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Everything posted by cowie165

  1. 10/10 Petar. Amazing work mate. And +1 with the comments regarding the weathering - you've got it spot on! I can't believe I missed the release of the Cat's Eye. Too long away from MW!!!
  2. I love it! Very F-111esque
  3. rofl, I nearly spat coffee all over myself reading that!
  4. Shame he missed out on such superbly delivered lines such as, "Noooooooooooooooooooo!"
  5. If you are aware that it is done by Treyarch, and not Infinity Ward, you're on the right track to understanding what you're buying. So think of it as an upgrade to COD:WaW and not MW2.
  6. I'm in the same boat as anime (never tried it) and I agree that it sounds like a headache. You might be better off applying the decal (if the size isn't too small or complex) to some tamiya tape then cut it out to make a mask.
  7. A whoopee cushion for Destroids?
  8. Please tell me that Marine is a 1/16 kit!!! The face is painted perfectly. What an amazing piece. I assume it's OOP?
  9. Petar that SuperSylph is your usual, amazing work. It looks great mate. Is it only Platz that do a 1/72 SuperSylph? I didn't think it had cockpits? Did you dremel out a cockpit? Great work, thanks for the pics. Mark
  10. Mine arrived this week too. Thanks Andy, the kit looks great and the casting improvements between VF-11 and VF-4 are great too. Your work just keeps getting better! Thanks again! Mark
  11. +1! Platz or Bandai Petar? (actually I'll just keep an eye on the Workbench thread!)
  12. Andy would you mind posting an update please mate? And confirming my order hasn't shipped yet? Thanks! Mark
  13. Sounds great Andy. Is there a chance we'll see a few pics in a few days? Mark
  14. Cheers Bill. Thanks for sharing the technique for that red outline. A neat idea that came up great. And gents, any chance of smaller pics in future please? Even something around 500kb would be brilliant for bandwidth impaired folk in Aus. on a 1.5 cable. Danke!
  15. Lookin' great Bill! Did you make the ejection handles on the skyhawk? And how did you do the red outline on the Foxhound cockpit?? The oil wash came up really nicely. Great job mate. Did you make the tarmac in the Foxhound pic or is that a store-bought jobbie? Mark
  16. One please Andy. Mark
  17. +1 customer for fighter kit please Andy.
  18. SSM discounting Platz Yukikaze kits to $99 starshipmodeler.com/newshop/index.cfm?fuseaction=category.display&category_ID=94 Forgive me if it is old news - just thought someone here might be interested
  19. Jase that looks amazing! You MUST bring that to the MacAusCon next year mate! I really like the shading and the choice of colour. The pilots look great too. Are they the Italeri pilots? Mark
  20. You said it Petar! I can hardly believe it either - it's the only 1/100 Macross kit I was hoping for but thought I'd never see! Very exciting news.
  21. +1
  22. Samuel can/will rescale decals for you. You just have to let him know the size. He rescaled to 1/100 on a few sets for me earlier this year. Good guy, good price.
  23. Wow destroid, I love the Macross Zero Tomcat! Looks great. Subtle pre-shading and good panel lines afterwards.
  24. One scale to rule them all
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