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terry the lone wolf

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Everything posted by terry the lone wolf

  1. The first three episodes edited into a one hour feature originally presented by Harmony Gold with the future Robotech actors.. Very rare! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JIkGbiHEXqw
  2. No more Delta.. Oh the pain.. The pain..
  3. Song and video "Gorgeous"! https://m.facebook.com/SuperDimensionConvention?fc=f&showPageSuggestions&_rdr
  4. I hope he makes a decent update with a good story and beautiful mecha.. And a plot..
  5. Nicholas Hoult feels he's returning as the Beast! http://heroichollywood.com/nicholas-hoult-returning-x-men-franchise/ Exiles or Alpha Flight possibilities as spin-off films! http://www.cinemablend.com/news/1629069/the-new-x-men-universe-teams-we-could-see-in-the-movies-according-to-simon-kinberg
  6. Maybe the new Macross will have (dare I say) a plot?!! (Just kidding)
  7. Geez.. Better make that Robotech movie quick..
  8. I'm on board for the whatever the "NEW" thing will be..I just don't think Kawamori is a fan of reboots and rehash of his old stories..Now Big West could be different but it will probably be with a new animation studio and set in an alternate universe..
  9. I was wondering why I haven't seen Macross Delta since ep.16 but after reading these posts it all makes sense now..
  10. Didn't Robotech air in China?
  11. Thanks for posting this; I always appreciate finding out new history of Macross but reading this treatment I gotta question whether Shoji Kawamori even likes Macross. I get adapting characters and situations from anime to live action is necessary because of the different mediums but these changes were borderline criminal. The Ace (Hikaru or Richie Pirrelli) & Ellen (Misa) were just the worst aspects of their Macross proper personalities leaving Maria (Minmay) as moral compass of the story? The Zentraedi forces probably suffered the worst of the changes; from reading this I couldn't see a clear motivation for their attacking the Macross.The Macross having Earth type enviroments (Like an Amazon Rain Forest) and the fact that the pilots were mainly trained in VR never flying real missions was interesting to me..I just don't see them making this treatment into a live action movie; they should've went with something closer to DYRL.
  12. So there's going to be another screening of episode 1 with episode 2 on March 21st? https://www.funity.jp/tickets/macross/show/delta01/1/3/
  13. Macross Delta..Overall I loved it..Didn't seem very forced or rushed but very quick paced..One statement..Knights of Chivalry= Principality of Zeon..One question..Are we sure Shoji Kawamori never watched Macross 2?
  14. Frank Agrama officially out as president & CEO of Harmony Gold..Jehan Agrama in..What does this mean for Robotech? https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10156334047870634&set=gm.1053578608020820&type=3&theater
  15. It's not really about what HG wants it's about that he is open to working on the project. Kawamori is a genius; he could up with a whole new design there by not conflicting with Big West IP..
  16. Cacophanus were you surprised to hear from the master that he would be interested on working on the Robotech movie as a mech designer? He seemed not just disappointed but maybe even slighted he wasn't contacted yet..
  17. He says some interesting things regarding Robotech live action movie.. http://www.forbes.com/sites/olliebarder/2015/12/10/shoji-kawamori-the-creator-hollywood-copies-but-never-credits/
  18. I never really bought that. The Fantastic Four hasn't really been a great sell for Marvel in recent years. After a ton a reboots they killed off the Human Torch then replaced him with Spider-Man. After the latest restart the book was finally cancelled and the Thing & Torch were shuttled off to different teams (Guardians of the Galaxy, Uncanny Inhumans, & Uncanny Avengers). While the X-Men are going strong with new books like Astonishing X-Men. I have the preview book of the upcoming "All New All Different Marvel" and I'll say this look out for big changes to Wolverine & X-23..
  19. No..It was Rick Yamada & Lisa Hayase..
  20. Seven years ago I was in the target audience..Did you know Sheryl was originally supposed to be a minor character? She was a big star that Ranka looked up to for inspiration but all the interplay with the rest of the gang wasn't suppose to happen..
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