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Everything posted by cowie165

  1. As a minimum: 1/100 VF-1A Fighter VF-1D Fighter VF-1J Gerwalk Tomahawk Regult Scout F-14A Mac Zero A 40cm x 30cm space will be plenty to display them if you'd like me to bring them along. Mark
  2. Where do we RSVP again? And check final dates/price info please? Cheers Matt, Mark
  3. Glad to hear your family is ok Petar. We used to holiday in Marysville. I think the figures are around 65 fatalities now - those pictures on the news were horrible. If there are any believers out there in MW land, there are a lot of people that could use your prayers.
  4. But MT, Prime is real. All the Autobots are. I see cars with their logo all the time. A few months back I saw a Decepticon disguised as a Toyota. I would have rammed it but I was uninsured
  5. And to the OP, cheers for the flickr link, they are some really cool images to make some fast dioramas. You have done such a great job!
  6. Nice cockpit tinting! Do you have any more pics?
  7. I like it when LTSO fires up over toys pew pew pew! dakka dakka dakka!
  8. Amazing weathering. Congratulations on a fine achievement! Great work.
  9. Nice HWR, your paint chipping looks spot on. Do you use modern armour pics for reference or is it just freehand and practice?
  10. +1 for great paintwork on Minmay. Well done.
  11. Dude, wow. How did you do the grey on the front of the PzIV? Is it hand painted or salt weathering or something else? I wish I was still at Newcastle so I could take a look in person! Great work. On the SD (dumb question time): that is thin styrene you're adding all over the deck, right? It looks very nice and I'm surprised the original kit didn't have something similar already?! Looking good mate.
  12. Cheers for the correction. Looks like HK is the way to go. And your kits ALWAYS look great
  13. I feel your pain Kenny! Getting back on the horse takes a whole lot of drive! I remember I botched the colours on a MiG 1.44 and had to strip it back... then mask it for four different colours again... Take 5, then reattack!
  14. Mate we're all friends here. Go easy with people. If you just wanted a doggie treat and a pat on the head for your hard work, please just say so.
  15. Cheers Berttt. Let me know if you need a place to crash. HWR great Baneblade mate. The weathering is coming along well.
  16. Thanks gents! The bases are resin purchased from http://www.back2base-ix.com/ He's an Australian guy, so hurrah for decent postage. He makes LOTS of different styles and sizes. I think the ones in the pics are "rubble" or "ruins". I've also bought some matching ones for my dreads and terminators. It should still be worth checking out for the US/UK guys out there, because the Aussie dollar is terrible right now. The bases in the pic should work out around US$0.40 each or so.
  17. Very nice Flanker dashboard there. Very nice.
  18. Ben, Here's a couple of quick 'n' nasty shots I took a few minutes ago of my very first 40K minis. These are the AoBR guys with some very minor bits and pieces changed. It's all good learning for me (whaddaya mean BRUSH paint!?). I need to sort out how to paint eyes correctly if I'm ever going to buy some cadians! Mark White balance and shadows are a bit off, but you get the idea. edit: forgot to add, C&C very welcome. And yep, I need more flat coat after the Future. Them some shineh space marines!
  19. wilco. I'll see about taking some pics of my most recent tac squad tonight.
  20. Oh, all I meant was that as much as I'd love to help, I'd prefer to do something other than ferry people to/from the airport, because it's a major pita for me to get there. So, I can help out with an esky and ice, and supply a bunch of 1/100 kits to support the display. ...but don't display my kits next to PetarB's of course hehe
  21. Thanks mate. I'm going to have a crack at this on two dreads I've just started painting. Cheers
  22. Do you have any layering tips you'd like to share? Whatever you learned from Masterclass seems to be the business
  23. Ben mate that is amazing work! I can hear the tank tracks squeaking from here! The DK guys look great. What are you thinning your citadels with? I've tried metho and water and they both clogged quickly. I tried iso alcohol this morning and base painted 20 DA marines without too many hassles (only had to clear/clean once)(which is about 1/4 of the cleaning I'm used to with those paints ) Mark
  24. Matt just confirming I'm in Brisbane and can (will) bring an esky, but I'm 45mins and $20 in tolls from the airport, each way. I'm about as south as you can get - closer to Ipswich actually. Mate may I have a seat in the second row from the back please? An aisle seat would be cool if there's still one spare. Did you still want me to head out to the cinema for a recce or have you squared that away now? Sorry if I dropped the ball on that one dude - pregnant wife and two young kids makes for busy weekends (and lots of excuses)
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