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terry the lone wolf

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Everything posted by terry the lone wolf

  1. [ Big West complained? When? Mentioning the people who ACTUALLY MADE THE SHOW is only important to "fundamentalists"? What are credits for, then? I've heard that the issue they weren't consulted on the handling of Macross for RT came up in the court case in Tokyo. Though I wrote that statement not for BW but for some of the fans that keep hanging that over the heads of HG like the Sword of Damocles.
  2. Mikimoto was credited as the character designer for Robotech Macross Saga in Robotech Art 2.
  3. Once the property is in the international market and if you sold your rights you have no say. Unless you're willing to buy them back so your properties are back in your fold.
  4. Paramount Pictures and Disney have reached an agreement where Disney would gain the worldwide distribution rights to Iron Man 3 and the higly anticipated Avengers film. Disney (who owns Marvel Comics) paid $115 million dollars to bring those and future Marvel Films properties back into the Disney fold. Paramount will continue to distribute Thor and First Avenger: Captain America films before turning it over to Disney. Disney has already announce plans for a revival of The Incredible Hulk series for ABC television (also owned by Uncle Walt's company) and fan favorites Cloak & Dagger for ABC Family. Could this mean a shared universe for both television and movies. Disney has also announced May 3rd 2013 as the release date for Iron Man 3. It's strongly hinted that the Mandarin will be the villain for IM3. http://www.comicbookmovie.com/fansites/MarvelFreshman/news/?a=24129
  5. They did give credit to...Tatsunoko Productions. The point you're not getting is BW gave up their rights to be credited for anything by selling off the international rights. If they wanted credit and money from RT than they should've kept those rights or negotiated to maintain some creator credit. Maybe they had the foresight not to give up their rights to designs and overall story for Macross.
  6. I said an article in the Macross#1 comic book published by Comico in 1984 written by Carl Macek himself. First of all its not Macek's job to announce everybody who worked on the previous show when he's selling his show. Second, Big West sold their international rights off so they really can't complain "Oh why, oh why didn't they mention us". Finally, if HG decides to mention everybody under the sun who worked on Macross to appease the fundimentalists that's cool. Though I don't see a real need for it.
  7. I'm not too sure Hamilton betrayed Oliver but it looks like Chloe is still alive and kicking. She sent a text message to the new students at the school paper thanking them for carrying her "Torch". Yes that was Col. Rick Flagg of the Suicide Squad but him replacing the Wall I don't know. I really hope we see Pam Grier again; I really dug her.
  8. Actually, both World Events & Voyager managed to do something that HG inexplicably fails at. Support the original license without trying to smother it. Go take a look at Voyager Ent's page, what will you find? A ton of news on the recent animated & live action Yamato movies. Does HG promote any of the recent Macross Projects? Of course not, because they feel entirely threatened by them. And when did WE or Voyager support the original license holders? Those two companies never revealed their properties came from Japan. At the beginning of Robotech HG never hid the fact that their show was imported. WE even tried to license Voltron to be a movie and was almost sued by Toei Productions. In the case of Voyager, the Starblazers official site does acknowledge the Yamato works from Japan but I don't see a whole lot of support there either. It doesn't seem that there's an effort to import new Yamato projects.
  9. Just like World Events, Voyager Entertainment, etc, etc.......
  10. Vice & Mature appears. Terry says "Alright!"
  11. The man's not afraid of taking on a challenge; I respect that. His take on Superman should be new & refreshing.
  12. It always comes in threes: First Tony Curtis, second comedian and master roaster Greg Geraldo, & finally Stephen J. Cannell. RIP....
  13. Agreed, it's like Western artists have no right to draw anything Macross. Sheesh...
  14. This sounds so made up. Got proof?
  15. If people vaguely remember Voltron why did it recieve its own segment on VH1's I Love the 80's? Where B-List celebs were describing the giant robot that will kick your a#$. I came through the 1980s and yeah kids properties didn't last too long but some were constants I.E. G.I.Joe, Transformers, GoBots, Voltron, & Robotech. Towards the end of the decade both G.I.Joe and Transformers dissappeared from the airwaves but new toys and comics were being created. Now Voltron had RT beat with their toys but Robotech had a more successful run with print media like novels and comics. Actually RT was in the same boat as Transformers with new adventures featuring the old characters being told in comic format. I always felt Robotech was marketed more for the older kids and Voltron was for children who liked simple stories and things that blew up.
  16. When I read that the supposed Kasdan script was rejected because of the announcements of the different writing teams being added to the LAM I find it very disingenuous. There's no evidence that anything has been rejected. I read an article about the original Spiderman script written by James Cameron. When rights changed hands other writers came and changed or added more material to Cameron's original script. In the original story the villains were Electro and Sandman but due to rewrites for various reasons (sometimes budgetary) the Green Goblin was used. Giving Spidey bio-webbing was a Cameron idea that survived the rewrites. What I'm saying is that these scripts aren't always thrown out but are recycled.
  17. I'm not really into musical theater but this morning on Good the Morning America actor playing Spidey Reeve Carney performed "The Boy Fall from the Sky" (song from the musical) and it's pretty good. U2's Bono and the Edge wrote all the songs for the musical. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VHdJ_vBhkBc
  18. Laura Vandervoort will return as Supergirl and James Marsters will be back as Brainiac but not evil one but as Brainiac 5 from the Legion of Super Heroes. Deadshot, Hawkgirl, Booster Gold, Blue Beetle (both Ted Kord & Jamie Reyes), and Hawkman have been announced as guest stars. Darkseid and Granny Goodness has been strongly hinted as villains.
  19. Looks like the Sentinels is back; there's a link between Macross Saga and The Masters on the RT timeline. http://www.robotech.com/series/?seriescode=SEN
  20. If there wasn't any issue on international rights how come BW in their complaint they say they weren't consulted on any story elements from Robotech the Macross Saga?
  21. That's what I said, BW was trying to regain international distribution and merchandising for SDF Macross but they reside with Tatsunoko. Harmony Gold trademarked the name Macross in the Western territories in response to the litigation not before it. HG didn't trademark Macross when Macross 2 Lovers Again or even Macross Plus came out. I don't agree that BW is totally over not receiving those international rights back because that would've been the open door into the West to sell their Macross products bypassing the HG embargo.
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