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Everything posted by Batou

  1. Meh. Final nail in the coffin, IMHO. Brosnan had a decent run, but the plots have been so over the top and hackneyed for so long I have serious doubts anyone can resurrect this series to the coolness it enjoyed with Connery as the lead.
  2. Man oh man oh man. I haven't looked this forward to a feature release in I can't remember how long (as if my avatar left any doubts). I hope the Alamo Drafthouse picks this one up (here in Austin). I can't wait to see this one on the big screen.
  3. Oh f*** yeah. Some of you are going to wait? Blasphemy! I've been drooling over this one since the day they announced it. It doesn't get any better than a new id game (for my dollar, anyway). I'm just hoping my rig can handle it - I got the leaked beta and I got some major choppiness as soon the goons started coming at you. It's sad to think that up until a very few months ago there wasn't a game out there that made it even hiccup, and now I'm facing the upgrade rollercoaster again. I guess I'm showing my age in nerd years when I'm astounded that a 2400+ MHz processor is too slow. (sigh)
  5. Well, the only ones you can purchase seperately are the bluish DYRL style kits. The greenish TV style FPs are only available with the Hikaru VF-1J as a set.
  6. Yikes! Stunning work as always. You, my friend, have a PM.
  7. I've got one, but sorry - no camera for taking pics. It's the exact same thing as the normal VF-1S Strike, but the plastic has a metallic finish. It's actually pretty neat - the high reflectiveness of the finish really brings out the panel lines and curves very well. I've been a little scared to work on it, though, since I don't know what that sheen does to the plastic. I never wanted one of those clear-color limited edition Hases for the same reason - all that clear plastic would make it brittle as a mf and a pain to put together. I'm not sure about the metallic plastic, but don't want to find out by ruining it.
  8. Good god does that thing look odd (in a good way - I love the mechanical designs from this series). Now why on earth can't someone put out a quality 1/72 injection kit for these birds? I can't really justify spending this much on a resin kit I frankly don't have the skills to put together. The existing Bandai kits are ok (I have one of them), but I just love having stuff in the same scale for comparisons' sake.
  9. If it's the one I'm thinking of, it's in Newark, DE. I used to work there when I was in college (ah .... college). It was a big draw for folks in Philly, DE, and Maryland since there's no sales tax. I hadn't thought of that place in years. Small world.
  10. Very interesting. I wonder ... and maybe even Graham can't really do much but speculate here ... but I wonder how many valks are made during each production run? I'm really interested to know what percentage of those thousands of valks were as compared to how many were actually made. I think that would be a much clearer indicator on whether they would be inclined really listen to us or prowl these boards, etc. I mean - mcpaz accounted for over 4000 valks purchased by just members of this site ... and of those, just those that accounted for their collections in that thread (of which I missed this time around ... sorry!). If the percentage of foreign sales were say up to 10 or even 15% of the total valks they move, then it might get their attention in a big way. I'm not saying that 4000+ or even double that were quite 10-15% of the total valks Yamato sold since taking on Macross, but if just the folks on this site account for this many ... I think you see where I'm going with this. Foreign sales may actually be a much bigger piece of their market than they are willing to admit to (for fear of litigation? maybe.)
  11. Do you think we could get Anasazi to do the decals? I'm not sure how hard it is to do. The answer is probably no, I bet. The decals I used for mine look really awkward (I just used Hasegawa ones). I know there were quite a few of us here who bought up Valkyrie's recast. I'd definitely be interested in a set if it was made available ... even if a limited run made the costs substantially higher. Maybe if enough of us chimed in with a promise to buy them he could be so persuaded ...
  12. That's exactly why I invested in DSL ...and DSL is basically the only broadband provider in this area No doubt. How could you possibly stand pulling down even that much over a 56K without pulling your hair out? Tying up your phone line for hours on end? You can get a dedicated phone line for it, but you may as well get broadband at that point. I know - it still isn't available everywhere just yet, but I pity you poor hapless bastards still futzing with dialup. I can't imagine ever going back. I for one like the larger files there's no telling when or if these are ever going to make it to the States, so I'm all for the best quality possible. Make it as large as you need to. On that note, do any of the boot'ed M0 disks from HK have a decent translation? I picked up #1 (can't remember who released it off the top of my head) and the subtitling was just awful compared to the fansubs available. (I'm assuming the R2's don't have English subtitling available .. I'd get them if they did). Back on topic ... The action scenes were great in this episode, but few and far between (I'm really hoping for a battle royale next time ... this was a little sparse in the adrenaline dept). Without any clue what they're talking about, it's a little hard to judge this episode just yet. It's pretty.
  13. I don't think this one comes with a pilot figure, either.
  14. Millia is definitely 303. I'm not aware of any detailed line art showing the decal placement for either of these, but it should be essentially the same as the Hikaru 1J. Maybe someone with the M&M Hasegawa kit would be nice enough to scan the instructions? ...
  15. Oh wow. Is it too late to get in on this? If not, sign me up.
  16. Batou

    A virgin, no more.

    Amen to that.
  17. Hey, that's a good question. What # was Milia?!? H 303. Max's TV VF-1J was 202. There was a thread about this a few months ago ... a quick search should turn it up.
  18. Guh .. guh ... guh ... <drool ...>
  19. Batou

    rumor or True Q-Rau 1/48

  20. Austin, TX here, though I've only been here a few years. Philadelphia before that, and others as well. I've lived all over the States.
  21. (breathe ....) Welcome to Macrossworld, redsilk. You're in good company here. Yamato hasn't announced plans for a larger version of the VF-0 yet, but it's a pretty safe bet they will. If they do, the swing bars on the reference designs would make 'perfect transformation' pretty much a given if they do, but who really knows for sure? Yamato and maybe Graham, but they aren't going to say. The reason they'll release the smaller ones first are obvious - 1.) to test the waters, and 2.) to sell more units (i.e., they know if they released a big one and then the smaller units, most of us would snatch up the big ones and stop there). That's just speculation, though.
  22. The game isnt lagish, its your settings. this game looks beautiful on medium graphics settings and 800X600X32. Thata what I have it running on, and almost no lag. Also, defrag your hard drive a couple times, that helps alot. I don't know ... I think the renderer needs some tweaking. I have a Radeon 9700 Pro and this is the first game yet that it's had a problem with so far - I can't get it playable until I turn it down to 'medium'. I've run graphics demos up the wazoo (including the Doom 3 "demo" that was leaked) - all of them 100x more busy in the rendering dept - and I ran them like there was no tomorrow. I'm sure it will get better, but the rendering engine seems a little unoptimized. At least for ATI cards (bastards ... we don't all use nVidia, damn it!)
  23. Very nicely done. Outstanding. You can't see it, but I'm clapping right now (as I'm typing, of course ... )
  24. Got it the other day and I can't get enough of it. I put down BF1942 a while ago, but this has definitely sucked me back in. It seems more like a really good mod of the original than a real sequel, though. I like some of the smaller changes - how you capture a control point faster when there are other friendlies in it's radius ... the air lift (very neat) ... firing from out the side door of helicopters ...
  25. Heh. Lurked for at least a half year, and posting for ... I guess 1 1/2 years? I found this site after grabbing a Yamato VF-19A and YF-19 on a fluke off of Ebay. It was pretty much downhill from there ... Edit in: Doh! I meant a VF-19A and a YF-21. Details, details...
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