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terry the lone wolf

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Everything posted by terry the lone wolf

  1. I think HG acquired the rights to Mospeada first and was planning on airing it as a stand alone series. Later they recievied Macross from Tatsunoko to distribute it on home video but then decided to air that as well. Then of course the decision came to combine Macross with Mospeada & Southern Cross to stretch out the episode count. I own the english adaption of SDF Macross written by Carl Macek and drawn by Svea Macek; on the back of the cover they make a "slight" reference to the combining of the shows and this is before they decided to retitled it Robotech. Here's some scans:
  2. ROBOTECH TO THE RESCUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Man, those scans bring back some memories. I used to own the miniture SDF-01 but color sceme was all different. It wasn't even a licenced HG product because the package had Macross tags. It's too bad they couldn't perfect the Gerwalk form; I really wanted my transformable veritech. BTW, the G.I. Joe in Rick Hunter package is Barbeque.
  3. Thirteen and rising baby! Thanks for joining!
  4. Not a darn thang. Just more May'n and doesn't May'n make you smile? I know she makes me smile. Besides Seamo gots some skillz.
  5. May'n "Fallin In or Not" featuring Seamo! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VonpBW53YfU
  6. I love Roy's voice; he sounds like how he should be: a complete drunken letch. I can't wait until you complete the scene with Claudia and the waiter's voices.
  7. I think Grace can project visual images with her eyes.
  8. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww...She's so cute. I can't wait for the Sheryl coplayers to come out of the woodwork!
  9. Protoculture also has remastered video & audio along with extended scenes. I own it and I'd definitely pick it over the legacy edition.
  10. The episode was good but the overall animation quality was not so hot(I think Star Date was animated a little better than this one). Though the battle scenes were some of the best I've seen so far. Also, I really wish they decide on a body type for Sheryl because its been very inconsistant. She goes from busty & robust to emaciated. I personally prefer the busty Sheryl.
  11. Any news on your Clash of the Bionoids fan edit? I'm really waiting for that one.
  12. I love the episode where they have a mock Scooby Gang, the Groovy Gang, as 60's burnout radicals. Sammy, a mock Shaggy, was addicted to Groovy snacks(Pills man!) & only he can hear Groovy(Scooby) talk. For those who haven't seen this one yet:
  13. Y'know I kinda like this; Clark needs new enemies to fight. Lex has been great these past seven yrs. with his conflicted nature. This season with him killing his father and finally being that no-nonsense baddie has been brilliant. Lex has been overused & time to put him on the back burner and have Clark come into the larger world. I like him to team up with Ollie's Justice League & maybe fight a Smallville version of the Injustice League. Lana's been wonderful to but Clark really needs a new girlfriend. They'll probably have him get a little more closer to Lois but they should look more into comic's past. Maybe Lori Lemaris, a mermaid from Atlantis that Clark met in college, or the Superwoman from another world that Supergirl introduced Superman to Luma Lunai. I know these are hokey silver age characters but they can modernize'em. Clark really needs to work at the Daily Planet. I suspect with Chloe's firing we'll see Clark behind desk.
  14. I thought that to. I really think it was a "wink,wink" shot at Shadow Chronicles. Especially when Klan came out of a Quadranno Rau.
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