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terry the lone wolf

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Everything posted by terry the lone wolf

  1. Yeah, I noticed that too; it's really weird..... As for the soundtrack, I really dig the Michael Bradley tunes "Doesn't Really Matter" & "Underground". I also like on the movie soundtrack "Only A Fool" by Gigi Agrama (that song could've been played on 80's radio; real professional) and I like "Flower of Life".
  2. I recently acquired all 36 episodes of ADV's dub of SDF-Macross and I've found little difference between this and Robotech. Yeah, there's cosmetic changes to dialogue for certain scenes (Example- In Macross aboard Breetai's ship Rick & Max discuss going to a party Max plans for the P.O.W.'s that escaped; RT-Rick & Max reminisce over the time they escape) but the spirit of the shows remained. Some of the ones I've seen had little to no re-writes. Maybe substituting phrases like Supervision Army for the Robotech Masters. RT unlike other imported shows was not as hacked as other imported shows of that time. This show embraced the concept of death where other cartoons just simply avoided it. Some of the Macross character's I found to be a bit shallow especially Roy. This Roy is not the one I grew up with; the Roy I know was a great hero who quoted Presidents. Yeah he liked to get drunk and mac on the ladies but he knew there's was time and place for it. In Macross Roy's a complete cad and it seems like Hikaru just gets annoyed with him. Instead of flying for the love and protection of your loved ones just fly for the love of one girl. So far I like Macross but I'm not about to jump over and say RT completely sucks yet. Note-I had a little chuckle for the Miriya baby throwing scene but I felt terrible about myself the next day.
  3. I always took it as Minmay saying good bye to her naive & young self. The mature and wise Minmay left with the Megaroad leaving behind her innocent self on Earth.
  4. So there might be a English version? I always wondered about that....
  5. Is Robotech a adaption of SDF Macross....In a word no; it's redubbed, edited, new story that combines plot elements of Macross with two non-related animated series. I don't have a problem with that because I feel if Macross was marketed to kids back in the mid 80's it wouldn't have been the success it was. Plot elements would be too sophisticated for the era of G.I. Joe & Inhumanoids. Yeah the college crowd watched RT but the focus was always on the elementary to pre-teens. So Macek's crew dumbed it down somewhat. I still have arguements with buddies in my age group about what was the better cartoon RT or Voltron. Even Vehicle Voltron (that was really dumbed down) was a failure because of the Science Fiction elements and the kids thought it was boring. RT did keep the SF elements and it wasn't a total kid's show like Voltron was. I feel the hostilities are because of these two reasons: The 1st former Robotech fans feeling betrayed that their was a more mature story out their and the time they spent supporting a franchise was wasted because they don't think it's a true story. I don't think RT is a bootleg of Macross because Harmony Gold legally acquired the rights to broadcast Macross through Tatsunoko. Big West gave up their international rights to finish production and Tats probably had better foot hole in the West. HG had every right to broadcast the show and edited as they seen fit. HG has no control over the designs to Macross (Figures, ships, & mecha) so they can't reanimate it or make new designs but they can distribute the show or edit it in Western markets. The 2nd reason: Harmony Gold blocking new Macross related products from the West because of their international merchandising rights to SDF Macross & Macross: Do You Remember Love. Both were acquired through Tatsunoko. These rights shouldn't keep Big West from selling their new Mac products in the West (Macross 2: Lovers Again & Macross Plus) but maybe they don't think it's worth the effort to fight. Harmony Gold wanted to get rights to Macross 7 & Macross Zero because of their merchandising rights to the original series but couldn't because their partner Tatsunoko didn't contribute to any future Macross shows. So HG's rights only extends to the original series.
  6. A lost Macek interview; he dosen't reveal any new info but still interesting reading: http://www.nabiki.com/sstalker/macekinterview.asp
  7. "The book. To Serve Man! It's a cook book!" Bar none; the best science fiction anthology series of all time.
