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terry the lone wolf

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Everything posted by terry the lone wolf

  1. Go! Go! Go! See ya in the next world Peter Fernandez! RIP..
  2. Marie Crystal's pretty high too with over 50% of the vote and I thought people didn't like Southern Cross.... I'm holding my opinion until I see a clearer image.
  3. Tommy mentioned before Carl Macek died they were running ideas with Tatsunoko.
  4. Promoted with sketches, pre-production artwork, and frank discussion about what they were doing with the series... and it was a hell of a lot more than just one piece of art. The creators of Macross Frontier put a fair bit out there to stir up interest in their new show, whereas Robotech's "creators" can do no more than toss out a badly drawn picture of a Mospeada character and say "We have something that might be coming in 2011 but we're not allowed to show you anything relevant to it or even actually tell you anything about it". Can you see where this might be different? If not, then you might be more at home over on Robotech.com. Yes, there was a treasure trove of information at the beginning like it might be set in school. So you get to pick and choose who are the members of Macross World?
  5. Oh, you must have forgot that the 1st time Macross F was promoted was sketches and pre-production artwork......
  6. So, you don't know either...Next!
  7. I beat Invasion but I did use the invicibility cheat. You kind of have to use it because those Invids attack you from all sides. Since I haven't played it in years I forgot how to play it. I just wish it wasn't such a poor Halo clone and kept the look of the animated series.
  8. What does it mean to be creative? Does being creative means to copy word for word from the original scripts and no deviation from the source material or does it mean adding your own sensibilities(your spin)and not being held back by the restraints of the original source? Or is this a battle between subtitled and dubbed anime. In every dubbed anime liberties are taken to the Japanese language scripts to make them sound more English/American. I don't feel you ever get a direct translation with dub anime. In subs with the "Engrish" ommitted you get material closer to the original source. Me personally I'm not looking for an experience closer to the Japanese fans; I just want good stories that engages me.
  9. James Mason from the original Lolita, Disney's 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, and Alfred Hitchcock's North by Northwest? It's Captain Bligh.
  10. The old NES: Double Dragon, Ninja Gaiden 1-3, Legend of Kage and its sequel Demon Sword, and Strider.
  11. What about Chuck Roven? He skipped out on RT and took a slight jab at the project. Now Voltron has been scrapped so I guess he has Batman 3 to lean on.
  12. If the RT game looks anything like DCU Online should be worth waiting for.
  13. I dig Jonah Hex; I've read a few of the old westerns comics back in the days and they had solid story telling. It's too bad they didn't retain Jonah's "Two-Face" look especially that wicked enlarged right eye. As for the western movies, I'm mostly into the spaghetti westerns that were all filmed in Spain like the Sergio Leone films (Man with No Name Trilogy, Once Upon A Time in the West, & A Fistful of Dynamite) and Sergio Corbucci movies (Django & Navajo Joe).
  14. Well to be fair TFTM was a complete ripoff of Star Wars. Even a lightsaber battle on spaceship was heavily influenced by SW.
  15. I was browsing and found the first pic of female Alto Lilith. 1st look at Lilith Amagi:
  16. Even if the Gamma Fighter wasn't all original it would've been something different than the same old re-using of the Legioss/Alpha.Super Alphas were a big let down when introduced in the Space Station Liberty scene. Legioss with fast packs, c'mon....
  17. They're still announcing the LAM at their cons and even Carl Macek's funeral (very weird). French director Sylvain White was given a treatment and seems interested. Tommy Yune announced on the Robotech Espanol podcast that there'll be new RT projects for this year and possibly next year.
  18. Yes it's official. As I understand it the Macross was redesigned (possibly after Kamjin's attack) from the TV version to DYRL one. Even with the mixture of characters and mecha designs from both all future Macross sequels (except Macross 2) follow the timeline of the TV series. Though I've heard that Shoji Kawamori wanted to follow the timeline set by DYRL. Is that true?
  19. I agree especially when that cap is from Anime Friend the company that animated a large number of SDF Macross episodes (where obviously that comes from). Though I have to disagree with the use of the Sentinel designs. The characters yes but Tommy Yune has redesigned the whole cast.
  20. Jeez, Jonah Hex hasn't even open yet and Megan already losing work because of it. John Malkovich is in JH too and he's not getting fired because of it...
  21. Well since she just got fired from TF 3, how about Megan Fox as Miriya. Though, I'd rather see in a tight & short Chinese dress.
  22. Ark Angel is now included on the mecha size comparison page: http://www.robotech.com/infopedia/sizecomparison/10mpp.php
  23. Y'know, at least it was an attempt to do something different for RT instead of ripping off the same old Mospeada designs. They could've shake things up with the Super Alphas with a brand spanking new fighter design. I'm really liking the Corsair and some of the other space cruiser designs. Looks like they were planning for Valk type fighters in RT 3000.
  24. Look at my above post; I've added the picture.
  25. Robotech 3000 pre-production art; image 16 looks very Macross 2 inspired. http://www.blacksheepproductions.net/portfolios/blacksheep/robotech-3000/
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