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Everything posted by cowie165

  1. I forgot to add, I have googled and searched MW, but no luck so far
  2. Ah, understood. Are you working on a 1/72 diorama? From memory, is the ERTL/AMT AT-ST around 1/100?
  3. That's amazing Petar. Is there a WIP thread on SSM? So tiny! Speaking of 1/72, are you still working on Macross pilot figures?
  4. Wow. The hull looks very nice. And that teeny tiny VF-1!
  5. Does anyone know what happened to the Glaug Pod and Gnerl 1/100 masters?
  6. Hi guys. I have the kit instructions but the paint info is pretty poor. I've used Mr Color H25 (Sky Blue) and it turned out well. The instructions call for (an unknown) mix of H22 and H25. For grey, I started with Mr Color H307 (FS36320). It turned out too dark. Other options are FS36375 or FS16440. What have you guys used? Any pointers would be appreciated. Thanks!
  7. When you did you panel lining, did you use future first? If so, what did you use for panel lining? I've never been game to use an enamel wash over future - I worry that I will ruin the finish. Instead I end up using water colour... works ok but I'd prefer enamel! Was it the Trumpeter LAV kit?
  8. Wow, a great custom vehicle there! How did you scratchbuild the turret? The windows don't look like any LAV I've seen. If I may offer a tip, you can fade those decals a little with a very light spray in the base green colour, and then go about your weathering. Your shading looks great, and really breaks up the otherwise bland green surface. And great work on the tyres! Is that pastels or did you do a thick brown wash in the tread? Your Ghost is so cool. Are your panel lines white or grey? Jesse Myers did the Ghost, right? Thanks so much for sharing those great photos!
  9. +1 It must have been a real pain to mask but it looks great Ron.
  10. So bummed that HLJ is out of 1/100 PE for the SuperSylph After waiting for months it has now been removed it from my last order - the product has been discontinued! :(
  11. I have zero first-hand experience. I've read ALPS printers are the most sought after. They are no longer produced. They print white. Adobe Illustrator seems to be the program-of-choice for creating custom decals. Try PMing PetarB as he created an amazing set of custom decals for his 1/72 VF-4. HTH.
  12. CosmicSpore, welcome to MW! Now when you say Max Special, that's the DYRL version, right? The Hasegawa VF-1 kits have spare blue decals, but I'm not sure if that's what you're after - or even if they'd properly fit a Bandai kit. And from what I saw, the 1/72 variable reissue was solely the VF-1A (which I already have! bummer!). HEWAT = strike parts? Finally, evilBay is probably you best bet. The 1/100 kits aren't terribly popular these days so you can pick them up reasonably cheaply. A variable 1/72 Max special might be a little harder to find. The re-issue VF-1A is probably the best option - if you start a request thread you can prob grab a hi-res scan of the 1/72 decals from a MWer and print your own. FWIW Again, welcome!
  13. I forgot to ask, were you planning on any retooling of the kit?
  14. Hey Ken, the price sounds great! One for me please.
  15. Sorry about the wait. This is a 1.6Mb uncompressed TIFF. MW isn't happy with that file type. If you let me know your email address I'll send it over, otherwise I can just post a compressed JPEG. Up to you. Mark
  16. Ma.K sale at HLJ. Up to 85% off. I wish I was into SF3D! http://www.hlj.com/maksale.html
  17. In for one please.
  18. Damn JFG, that looks amazing! I recognise all the 'usual' techniques, but the way you put them together really shows your talent. Well done mate! I didn't realise the Viper was so tiny! Great job.
  19. I think I can help out, however I'm just walking out the door. I'll see about posting a scan in a few hours.
  20. Wow, lots of TLAs over at RI. Hard to keep up...
  21. Gents for all the sci-fi noobs like me, what's RI?
  22. XV88! Grrr, that has two railguns
  23. lmao "Once, I watched two guys kissing in the park. Until now, that was the gayest thing I'd ever seen..." EC
  24. I can't remember if we were talking about it here or elsewhere, but I just received some decals from samueldecal.com They are very well done. Crisp edges, good register, the white is strong and opaque and you get plenty of decals for your money. DIY cutout. If anyone missed the link, it was www.samueldecal.com/html/macross.htm He also resized a set for me, from 1/72 down to 1/100, which was a nice service.
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