  8. They used to be until "The All New, All Different" era.
  9. Let's lighten the mood around here; how about a little Robotech Hip Hop? http://au.youtube.com/watch?v=_ndVqlyewtI
  10. I been waiting s forever for a X-Men movie featuring the original five X-Men (Cyclops, Marvel Girl, Beast, Angel, and Iceman) but with the movie continuity Angel and Iceman are much younger than the other three and came along later. They could go the route Wolverine and the X-Men did with having Iceman still be with the original team but be much younger. They might have to replace Angel with Calvin Rankin aka the Mimic. Younger versions of Emma Frost and Storm would be interesting as original team members but I hope Havok and Polaris make it into the movies. I love the Chris Claremont and Dave Cockrum/John Byrne run (that run introduced me to the X-Men) but the Roy Thomas and Neal Adams was just as good with Neal probably being a better artist than both Byrne and Cockrum. It's funny, that one time X-Men wasn't the powerhouse comic that it is now and was in danger of cancellation. Until the Thomas and Adams team took over with stories featuring the death of Professor X and X-Men battling Magneto's Mutates in the Savage Land. Also elements from the silver age like Morph (loosely adapted from the X-Man Changeling) and the appearances of Ka-Zar and the Savage Land made it to Fox Kids' X-Men series. Well Marvel cancelled the book anyway but found out later that the book did increase in sales. That's when Marvel hired Len Wein and Dave Cockrum to create the new X-Men featuring Banshee, Sunfire (both hold outs from the silver age), Wolverine, Storm, Colossus, and Thunderbird.
  11. I might be a sucker but I don't believe this movie is or will become vaporware. Harmony Gold & Warner had recently signed a licensing agreement and at licensing expo in NY Robotech was announced by a WB executive as one of their new tent pole projects. I don't think you make that kind of commitment unless you plan to use it. We might not get a RT movie that's a straight adaption of Macross or we might get something totally new. Though I would welcome a new Robotech saga that's not hampered to much from the past but with a nod and a wink wink to the old Robotech. Just my two cents......
  12. I think Tommy has found a new career as an IReporter for CNN. He has videos on the Burger wars between McDonald's and Carl's Jr. & the Ipod camera. This video's on Denver's Nan Desu Kan: http://www.ireport.com/docs/DOC-330217
  13. Wasn't Harmony Gold selling Macross Plus on Robotech.com a few years ago? Sounds like Manga cut aside deal with HG.
  14. My VLC player's not playing those links. Can you upload some new links? Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee....
  15. Oh no wonder Tommy started the Prelude series with Kyle being shot and not the reason why he was shot by Edwards. I haven't read the novels but I do remember Minmay dating Johnathan Wolff during some of the early Sentinels comics. Though, I did kinda dig that Minmay became the mother of Robotech.
  16. The situation seems oddly similar to the Roger Corman one where his company was endangered to lose the rights so he had to produce something. Now that Disney owns Marvel, Fox is quick to announce a Fantastic Four movie reboot. This leads me to believe that Disney might've made some noise about doing a FF movie. Fox has rights to Marvel properties but only in perpetuality (as long as Fox makes movies they keep their rights). I have a bad feeling about this.
  17. Ugh!!! My ears! My ears!
  18. 2 U.S. companies fighting over the scraps from Japan. Though, if HG has exclusive merchandising rights over the Macross mecha the Catalyst/Piranha people should've researched better.
  19. Someone, anyone....Please translate this...This comic is great!
  20. Video link for the Music Japan Anison Special: http://say-move.org/comeplay.php?comeid=21680
  21. It's Monty from the Golden Child!
  22. I don't understand the hate; I love M.D. Geist!
  23. G.I.Joetech to the rescue!!!!!!!!!!!! Yoooooooooooooooo Joeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!
  24. Is it so hard to create a plane mech with 3 modes of transformation that doesn't look like a Macross design? Even with the Mac characters they could've tweeked them a little (like in Sentinels) so they wouldn't conflict with the legalities.
  25. My favorite part was when Danny boy Trejo was in the pool with Jeff Fahey's wife and daughter. Yo! Machete's a pimp!
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