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Everything posted by cowie165

  1. cowie165

    1/500 SDF-1

    How do you guys find this stuff!? Wow. Did anyone else see Optimus Prime making a guest appearance on the Macross?
  2. It's akin to 'analysis paralysis', right? You buy nice fruit to go with a nice kit but don't start because you want to be sure you do a great job... and that won't happen unless you are already skilled or do lots of practice...!?
  3. Hi mate. I know your southern hemisphere pain. I've found 1/100 has almost no following, so I wouldn't hold my breath for many recommendations on 1/170 kits. Seems the 1/72 gear is just too damn attractive these days As an aside, buying Macross gear from the US isn't too bad. You can have two kits shipped for around US$15 or just buy new 1/72 from HLJ for even cheaper. There are also guys around that can help you out with Yahoo Japan, but I'd save that for rare stuff you just HAVE to have. And welcome to MW! Mark
  4. You sure they weren't referring to 'torrent'? In an internet-related context?
  5. Brilliant! Thank you mate.
  6. Does anyone know what scales the MPC AT-ST, Y-Wing and Shuttle are please? I've heard the Y-Wing is around 1/100(ish)? Mark
  7. Cool, thanks Thor! I think I'll put the swimsuit Minmay in amongst my 1/24 car collection! As far as fixing the purple, I think I'll just paint over the existing mess and go from there It has all been sealed by clear laquer anyway. Kylwell, thanks for the info. I have a FM X-Wing in the closet and a lot of 5 MPC kits inbound from TN (thanks eBay). Looking forward to their arrival.
  8. Good to know, thanks! I'm only just learning what SW kits are available - the common brands are AMT/ERTL and MPC, right? MPC is usually preferred? And it is very surprising to hear you'll be removing detail! Very unusual. I guess too much detail is distracting from the finished piece? Mark
  9. I forgot to add, the hair will be finished lighter. The forest green is more of a base to be followed by drybrushed park green. Ok here's a few Wehrmacht soldiers I'm about to insert into my first diorama. It's a 1/72 WW2 setup. I'll probably post a few pics when I'm done. The kits are done, just need to finish the MDF base.
  10. In progress: Millia figure from the 15th anniversary Bandai 1/100 kits. Not sure on the scale but the figure is 2 3/4 inches tall. Things were going well until I decided the purple was too dark and tried to lighten the colour. This was complicated by all the masks being removed just before I noted the colour difference. My attempt to lighten (dodgy light spray of white) faired poorly and now the surface is speckled. Ouch. I'm hoping that a light purple wash plus some purple pastel will rectify most of the hiccup There are still a few more spots to tidy up with the paint brush (in case you notice things like the touchup required on the right bicep/shoulder line). I'm about 60% done on the figure. Mark
  11. What were the ERTL proportion issues? Too high/thick or something like that? Or inconsistent side panel height?
  12. SOLD! Thank you Sir.
  13. Thanks ghostryder. For reference, which colours are used in your avatar?
  14. Scott thank you very much! It is appreciated!
  15. Sorry my post was muddled. Reading back on it now, it is pretty vague I wish to paint a VF-1A in CF colours. Which paint colour should I use please?
  16. nb. I apologise to anyone that read this thread looking to see a Hasegawa garage kit. I posted to help me vent a little eBay rage at people that BS in their ads. Mark
  17. I have Mr Color Tan, Radome and Rough Sand. They all seem pretty close but I was hoping for MWer opinion please. maxwinamp recently completed a VF-1D using Orange and Radome - the VF-1D and CF colours are slightly different. Any pointers would be appreciated! Thanks! Mark
  18. Hi Scott. Are you able to help with the F-14 decals please? I have the right kit (a better representation of an F-14D) but now looking for the Macross decals. Otherwise, if anyone knows how to find one, please post here! Mark
  19. I'm considering placing a bid on this 1/71 kit, manufactured by some guys called Hasegawa in 1984. Though the boxart does look familiar. http://cgi.ebay.com/MACROSS-DYRL-VF-1S-Str...1QQcmdZViewItem
  20. Wow, thanks Dave. I am a big Yukikaze fan and have always regretting not seeing the Sylph walkthrough. Cheers!
  21. I found a few more pics that aren't too bad. I was trying out pastels for the first time. As I read later on, don't bother trying to apply over a gloss coat - matte all the way By the way, for the guys that have this kit on the shelf, I highly recommend placing weighted legs onto your 'must do' list. The kit doesn't feel too much like a plastic model and is at absolutely no risk of toppling.
  22. Thanks mojacko. All airbrushed I avoid handpainting like the plague for everything except figures. The main colour is Tamiya acrylic X-7 Red over preshaded XF-63 German Grey. The colours used on the Bandai instructions seemed far too bright and would make it look very toy like. Same goes for the blue boosters and FAST pack. The boosters here are also XF-63. The white strips are all painted (except for the cockpit side because I forgot about it...) rather than decal, with the SDF/Macross roundel cut out from the decal sheet. You know, a matching Max gerwalk would be very cool. Cheers for the suggestion!
  23. Thanks CW! As an aside, I played GW tabletop for quite a few years! Or is your avatar from the Hero Quest board game?
  24. Guys thank you all very much for the kind words. The kit looks nice on the shelf but the pics almost made me not put it on MW I'd love to see more guys have a crack at the old Bandai kits. I'll keep practicing on them before I move onto the Hase stuff in the closet. Berttt thanks for your post. I've seen your 1/72 work so your praise means a great deal, cheers. Once I finish off the Nissan Silvia I'm working on, I'm planning to have a go at the Imai 1/100 VF-1D and CF fighter kits. Mark PS Any guesses at a good paint colour for the CF? I have H346 (Rough Sand) and it looks close, but wondering if any other paints were better suited?
  25. ps: I finally have an avatar
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