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Everything posted by cowie165

  1. Hey thanks mate! Is that the chap in Newcastle you met last year? Anyways, I'll package them up and send them your way. Has your work address changed?
  2. Micro-Flat users: Does this actually work!? I've tried brushing and spraying; both with little success. The last spray was over Future and it barely put a dent into the Future shine... Any pointers for this Micro-Flat noob?
  3. Brett after Grayson mentioned the variable, I checked one out. They look the same with rescribed panel lines if anything. I don't have any casting gear for about another eight weeks but if you want I could mail them up your way if you can DIY? Over to you blue leader.
  4. Hats off to you Sir! I thought $80 was a lot for a vintage kit, but that guy REALLY wants his destroid! It is comforting a MWer is reaping the benefits!
  5. Here's an evilBay auction that is completely out of control... http://cgi.ebay.com.au/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vi...A:IT&ih=010 US$122.50 with nearly four days to go! Out. Of. Control. CA's resin kits are around the same price!
  6. Hi Dante. Great work mate! They look amazing! The heat effect and lighting is very very nice. I know you said you're over it and ready to move it, but if you chose to revisit the pic, a 'squat' nosegear position in the first pic could really top it off. Once again, beautiful pics. Saved. Mark
  7. Wow, doesn't that look very similar to the Clint Eastwood MiG-31!? The rear section is almost spot on.
  8. Gold Jerry! Thanks for your reply Mike.
  9. Did I miss a thread about a monster rerun or are kits still available? I'd love to hear more if the kits are going to be sold again.
  10. I cheated - I made a special note of the thread as I have an Arii VF-1D on the bench at the moment! Mark
  11. This thread should be what you are looking for. Post #7 from maxwinamp has cockpit photos and he includes which colours he used for the kit. HTH
  12. A few years, down here in Australia, a number of soldiers came into a lot of trouble after cleaing their rifle parts by soaking them in Coke...! It sure made short work of the carbon build up Anyway, back to the Macross
  13. Or here http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=20165
  14. Big F thanks for those links. The mechaskunk link was great! Short and sweet, with great pictures! Cheers
  15. By the way Berttt, all the rumours are true - Future is awesome. On Swanny's recommendation I've used Johnsons ShineMagic and Pledge OneGo, and they really are the unattractive cousins The results from Future are in a class of their own. Do it. Do it.
  16. Seeing the SDF-1 stomping an Enterprise would be soooooo funny. You could then display it at the next Trekkie convention and aggravate all the fanboys
  17. HWR have you tried thinning it? Just wondering, as I never thinned it but once I started doing so I was able to produce a more uniform finish. Could be placebo effect though - must swap back next model.
  18. Being mates with a 37SQN flight engineer helps Two bottles at AU$10 a piece, giddyup. He *may* have some left (he bought a case). Hey if you shoot over a reminder email tomorrow I'll give him a call and see if I can grab a bottle or two for you. Failing that, I could mail my spare up your way As an aside, I saw some dude on eBay.au selling Future at AU$27 per bottle! Ouch. Big markup but still cheaper than buying cans. Cowie
  19. JFG you gotta finish your 1/48 dio first! updateorban
  20. I have to agree with Chas! Great product, with such a lovely scent If required, try thinning with Windex and a drop or two of dishwashing liquid. No, I'm not joking.
  21. http://cgi.ebay.com.au/Combat-Robots_W0QQi...1QQcmdZViewItem Bushy here's some local 1/170 Cheeeeeeap
  22. Sorry, one of those scans is a little on the nose - slight movement during the pass.
  23. Guys I have mailed you both. I don't have a photobucket account. Please enable your junk filters to accept incoming from domain 'exemail.com.au' as the attachments are in jpeg format. Cheers Mark
  24. Hi Grebo Dude the box is slightly longer than A4 but here's what I could fit onto my scanner. 300dpi as requested. edit: can't seem to upload, server doesn't like it. If you PM me your email address I can send the file over. It is 0.89Mb. Mark
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