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Everything posted by cowie165

  1. Petar I'm glad you're into 1/72 and not 1/100 like me Not so much hiding in your shadow hehe I can hardly wait to see your kits in person mate. Mark
  2. The brains and know-how are here, just not the admin permissions to edit that part of MW, iirc. It was, and is, a good idea that has just never made it off the ground. N.B. It's "reference" vice "referance".
  3. Wow mate, you have been busy! Are there pics over at HSMS?
  4. C'mon Berttt! You've been sucking back the Christmas leave for a few weeks now, and you're probably now sober from NYE too, so you're running out of excuses my friend!
  5. Yeah, it's pretty rude to go recasting kits that are still commercially available. I'd go visit NeoGrade.
  6. Any chance you could run my handycam and lapel mike for me? I just want to be the first to bootleg the con and sell copies on evilBay You know, we could also do an Australian-language dub and sell those too. Just imagine, Captain Global rising from his chair after a heated Zentraedi battle, "cor, you sheilas did alright! We belted those alien wankers back into last week! Get on the dog and bone, cause youse are all invited to me pool party" That'll easily fund MacAusCon2010.
  7. Matt is there any chance of "booking" a seat now (or very soon)? 22 seats might go quickly and I sure don't want to be left home alone on prom night.
  8. http://www.aircraftresourcecenter.com/ Always good for motivation!
  9. 1/6 John Moscato Action Figure
  10. That sounds like the winning ticket. Nice. pikashoo can you report back with how it all goes?
  11. You'll need something that dissolves graphite. You might go ok with the eraser, but finding a solvent that will remove the pencil but not the paint will be the trick. Good news is that you can experiment on a spare piece of plastic and see what works nicely.
  12. Hey, if you're looking for encouragement, post some pics! That's half the reason guys here make a WIP thread To show their work but it's also great to get an attaboy to keep you motivated towards finishing and that awesome feeling when you know you're done and you can proudly display your piece on the shelf. And remember, if every sportsperson that ran onto a field expected greatness right from the start, there'd be a LOT of disappointed and disillusioned players out there. You gotta take the wins as they come Now post some pics!
  13. It is so cool that you can make great looking pieces like that out of cardboard. Nice work!
  14. Gotta say it again, that chaplain kicks ass. Have you uploaded all the pics to MW Gallery? I'm struggling to find them - but that doesn't mean they're not right under my nose...
  15. Hey Ben, nice 40K minis! I LOVE the terminator chaplain. I really want to grab that model soon. He looks great. The assault guys look very nicely done too. If you're ok with C&C, for me, the wash on the assault guys seems a little heavy. Hey did you take extra time on the jewel on the breastplate or is the shine just a trick of the light. If you painted that, awesome work mate, please share! I'm trying my first 40K guys at the moment. Man, the painting style is completely different to making a model kit, hey. Five minutes I stopped work - I'm in the middle of basing a DA tac squad, and have a dread WIP. These first guys are AoBR but they still turned out nicely. Hope to share in the next few days. Oh yeah, Ben, do you use Citadel paints? I tried running DA Green through my airbrush and it clogged it to the $hithouse. For every 10mins I can spray, I spend another 10mins cleaning out the nozzle @Berttt: I finished work yesterday dude, but I received your email and I'll be sure to beam over a reply. Suffice to say, big time agreement on my part
  16. Firstly, Matt you are doing a kickass job. There's every chance we could book Sunday as well and fill it with 22 other Mac fans... Secondly, as someone that holds the RAAF ensign near and dear to his heart, how's about a change of background colour on the flag please. Maybe something darker to reflect deep space or something? Maybe change the light blue to black. Now we need someone with a graphics design program. Hey I think PetarB has Illustrator, however he's prob rather busy working on the resin 1/72 figures right now.
  17. Sean WTF's up with your threads being closed dude?
  18. He's actually very good, and humble. Berttt leaves the horn tooting for others that feel the need.
  19. Subscribed! Berttt after seeing the pic with the little dude standing in front of the Monster, you really are going to need the scale figure you mentioned! Hey if you need some 1/100 or 1/72 decals to throw on this one, please shoot me an email and I'll send some stuff down. And be careful with keeping track of the time spent, it's going to get scary! I sometimes wonder what life would be like if I skipped every episode of the Simpsons I've ever watched, and practiced guitar or did more Japanese instead...! Sugoi desu ne!
  20. Wow. Enough said.
  21. Dude not only do you have a whole bunch of 1/72 kits built but they're all done REALLY well. I hope you can make it mate so I can see them in person
  22. Niiiiice Man, this is shaping up to be an awesome event. As far as displays go, I'm planning on bringing a few kits for a 1/100 setup. The count is six right now. With six months, I might be able to bring that up to nine. Sweet.
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