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terry the lone wolf

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Everything posted by terry the lone wolf

  1. So I'm not the only guy that thought that Hikaru bought the farm at the end of COTB. I was like the entire Skull Team got it (I thought Max died to because it was no way the Meltrandi was going to let him live after he wounded their ace)....
  2. Are there any Valk props or space cruiser sets used in the stage show?
  3. A Macross movie using "Recycled" footage... Say it isn't so...
  4. Was Macross FB7 viewed at the event?
  5. Never say I didn't do anything for you. I found this browsing on the You Tubes: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3E43iVdRpXI
  6. David Selby starred in the 1974 movie The Super Cops based on lives of two police officers Dave Greenberg & Rob Hantz who were nick-named Batman & Robin because of their aggressive crime fighting against drug dealers, criminals, & corrupt cops in early 1970's Brooklyn. Selby was "Robin"...
  7. I'm so HAPPY that Huntress is Batman's daughter again (Well Earth 2's Batman). I never really like the mob princess version and the Brave & the Bold one creeped me out with her flirting with Bats..I was like Ewwwwww that's your dad..
  8. I guess you wouldn't like Miller's covers for Lone Wolf & Cub & his work on the 1st Wolverine mini series...
  9. Whoa! I have that book. It even has an ad for Battletech that features a Destroid.
  10. The only thing BET gets right is musical tributes to all the old Funk & R&B groups at their awards shows. Examples Maze featuring Frankie Beverly, Isley Brothers, Patty LaBelle, & Earth, Wind, & Fire tributes. Although, I did enjoy the Black Panther mini series but 3:00 in the morning that's a little too much. The rest of the network can perform Harikari & Senpukku for all I care. As for Black Dynamite, this show is 50 Shades of Awesome & I can't wait for next week's episode where he bodyguards Richard Pryor to pay off his taxes. They should do an episode of BD where he time travels to the future & he crushes the head honchos of BET.
  11. I haven't been to VA Beach but I've been through VA a few times. It seems back in the 80's the farther you go down south the more exposure people had to anime. Baltimore had it's fair share of shows but Washington D.C. aired much more anime & kung fu films.
  12. I had good memories of COTB to. COTB came at a time in my life I was fiending over any Robotech related product at that time. WBFF 45 just cancelled the show & I had a few RT comics, toys, & videos but nothing new. I just moved from Baltimore City to the county met up with a group of RT fans. They introduced met to the RT RPG and later COTB. I was like this is the best animated movie I ever saw and then I saw the un-cut DYRL in English. I was in anime heaven.
  13. Mad props to the Dark Heroes fan dub. Superior dub over ADV's ear rape version. I don't get the hate on HG/Intersound; their Robotech & Megazone 23 Part 2 dubs were way better than ADV's SDF Macross dub & their entire Megazone 23 line .
  14. I see a "I'm Not Minmay" book coming out...
  15. Robert Downey JR is becoming the real Tony Stark...He renegotiated is contract with Marvel (with help from his CAA buddies) to get a cut of the profits. Some say maybe 50 million dollars. When the final tally is counted it could be more. With that cash you can build your own Iron Man suit..Josh Whedon is torn about directing the sequel. Please he's holding out for more money. The reason why Marvel used him was that he was cheaper than Faveau.
  16. Does anybody have scans of the various ranks/insignia of NUNS officers & pilots?
  17. I think this statement is a wee bit overblown. I'm proud to say I don't take Macross 7 very serious at all.....
  18. When Silvie & Hibiki were being chased by the Marduk Silvie credited her piloting skills to grand-mother. She implied she was part Zentran & then Hibiki said she was a brave as him.
  19. I always dug Macross 2; it gets a little weird at times but it doesn't go totally bizarre. Now I have 2 questions: a) Is Silvie Gena a relative of Max & Millia? b) Is Hibiki part Zentran?
  20. Loved it! Loved it! Almost makes up for the bad news of MARVEL cancelling Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes show..
  21. To be honest, I thought Mari sounded a bit "awkward". Too heavy on the Japanese accent; it sounded a too cartoony. Although, she probably was the best VA in the whole series. Misa's voice annoyed me so much. I was like there's no way Hikaru is gonna fall in love with her before hitting her with the business end of a Valk. Hikaru, well what can I say? He sounded bit too much like Ed from Full Metal Alchemist.
  22. I just checked on RTX.com that Greg Snegoff hinted that HG might be resurrecting Khyron. Any thoughts?
  23. I was looking for mindless violence & little plot so it delivered for me.
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