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terry the lone wolf

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Everything posted by terry the lone wolf

  1. I wish it was more consistancy in the critiques of Robotech like it being unoriginal or recycling of old ideas. Both the Macross and Robotech sequels have done their fair share of recycling Macross Frontier might be the worst offender of that. MF has two Minmays (Ranka & Sheryl), a emo Hikaru (Alto), & a blonde Max: Mikhail. Maybe a singing pilot could be original but that's kind of lame. Certain ideas I've seen in Macross sequels I've seen in Robotech first. Macross Plus had a virtual singing idol but Robotech did that first (yeah I know it was pilfered from Megazone 23 but it was still first). Giving Claudia a brother (Vince Grant) happened in RT and in Macross Zero we were introduced to Edgar LaSalle. I'm not saying Macross is copying RT but there's so few "original" ideas you do take from what came before.
  2. I want to thank Tom posting his script; it was a neat holiday gift. I'm about halfway through Tom's script and I'm liking it to. I also noticed similarities with Shadow Chronicles but also the differences. The battle at Haydon IV was nice touch and he brought back the usage of 2 pilots for the Alpha/Beta combination. I like the character interaction but it could've used more mecha action. I liked Karen Penn as CAG for the Veritech pilots; I thought it was strange to have her as communications officer in Prelude to Shadow Chronicles and maybe a little demeaning. Her training Marcus, Aurora, & Wolf JR. was a nice ode to Sentinels where Max Sterling trained her.
  3. I think Hal Mikimoto is very underrated as a mecha artist; those Destroids and Macross art is fantastic. Character art are always top notch but the blond guy with glasses a little too emo for me. I love the new take on "Mr. Lingerie" story.
  4. Love, Live, Alive exists as a DVD supplement in my Robotech world. There's not alot of story in it to squeeze into 85 min. feature. I think HG should dub it because RT fans haven't seen it except a few and it's good send off for the New Generation cast.
  5. What I mean is the conflict between writer and artist. The artist can come up with pretty pictures but the writer has to formed them into something. I'm not sure but was Tom Bateman credited with some story concepts for RTSC?
  6. Mr. Bateman your conflict with Tommy Yune sounds very close to what happened with Chris Claremont & Jim Lee over the direction of the X-Men. Long time X-writer Claremont left after three issues of the new series leaving Lee as co-plotter. In recent years Claremont has returned to the X-Men and even writes a X-Men serie that's supposed to be what would've happened if he stayed on the book. Would you do something simlar if an opportunity arises to return to HG? Would you create a series that throw out the Yune stuff and start fresh? How would you make RT better than Yune?
  7. I think those Comico books were $1.50; they were little more expensive than the Marvel & DC comics that were going for $0.75 back then. The art work was a inferior though I did like Mike Leeke's art in the Macross Saga and Neil Vokes for the Masters books. Buying those RT comics always was a little special for me. That and buying imported Action Force comics the British version of G.I.Joe from Marvel U.K. I was in 80's heaven.
  8. I loved the finale; it was definitly the best in the series. Too bad the show was starting to hit its stride and now it's over.
  9. DC didn't have a "good leg to stand on" as they were licensing the RT property and didn't own it. The property was changing hands very quickly so they decided to kill the series but give the readers an ending. At least it was a double sized issue; more bang for your buck.
  10. Heard of it; I have the 1st issue. This is what I know: Revell licenced their Robotech models to DC Comics for a three issue series but at the same time Harmony Gold was creating the series that we would be come to know as Robotech. Revell found out that HG's cartoon would feature the same models they licenced from the Japanese. A deal was struck between HG & Revell for HG to remame their series Robotech (so Revell would have a televised vehicle to sell their toys like the Transformers) then Carl Macek made it possible for Pennsylvania comic book company Comico to acquire the exclusive rights to produce RT comics. So DC had to quickly wrap up their 3 issue series into 2 so as to fulfill their license. That's why in the editor's note he explained why their mini-series was coming to an abrupt end.
  11. I know this is just a novel but it seems a lot of people are involved in the production. This can't be some side-story. I have a strong feeling this could up being another Gundam Unicorn.
