a very unusual but innovative vision of the Sergio Corbucci's bloody spaghetti western "Django". A lone gunman with a coffin that has a hidden gatling gun becomes involved in a dispute between 2 rival clans in a desert town. It's set in early Japan & all the actors speak English. The movie even has an appearance by Quentin Taratino. Cowboys & Samurais!!! Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S61ySyaJQSE Teaser: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d7xky1xU0QA Long Promo: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GvWgcTRVW5k
  19. The VF-25 reminds me of the Orguss....Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.....
  20. LOL!!!!! But seriously, I think Kristen would be great as Chun Li; she's proven that she has the fighting skills to pull it off. Also, isn't Kristen married to the English voice actor to Terry Bogard, Mark Hildreth?
  21. Anderson TV is hostingThunderbirds 2086 ep. Mind Meld: Thunderbirds versus The Exorcist! The teams fights disembodied lunar aliens who possessed a young girl! http://www.andersontv.co.uk/tunein.htm
  22. Det. Tequila Yuen as the Turtle Hermet....I think I like it!!
  23. Looks good but why couldn't he get a real super-hero name?
  24. That was a good review. "Human we've come to bury you!"LOL! I still think RT:TUS could still be a viable part of ROBOTECH with a little change in dialogue & continuity. I would have it set post-Southern Cross a few years before the Invid Invasion. The appearances of Anatold Leonard & Rolf Emerson would have to be cut out & maybe keep a few generic Southern Cross battle scenes in to show they might be still fighting a few skragglers from the Robotech Masters' fleet. The military & central goverment are aware of the coming Invid fleet but are blacking out the info from the civilian populace. They're trying to prevent widespread panic. BD believes the "Yellowbellies" in central command are too soft to combat the Invid so later in the film he'll stage a coup. Eve will still be used as a propaganda tool to show how strong the military is but since she's AI she'll have own plans. Eve believes the humans are too weak & divided to fight the Invid so the only option is to flee the planet. She recruits Mark Landry who incidently acquired the transforming MODAT 5 from her original agent & Mark's best friend Todd. Eve wants Mark to reveal what the military's covering up so they can save what's left of the human race.
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