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terry the lone wolf

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Everything posted by terry the lone wolf

  1. I missed the broadcast on CN but I've been watching the web shorts on Adult Swim.com. To me, this might be the best take on Joe (definitely better than the previous animated versions). I love the Hama comics but these shorts are giving them a run for their money. Warren Ellis wrote the script; has he done any G.I.Joe comics before?
  2. I seem to remember Macross Frontier having it's fair share of boobage.
  3. It's a remake of a 70's exploitation flick. The first starred Fred "The Hammer" Williamson.
  4. Come to think of it the original Robotech series could be used in WB defense. After all it will be harder for Big West to argue in court that WB is accountable for plagiarizing the Macross storyline on the grounds that WB was remaking the Robotech series as written by Carl Macek in which they were given copyrights by HG. Whats more since its been about 24 years since Robotech was created its long over due for BW to take Carl Macek to court over editing Macross into the original Robotech. I don't think it's possible for Big West to sue Carl Macek for editing Macross. Tatsunoko has the international rights to distribute the show everywhere outside of Japan because Studio Nue sold them to finish the series. Tatsunoko lease those same rights to Harmony Gold who edited it. Harmony Gold has every right to change names, edit scenes, or alter story lines because of the arrangement with Tatsunoko. The problem is HG or Tatsunoko cannot lay claim to any Macross sequel because these sequels were done without any input from Tatsunoko. The SDF Macross series is owned by Big West in Japan but the international copyright is owned by Tatsunoko. Tatsunoko or HG cannot make derivatives of characters or mecha models because Big West owns them.
  5. It was going to be a crossover between Robotech and Exo-Squad. Playmates needed more toys and Universal needed more stories. It seems it was initiated by Playmates and not Harmony Gold so Playmates renewed the old Robotech license. http://www.stwing.upenn.edu/~pdanner/exo/f...oys.html#ground
  6. Hell, this was better than some of the Highlander movies. Specifically, 2, 3, Endgame, & the Source.
  7. Little off topic: Classic Mazinger Z episode 32; English dubbed and not Tran Zor Z. They were broadcast in the Philippines and available on home video in the U.K. This dub is superior over the Tran Zor Z one. Part 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvWvu8-RIvc Part 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IM__yrpT878 Part 3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8-6G4SAJsrI There are other clips from the 2 home video releases available to.
  8. If she can do a Russian accent without sounding too much like Boris & Natasha from Rocky and Bullwinkle I'm cool with it.
  9. Also, in a Super Friend's episode of all places an obvious knockoff of the Macross's Bridge is seen. Unfortunately I cannot remember the youtube link. I remember that show and it was Super Powers Team: Galactic Guardians episode titled "Ghost Ship". Some consider it the final season of Super Friends because many of the same staff did SF over the years but the show can possibly stand as it's own entity. I also remember an episode of Transformers where Skyfire (Jetfire) bent his legs in jet mode almost like a Gerwalk. Not entirely bent but when I saw it sure surprised me.
  10. The Dagger of Kamui! Epic!
  11. Never gonna give U up! Never gonna let U down! Damn, I just got Rick Rolled!!
  12. That image of the VF-1J is by far my favorite image of Robotech. I remember seeing it in one of the Comico comics' ad (maybe an ad for one of the FHE video releases of the Macross saga). The VF-1J was always my favorite Valkyrie.
  13. I'm not too sure about her acting skills but I just can't keep my eyes off her...She fine...... I don't know too much about Fathom (though I always loved the artwork for the series; RIP Michael Turner) but Jonah Hex is a classic. I hope they do it Spaghetti Western style.
  14. I'm liking Viper's Creed; like a cross of Mospeada & IGPX with a little Macross Frontier sprinkled in. Shinji Aramaki is also involved with the show.
  15. Well, he's sorta/kinda right; the Mospeada did give the wearer abilities he wouldn't or couldn't normally do. It was strange seeing that entry in a super-hero encyclopedia but the chapter listed many international heroes from film and tv.
  16. Wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy off topic: I found this little entry in my Encyclopedia of Super-Heroes in the international heroes chapter.
  17. You should read the story first because basically these are unknown characters who don't have the notoriety of the likes of Superman or Batman. With those two you already know their stories so there's no need to read 50 yrs of material. Besides, Alan Moore is such a quirky writer you'll see the original way his characters were meant to be. I believe Zack Snyder will be very faithful in his adaption but it's always good to have that back story. Some of what's going on in the comic is just crazy. Another interesting choice is to purchase the motion capture DVD that features all the comic panels (even with thought balloons). It's done almost like those groovy Marvel Super Heroes cartoons from the 60's. The only drawback is that the narrator does all the voices including the women. So the Silk Spectres, 1 & 2, just sounds like they're trannies or something. Nevertheless, it's a good option if you don't want to read the entire graphic novel.
  18. Personally, I dig that slurmty look so I'll be checking out Sheryl's scene.
  19. Carl Macek had a policy of giving licensees total freedom in their own creations. That's why there was a lot of conflict between the Robotech novel, RPG, and comic universes because they really didn't connect well. Carl Macek's original vision of RT the movie was more or less close to MZ23 (just with a little Macross mixed in). I'm sure more of the MZ23 footage would've been retained. Just a new opening of the SDF-01 leaving Earth would've been added to set it during the Macross Saga.
  20. Unfortunately, yes and trust me it's worst than the movie itself. It was 2-part series (maybe because Academy was about to lose their license to Antarctic); the 1st issue is pretty much faithful to the first halve of the movie but the 2nd issue goes off on a weird and unnecessary tangent.
  21. I loved Mazinger ever since I thought it was called Tran Zor Z. "Fight with might for what is right!" Trannnnnnnnnn Zorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ!!!
  22. I heard a rumor about Universal releasing BSG for the theaters but not the current Ronald D. Moore version; they plan on doing the original 1978-79 one. This is interesting to me because I felt they could do a BSG based on the old one but I envisioned it as an animated or anime series. Original creator Glen A. Larsen has been tapped to write the script. A official announcement could be in a few weeks.
  23. I wanted to pick Ozma but my translator didn't get his name so I picked Alto and Sheryl. My favorite scenes were from Miss Macross, Fastest Delivery, and episode 25 (I forgot the title).
  24. Of course! Sheryl's the BIG DOG!
  25. Mmmmmmmmm, Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm!! Nothing beats death themed grub.
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