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terry the lone wolf

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Everything posted by terry the lone wolf

  1. DC Entertainment is sub-licensing their Robotech license to DYNAMITE and they'll be publishing more RT comics from now on..
  2. Review with screen grabs! http://www.figures.com/forums/news/35112-dvd-review-robotech-2-movie-collection.html
  3. Yeah, I bought copy to at Best Buy. It's crazy; I wasn't looking for it but I saw a single copy stuffed between some other DVD's. I had my doubts that HG could make a cogent storyline out of a concert film but they pulled it off. Yeah it had a few flaws; I would've love to see more of the concert stock footage but I get that they wanted to pump up the story. I really dug the surprise ending. The narrator was a nice touch; he really added a nice retro touch. The new animation was a bit jarring when added with the old but that was to be expected. Though the new battle scenes was animated nicely..
  4. I liked it. I thought it was the most "Anime" of Marvel's Anime productions.
  5. Scott dying reminds me of when Sisko "died" and finally joined the worm hole aliens.. I wouldn't mind seeing the giant meteorite sequence animated..
  6. When you heard Prowl he didn't just sound little like Sideswipe to you or even Optimus and Ironhide? Yeah the same actor was used for both parts but I could tell way back they were the same guy.. Better yet Susan Blu who did Arcee also did Marissa Fairborne and other female voices and they sounded alike..
  7. Prowl, Sideswipe, Swoop, Bombshell, & Scrapper -Michael Bell Optimus Prime, Ironhide- Peter Cullen Motormaster, Cyclonus- Roger C. Carmel Megatron, Trailbreaker- Frank Welker http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_The_Transformers_characters#Constructicons
  8. I saw ST: Into Darkness and I loved it but I have a few critiques. When will the writers let Kirk break out be the captain he is meant to be? I don't have an issue with Chris Pine's acting; I have a problem with the writing especially as it pertains to young Jim Kirk. I mean he's the young Kirk a little wet behind the ears, I get that but Kirk was a genius level guy who taught classes at Star Fleet Academy. Kirk had schemes upon schemes in the old tv series and could get the Enterprise out of jam every week. They're doing Kirk as the hot head that jumps before he looks but Kirk could do that but he had a plan to get them out of the situation. He didn't believe in the "No Win Scenerio". In some ways he was smarter than Spock; not X & O's smart. Sometimes Pine just looked so clueless; he reacted more than acted.. When are we going to see the Kirk that actually beats up people?
  9. All this reaction proves Superman isn't some old fashioned out of date hero but the world's first and greatest of all the super-heroes.
  10. 2 questions: Is this really the long in development live action series converted to animation (because Lucasfilm has finally realized they can't make a tv show with a movie budget)? Is the animation going to be 2D or CGI?
  11. I got it! Coulsen's a Life Model Decoy. Fury's got a stock pile of them stashed in the Helicarrier..
  12. I see Macross 2 characters in that mural..Is BW ready to stop treating Mac 2 like the one eyed step child of the franchise?
  13. Quicksilver & Scarlet Witch are rumored to be in Avengers 2 so maybe a little connection with X-Men?..
  14. Except if you're Bucky Barnes, Elektra, Jason Todd, Professor X, Cyclops, Cable, J'onn J'onzz, Jean Grey.... Oh snap! Never mind.. As for SHIELD, I'll watch it but without Sam "Bad MoFo" Jackson I hope it's at least watchable (Arrow is the best Comic Book TV show now)...
  15. HG can merchandise of DYRL (thanks to Tatsunoko) but can't release a new version of the movie..
  16. Really, that's too funny.. How come I keep seeing big black boxes in some people's posts? Are these spoiler tags?
  17. Matrix is dead to me... Just like Babylon 5..
  18. When's the HK region 0 version coming out?
  19. You have Olivia Wilde, Adrianne Palicki, and even Soap Opera stars Kelly Monaco and Kimberly McCullough are among the actresses I envision as a good Lois Lane. When I think of what Lois should look like I think on renditions by DC Comics artists like Jose Garcia, Curt Swan, Gil Lane, and even Jim Lee.. I like Amy Adams; I thought she was real cute in the Muppet Movie but as Lois I'm just not buying it. I like her better as an older Lana Lang if they ever did a live-action Dark Knight Returns movie..
  20. I don't know if I'll play the game but I really really want those miniatures..
  21. She doesn't have to be skinny but Hollywood rarely get Lois right starting from the first actress to play Lois Noel Neil. She always seemed like Superman's mom than a potential love interest. Margot Kidder wasn't much better with her smoking. Teri Hatcher was the best; she seemed like the perfect Lois where she favored the comic book character..
  22. I went to Zenkaikon and I was trying to buy anything Macross related (art books, toys, models, etc, etc) and it was very few and between (I saw a VF-1J miniature that the guy wanted $65 USD). The seller even told me that Macross Frontier was basically old and told me good luck. OTAKON in 2011 was a different story; many merchandise was available on the floor..
  23. Listen I find Amy Adams very attractive but isn't she a little bit chunky and old to be Lois Lane? I see her more as a middle aged Lana Lang..
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