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Everything posted by cowie165

  1. Sidebar: this IP you've listed is different to the one you listed earlier in the year.
  2. Ron are these lenses close to what you used? http://store.spruebrothers.com/shared/Stor...CS=sbm&All=
  3. Looking good! I'm not a rivet counter, but leaving it white seems a little bland with three major portions in the same colour. I like the red however with some decals and weathering on the main hatch, it could come out nicely. How did you find assembly? Any tips to offer pls?
  4. Link to nice Macross Zero F-14 on ARC: http://www.aircraftresourcecenter.com/Gal5..._Salaun/00.shtm
  5. Wow! Great spartan Your masking is very nice. The colour changes are very clean with some nice weathering. Boy those jeweled lenses look realistic too. Are they available in stores somewhere?
  6. Hey TSP. I had to run and check...! Happy to say it looks pretty even to me. What are Area 88 kits? And the Academy canopy looks reasonable - what is the Nichimo like? Perhaps they're different moulds.
  7. I received a HLJ shipping notice this week for a few bottles of Mr Surfacer. Like ce25254 said, it'll just take a while. HTH
  8. Thanks dude. If I ever need to get a busted jet off my runway real quick, I know who to email about tow motors Seriously though, cheers for your reply. /OT
  9. 15mins to fill a tank must be a tiny motor. I have a 10gal that fills in about 90sec. 10gal will cover LOTS of airbrush time. My old 6gal could paint a 1/72 aircraft twice and still have air left over. MechTechs pointers are right on the money You need a pressure regulator and a water trap.
  10. Not often you hear BZ around here. Nice. And PW, you sure know your tractors. Hey whilst we're here, are you able to explain callsign VVAX360? He was one of your guys and flew in to the base here yesterday. Does any of it refer to their squadron or is it just a random USN international callsign? It was a C130, if it matters. Cheers!
  11. cowie165


    Man I love the shading/masking effect there. It adds so much to the model over a simple plain colour. Perhaps inspired by some bare metal aircraft! Looks great, especially having all three in the one shot for comparison. Thanks for posting!
  12. Great work! The ground crew add so much to the F-14 piece. Please tell me it's 1/48!!?
  13. Cool link Ron. Cheers. Incidentally, Brett Green is an Australian guy that looks after Hyperscale.com Just waving the Aussie flag... Hey I have an off-topic segue about Oz - did anyone read about the Australian girl that was arrested in Connecticut last year after saying "Fair Dinkum!" on a US domestic flight? True story. Down here, saying fair dinkum is the same as saying "gee whiz" but the poor stewardess thought the girl was about to hit DEF CON 1, so she took passport details and officers detained the girl at her destination. Kinda funny story.
  14. Some wm cheng goodness... Naice!
  15. Sorry about that, I didn't realise there was a Part 3 coming I'm surprised you said you're nervous on posting this stuff - your work speaks for itself! And remember, once you have the basics, there really is no such thing as wrong technique, just different! Thanks again, looking forward to more whenever you have time. Cheers
  16. Thanks for taking the time to repost and provide the pointers! Much appreciated. I remember seeing your Tomahawk when you first posted pics - it still looks great. I am especially interested in your technique for bullet holes/blast damage and how you achieve the weathered effect on the 1A super. To me it looked a lot better than I'd expect from pastels and an oil wash...?
  17. Carl I know I'm taking things off topic here, but Man! that weathering is brilliant! Hey would you mind sharing a little or did you make a thread when you finished it? Mark
  18. Thanks very much!
  19. Option 1 could have potential... Keeping in mind wmcheng's comments, perhaps dull down the orange to an orange brown and make it a research and development aircraft? Think of F-16 CCV or F-16XL. The VF-1 here is an early model and they're test flying the atmospheric booster. R&D jets are usually bright so the chase planes can keep track! With the MW responses and the SM ones too, there's not much consensus here!
  20. Hey that VF-1 is coming along nicely! I recently finished the same kit (if you're doing the Arii one) and posted about my experience with it in the "on your workbench" thread. http://macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?s=&a...st&p=571583 Keep up the good work!
  21. Thanks for the encouragement! I referred to a 1/72 Airwaves GRU-7s as I went. Hey I know what you're saying about the nose! Nicely spotted! It just doesn't like right to me either. I've compared the kit pieces to line art and it seems very close but I think it's a little short (1-2mm) and pointed slightly down... I thought about trying to correct it but decided I cannot be bothered with such a small cheap kit. I've not seen the Academy kit before, but I suspect it is a repro of the AFV kit - the boxing has the same advertisement of "Full Detail Cockpit" or whatever. I'm looking forward to the final move to 1/72 too. The 1/100 jet was a stocking filler at Christmas
  22. My first foray into scratchbuilding... Last December I purchased this: ...because it mentioned this: ...however the "detailed cockpit" was actually this: ...so I had my first go at scratchbuilding (in 1/100): It was a little tedious but I'm happy with the outcome Any pointers would be appreciated. I've thought about drilling out instruments and detailing the seats a little more, but it is 1/100 plus hidden under closed cockpit. Maybe add seat belts and black&yellow handles?
  23. Sure did! Looks brilliant! I should have guessed that you were using a toothbrush. Layered weathering is a nice touch and "less is more" is one of my favorite modelling maxims. Top work.
  24. @PetarB: Thanks Petar. Your comments are great encouragement, moreso because of the quality of kits coming off your bench @Promethuem5: Awesome Tiger Ben. The zimmerit looks great, and so do the cables down the side. Are you using Dullcote for your final spray? @HWR: I gotta ask: how did you create the mud splashes on the guards? (ref: the close up pic of the tracks). Nice effect there. Mark
  25. Right on! I keep learning that lesson the hard way... Hey Petar have you tried an Olfa/Tamiya scriber? It seems to create nicer lines than my Hase scriber. The Hase is less painful when you make a mistake, but the Olfa actually cuts the line rather than scribes it out. And you don't end up with the raised edge on the panel line. Smart work on the nose gear door Looks great!
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