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terry the lone wolf

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Everything posted by terry the lone wolf

  1. Yes, I must add my thanks also. That was a great article.
  2. That might've been the 2nd pilot "Where no man has gone before" but it wasn't Jeff "Capt. Jefferey Pike" Hunter that was playing chess with Spock it was Kirk. I do agree in the earlier episodes Leonard Nimoy did show emotion like smiling a lot. In the 1st pilot the Cage, Spock and Capt. Pike was examining a jiggling plant he broke out laughing.
  3. As long as young Kirk yells "I'm the captain! I'm the captain! It's my ship! My ship!" I'll be very happy!
  4. Zero region Macross Frontier Vol. 1 DVD out. 1st thirteen episodes with English and Chinese subs. http://store.animearigato.com/9528200098838.html
  5. I think Kristen actually looks like Chun Li. Let's be real, Capcom's artists don't really draw Chun Li to look 100% Asian looking anyway. If they did get a girl who was 100% Asian she wouldn't look like the Chun Li that has appeared in countless anime and video games.. Maybe in the movie they might make Kristen's Chun Li of Asian/Euro lineage (I doubt it but hey).
  6. Good podcast and I really enjoyed it. You guys weren't the only ones pushing for Sheryl because I totally dig that chic.
  7. Here's another ode to Macross 2, the fact that Frontier had two singers and one singer had powers to control another form of life. I know Wendy Ryder had a very small part in Mac 2 but wasn't Sheryl originally not going to be that big of a character too? I also see similarities with Ishtar and Ranka with their singing abilities. Now Mac Plus had two singers too but I just see some more parallels with Mac 2.
  8. I like Macross 2! Nuff said!
  9. Seems to me that they're doing the "Teen Tony Stark" story from 90's. Where Kang the Conqueror manipulated the lives of Tony Stark and Hank Pym (Ant-Man, Yellowjacket) making them evil. It explained why Hank beat his wife Jan and joined the Masters of Evil. Iron Man became a bad guy and even killed some people. So in order to combat him the Avengers went into the past to find a younger version of Stark to fight. Young Tony didn't have the heart injury and created his own Iron suit. The two Iron Men fought but the older won. Kang's manipulation was broken and older Tony sacrificed his life to save the Avengers. Young Tony had a few adventures around the Marvel Universe until Onslaught (almagamated Prof. X and Magneto) showed up and seemingly killed the Avengers and the Fantastic Four. Franklin Richards created a new universe (Heroes Reborn) where the heroes stayed but somehow Tony Stark was aged back to a mature man. Even when the heroes returned back to Marvel Universe proper Tony remained older and it was like he was never replaced by a younger counterpart. Now Marvel always promised to reveal the fate of Teen Tony but as far as I know it never happened. Read about Teen Tony here: http://www.nationmaster.com/encyclopedia/Tony-Stark
  10. Holy froating head Batman! Can we just stop with the alternate perspectives in Macross (Ala Macross Plus OVA vs. Macross Plus movie) and just tell the story straight.
  11. Very nice! I'd love to get a hold of an mp3 for this.
  12. I can't see them doing a retelling of the story because the series is so new and fresh in people's minds. Also all the money for the production would be wasted if they have to start from scratch. Maybe a slight retcon I can accept but the feature should be a continuation.
  13. Good stuff GGemini! I must add these to my collection.
  14. OMG!!! Please be a continuation and not a re-cut/retelling of Mac F. From the ending alone it shows this is not the end.
  15. From watching the movie I never got the impression that the Marduk were the ones that created the Zentradi just utilized their captured ones. I believe Macross 2 and even Robotech should stay as alternate universe versions of SDF Macross. Macross 2 should be a universe where all past continuity is shared and valid.
  16. The review was written by a guy named Levi Tompkins and not Capt. JLS; JLS just loaned the blog out for the review. Though from what I read Capt. JLS isn't a big Frontier fan either.
  17. Found this review online; to call it negative is a understatement. http://sdf5x.blogspot.com/search/label/review
  18. Is Shoji Kawamori a follower of L. Ron Hubbard? In Scientology they believe humanity and our evolution was affected thousands of years ago by aliens; sounds a awful like the protoculture.
  19. Michikotohatchin was Outta Sight! I love that Cowboy Bebop/Samurai Champloo style! Now back on topic; Tytania looks good but wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy too 80's with the character designs and mech designs. I also took notice of that Shadow Chronicles looking space battle. Really, Ishigoru, Mikimoto, and Miyatake must come into the 21st century. The "Old School" style is fine for a guy like me that grew up in the 1980s but these young thundercats out here get real bored with slow moving anime.
  20. What?!! Tobey Maguire's talking about Robotech? Do you have a link to that quote?
  21. I was a huge fan of the original Crisis and tried to collect every issue even till nowadays. Mutiple versions of each DC hero (Superman E1/Superman E2 & Nightwing/Adult Robin from Earth 2) for 75 cents in one book was a steal. The series included all of DC's publishing history in compacted it to a 12 issue maxi series. The ending (the merging of all universes into one) still remains on of the most controversial ever. It did allow DC to clean up convolluted continuity (JSA & JLA on the same earth) and attract new readership by Marvelizing their characters but older DC fans were alienated in this shared universe. Effects on characters like Power Girl, Donna Troy, and even the entire Legion whose histories were tied to original multiverse has taken DC years to explain why they exist in this new reality. DC finally gave up and reintroduced the multiverse concept (maybe due to the success of Marvel's Exiles). Now to Macross, a Crisis style event for Macross sounds interesting but I prefer they don't do it. Just unofficially merge tv & movie Macross keeping things as vague as possible. In the end DC learned if it's not broke don't fix it.
  22. Marvel anime sounds pretty cool but pairing Wolvie and shellhead in the same movie is awkward. I'd love to see Spidey or Luke Cage and Iron Fist as anime movies.
  23. Hikuro, you nailed it as Hikaru and your Misa va was great. I prefer your dubs over that crappy ADV one.
  24. Has Kei stopped producing avi's of Macross F?
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