  12. Is this from the RPG?
  13. The suit reminds me of Kyle Rayner's 2nd suit with a touch of his ION costume. The original GL logo is a nice touch. Kilowog, Sinestro, & Tomar Re looks close to their comic book selves. I like to see Katma Tui, Guardians of The Universe, Manhunters, and Zaladanes(the female mates of the Guardians that transformed Carol Ferris into Star Sapphire). Did anybody see the Star Sapphire logo on Carol's flight helmet?
  14. Tekken is probably trash but it's the best of all the garbage. The fight scenes are really good and way better than SF: Chun Li & KOF LA. So in a weird way does that make it a good movie?
  15. Hmmmmm... Tats assisted in the screenplay and animation but had nothing to do with story..? Let me say this one more time I never said Studio was contracted by Tatsunoko. If anything BW contracted Tatsunoko...Tatsunoko didn't create Macross but to say they didn't have any imput on the storyline I think is very naive...
  16. Word on the street is Disney wants all their Marvel properties back under their Marvel Entertainment banner. Three properties are at Fox (X-Men, Daredevil, & Fantastic Four) and one at Sony (Spiderman). Their lawyers are exploring loopholes but these contracts were signed in perpetuity so that means forever. Disney has a strong interest in getting control of the Fantastic Four because the whole "First Family" fits their mold. Rumor has it Fox and Sony has zero interest in giving up rights; Fox is even willing to film a low budget direct to DVD film and put it in theaters to avoid giving the rights to Disney. http://www.comicbookmovie.com/fansites/joshw24/news/?a=24162
  17. Scroll to the last post on this page: http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/bbs/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=5901
  18. I believe it's relevant because you always asserted that the the attempt to "Americanize" Macross by Carl Macek was disrespectful to BW. Now it seems that Tatsunoko owns those scripts and they sub-leased to HG. So since Tats owns them how is that being disrespectful to writers when they're partnered up with HG? When did I assert that Studio Nue contracted with Tatsunoko? I felt that BW didn't leave a great path way for any original creator to get any credit in the international market. Ouch! That's not nice calling people names who disagree with you. Soomebody's gotta be your conscience.
  19. Ok, I'm going to paraphrase here; I read some quotes from the judge and he said Tatsunoko had economic rights as the "maker" of the series but not the "moral" rights that go to the "author" of the series which is Big West. Big West gets credit for creating the story IE character, storyline, mecha design, etc, etc but Tatsunoko gets the credit for actually making the series IE scripts, audio, cells, etc, etc....
  20. Court docs prove scripts and audio were owned by Tatsunoko Pro. I hear a lot of talk that HG rewrote scripts and disrespected the original source material. Maybe wording could be changed because they owned them anyway? Oh Keith, I'll watch the quotes if you keep a check on your spelling..
  21. What am I not understanding? Big West is not a ad company that employed freelance work or they didn't sell their international distribution and merchandising rights to Tatsunoko to fund and finish the production of the series?
  22. Maybe one day you'll stop misinterpreting what I said. I never said Tatsunoko was the sole owner of Macross rights. I don't feel Big West is the wounded party in this. They gave up their international rights to get the series finished and tap Tatsunoko's resources. You're trying to hold HG to some unrealistic higher standard. They have to credit this one or that one. The groups of artists and designers were working under work for higher or freelancing. I could see if HG licensed Macross directly from the creators but this was a anime making factory that exploited freelance workers from different studios. Out of all the studios that were involved Tatsunoko had the international distribution and merchandising rights so they sub-leased to HG.
  23. [ This should be self-explanatory, but the reason that Harmony Gold ought to be crediting the people whose hard work and talent actually created the material that makes up Robotech is that they didn't make it themselves. It's not their work, it's them rewriting someone else's existing work. The original creators at Studio Nue, Artmic, etc. and the owners of those original shows should be credited because Harmony Gold is basing Robotech on their hard work and creative vision. Is that so hard to understand. Those people have been paid already for their hard work and now the big corporation owns their hard work. They can sell, rent, or lease their hard work for all sorts of cash. You're so busy trying to paint HG as the bad guy but there's a lot of bad guys in this mix.
  24. I'm still trying to find out why is it HG's job to list all the people that worked on Macross where work was done on work for hire status and the company that owns it is a ad agency?
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