[Macek's completed script for the original version of the movie was auctioned off at Robocon 10. That's probably the most detailed document out there. Unfortunately the winning bidder also had to sign a non-disclosure agreement, so we'll never get to read the script.
Man, I don't understand HG at all; it's almost like they want the Cannon version to be the only legitimate version of RT the movie. It's been 20yrs and Cannon doesn't exist anymore so why not revisit the past and right some wrongs. I downloaded the Tom Bateman interview on Medmapguy's site and he was right. For Tommy Yune to announce that the product cycle of the Sentinels to be over made no sense. So much of Shadow Chronicles depends on the Sentinels and Robotech the Movie (Janice Em was really Eve of MZ23). Shadow Chronicles would've been a better movie if Sentinels was used as it's backstory than New Generation.
There's this guy called the Watcher who reviewed RT the Movie on you tube. He postulated that the reason for the movie's shelving was that Transformers the Movie did so horrible at the box office and Transformers was a bigger franchise; they decided to not release it. Like Canon films would take a chance on distributing a terrible film (even though, I kinda like it) just to make some money and fill seats.
Now on to the debate, Kevin McKeever has stated that any of three chapters of Robotech is open to the producers of the live action movie including Macross.
I think Glane's New Gen story "Class Reunion" was one of the strongest (story wise) out of the Antarctic camp. I can see where he tried to keep the story rooted in the New Generation continuity. Megastorm, though I like the art work, the story was very confusing. Rubicon and the Corg one shot was just trash. Vermillion wasn't too bad but the idea of Khyron cutting side deals with human generals was a little weird.
I love this classic anime; I even remember the old laser disc game back in the 80's. I read the review for it on ANN; the writer was totally ripping it. I'll admit it's cheesy and a little stereotypical but the quality of the animation was well ahead of it's time.
I heard they still do especially since Warner Bros. is producing the live action RT; WB owns DC comics and DC owns Wildstorm. It just make sense to keep it under the DC/Wildstorm banner.
The dubs for MZ23 parts 1&2 were done by Carl Macek & the HG crew. If listen you can hear many familiar RT actors. I've only seen clips via you tube but I do own Robotech the Movie and many of the same cast did Megazone. On you tube now, you can check out clips of Manga Ent. UK's version of MZ23 part 3 and that's pretty good.