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Everything posted by cowie165

  1. I love your Nikon. Great pics. Nice clean build cool8or. Really nice.
  2. Pilots here: http://www.studiostarforge.com/
  3. Thanks Kyle. I'm looking forward to giving the 500 a try. Cheers. Does anyone have a link to a guide on using filters? Google isn't being very helpful.
  4. Wow, what a great piece Kyle. 1. Collect Ma.Kross kits 2. ? 3. Profit btw, is the cast iron effect on the hull cast on the resin pieces already, or did you add that yourself? Looks amazing, very Sherman-tank style.
  5. @Bluemaxx: that is a bummer mate. kevin wants you to come to the con! @PetarB: I think Matt said the model entry was on Saturday. I sure hope so, because I can't make it on Sunday unfortunately. Glaug is panel-lined and preshaded. I wish I could post pics. And I missed a seam line!!!!!!! Argh!! Rushing sucks, but the con will be worth it. I've been painting a lot of GW minis recently and I'm having fun applying stuff I've learned about shading and highlights to the 1/100 kit. Let's see how it turns out.
  6. Those Revoltech's look so cool! It'll be my first Macross toy Thanks Kirin Hobby! Glaug is assembled and undercoated, hurrah! Man it's tough to find time for modelling these days, but it's still a lotta fun. Petar, if you're reading, are you entering the Comanche? And Berttt have you booked a seat yet?
  7. Contest entry update: Glaug is 80% assembled. Now up to my eyeballs in the sand->Mr Surfacer->sand->Mr Surfacer->etc. Have to clear these seam lines so I can finish assembly. Undercoated a few parts today to check the seam lines were gone. Grrrr, still more work required. Is anyone else making a kit or just entering something they've finished already? Mark
  8. That's a real bummer! I know where you're coming from though.
  9. cowie165

    HW Japan

    I'm pretty sure Petar is talking about HLJ, who aren't just starting out.
  10. Where'd you find the novelty coin? Never seen one that big before.
  11. That Starfury is amazing. Great work, especially the metallic finish.
  12. the flat coat will make it shine? TIC Looks great Tancist! Nice work on the seam lines especially. I agree with Berttt, a nice flat coat, and possibly even a verrry light coat of white with a drop of yellow (over the entire kit) would be the only step I'd recommend including next time. Well done. Thanks for sharing the pics.
  13. Couldn't agree more. They usually look cheesy, but this is really nicely done. Great job destroid. And you're a local! Nice.
  14. cowie165

    HW Japan

    Thanks gunny. I've never heard of them before - just checking out their site now. Cheers.
  15. Ok I cracked the box on my Glaug yesterday afternoon. Now, to keep my butt in gear to get this sucker finished in time. Matt what were the rules for the custom scheme again pls? Built OOB or are mods allowed? Mark
  16. Wow, that's very cool. Thanks for the hard work Matt
  17. Thanks warpaint. I'm still tossing up over whether I'll have time to start and finish a submission for the contest.
  18. Unfortunately I won't be able to make it on Sunday. Is the modelling contest/display on Saturday, Sunday or both please?
  19. I think Jim's blown away by the mystery sponsor! It's ok Jim, I can't believe it either! Jim looks like he got the MacAusCon address mixed up and walked into a Star Trek convention by mistake... so... many... phasers...
  20. Jim is cool. Where the heck did you find him? Sonic, your poster is amazing.
  21. Pilots arrived yesterday. UN Spacy + Rebels. For anyone reading, they are very well packed (quite cleverly actually). Some have a *tiny* amount of flash, and the detail is so crisp! These guys are going to come up really well, I'm sure. A big thanks goes out to you Petar, I'm grateful for your effort and really impressed by your fine-scale sculpting. Great work. Mark
  22. Wow. That is the best armour weathering I have ever seen. Wow. Any chance of a couple of quick pointers to share your method please? Opposite colour for paint chips, drybrushing and pastels to tone the colours down? It looks amazing and is my new favourite completed kit. Well done. My grandfather (WW2 veteran) surrendered a few interesting collectables a few years ago. Australia declared a firearm buy-back/amnesty period following the banning of semi-automatic rifles. My granddad walked into the local police station and turned in a couple of hand grenades he'd had in the basement since the war. Yes, we're talking 50 year old, LIVE pineapple grenades. He wasn't impressed by the desk officer's response when it became clear they were live. My ol' pop just didn't get it!
  23. Me too. And a set of SW pilots I'm very excited.
  24. disregard. sorted.
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