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terry the lone wolf

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Everything posted by terry the lone wolf

  1. As long as the movie's Daredevil and not DD guest starring Elektra or vice versa. Though I did like Kingpin and Bullseye in the original. The special extended cut was much better than the 1st film.
  2. Veoh has subbed & raw episodes. Wasn't the ImaginAsian discs region 1?
  3. I like this idea and this rendition of the Sylphide.
  4. Looks great especially Nite-Owl, Rorschach, Comedian, & Silk Spectre. Dr. Manhattan looks a little too CGI for me but the Vietnam scene was outta sight!
  5. I think a re-imagining of Space Gandam V is looooooooooooooong overdue. Don't you?
  6. I forgot about that one; it was almost like Frank Miller's Dark Knight mixed with The Batman. Also Nightwing(grown up Robin) & Oracle(Batgirl crippled by the Joker) was in it to. Yeah that was one of the better episodes.
  7. I LOVE to hate Macross 7 but I DON'T hate to love Macross Frontier!
  8. I gotta get the Divx/Xvid version; I'm literally fighting myself not to download the Horrible Raw!
  9. Most of "The Batman" is pretty weak compared to the brilliant Timmverse(Batman-Batman & Robin-Batman: Gotham Knights, Superman, Batman Beyond, & Justice League) but the final seasons introduced Batgirl, Robin, & the Justice League were a little better. The final season was almost like a set up for the newest Batman series Brave & the Bold where Bats teamed up with JLA members Superman, Martian Manhunter, Flash, Green Lantern Hal Jordan, & Hawkman. I'd buy the final season for the team-up episodes and the two-part finale where Justice League battled an alien invasion and robotic versions of themselves. One episode where Batman & Robin fought criminal versions themselves in the Wrath(from the Batman annual "The player on the other side")& Scorn was fun.
  10. The shorts featuring Deadshot & Scarecrow were awesome but I was surprised how much I liked "Field Test & Work through the pain". The latter shorts helped you to see Batman's human aspects. I was real pumped to see Kawajiri's rendition of Batman I didn't really care about the other stories. So I was pleasantly surprised on how excellent the entire movie was. It was real cool to see Alfred, James Gordon, Lucious Fox, & Crispus Allen(DC's new Specter) make appearances. I just wish they could've added Renee Montoya & Harvey Bullock(and their original voice actors too.).
  11. I always felt that the use of Mac 2's music was regarded as merely extra stock usage. Y'know like in the old westerns if a director wanted to add footage of a posse riding into town he'd just take it from pre-existing footage. This would happen to cut costs or not having to pay other actors. Since Big West owned that music it probably wasn't a no-brainer. Run a little over budget and needs some music just grab up some of that Macross 2 stuff. Fans'll love the homage & we save money. Plus didn't "Jamming Birds"(who sang most of the tunes except for that one time Wendy Ryder was playing in Macross 7 park) really suck and always got into some trouble until Fire Bomber saved them? Now the NUNS concept is very interesting to me because there are some similarities. Like both armies being a little soft and complacent(Mac 2 expands on this a little bit more in their plot). I don't see a huge connection with Frontier and Mac 2 but there are some similarities.
  12. I know a pimp when I see one & Tony Oliver is the real P.I.M.P.!
  13. Yeah!!!! Great episode; very Macrossy!!! I liked the Zentradi caricutures of Breetai, Exedol, & especially Kamjin(they need to bring him back to make Alto's life hell). Ranka's finally becoming Lynn Minmay & the Macross cameo was a surprise. This might answer why the Macross on Earth looks like the DYRL version and not the SDF one(the one it's supposed to look like).
  14. So HG was behind the Philippines dub of Macross?
  15. Warner Bros. senior v.p. of global toys and themed entertainment Kelly Gilmore mentioned Robotech as part of their long term licensee agenda at the New York Licensing Expo. http://www.thebadandugly.com/2008/06/16/is...justice-league/
  16. The return of Kei & Yuri!!!!! Thanks Area 88!
  17. I can understand BW hardballin' on HG but if the WB comes a knockin'; I think they might have to listen. Also, didn't BW try to produce their own live action version?
  18. George Carlin will always be the voice of the counter-culture movement. His comedy was thought provoking and highly intelligent. George is on that higher eshilon of stand up comedy with Richard Pryor, Andy Kaufman, Eddie Murphy, Redd Foxx, Lenny Bruce, and Dave Chappelle. RIP George!
  19. The return of the Backstabber would be outta sight! If they can make his re-appearance logical; I'm down. This show needs a real psychotic bad guy & Kamjin would fit the bill. BTW, Zentradi's don't age...They're clones silly-billy!
  20. Oh to at least address the actual topic at hand. News of the Robotech screen writer reached a few Japanese news web sites, and some people took it as there would be a live action Macross movie made. They just didn't really understand what the article was saying since it also mentioned Southern Cross and Mospeada but most were like I barley remember Macross. So anyways I had to set them straight. I did find it funny that article tries to indicate the an OVA was made Shadow Chronicles and that sales were brisk. Y'know, I was wondering if the Japanese boards were discussing the RT live action movie news.
  21. Cheers Roger! I couldn't have said it better than that!
  22. I gotta say this we have to cut HG slack because during that period in time their hands were tied. They had to adhere to the programming rules of having 80 plus episodes to air. So they edited together three unrelated shows whose only real connection is that they were distributed all by Tatsunoko Prod. Now HG wasn't the only company doing that; World Events tied together GoLion and DaiRugger(there would've of been a third super robot series added to if not for WE optioning a new season of Lion Voltron exclusive to the international market). I've heard before maybe Carl Macek could've done the "Force Five" method of showcasing unrelated shows and maybe that could've worked. At that time I've never heard of the FF shows(I think they were being shown on cable back then) but Robotech was across the board. The loose continuity was okay for the time(and very young minds) for it gave a sense of connection. When I got older, yeah, I saw the mistakes in continuity but it still didn't stop my enjoyment of the show.
  23. While a Macross/Mospeada hybrid is intriguing, I rather them do a updated Macross style Robotech movie. Just give some of the mechs a 21st century look. Wow! Lawrence Kasdan is tapped as writer is very kewl!!
  24. It was released as an extra on disc 5 of the Legacy of Robotech/Elements of Protoculture but only the 30min. pilot episode called Space Fortress Macross. The 90min. version that had Boobytrap & Lynn Minmay/Countdown was only released on VHS. The Comico adaption is word for word translation of the pilot for Space Fortress Macross. Here's some pics: The Protoculture Collection and some caps from Space Fortress Macross episode 1 "Boobytrap"
  25. I've heard that Revell, who at the time had rights to the designs for Macross, Dorvack, and Orguss, strong-armed HG to retitled it Robotech. They were looking for a cartoon to push their model kits and around the same time HG acquired the animation.
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