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Everything posted by Batou

  1. Because Japan and the US use the same regional encoding on Blu-ray.
  2. And I'd counter that the Q-Rau didn't sell because it was ridiculously overpriced for what you got. The only gimmicks were what? - swappable/openable missile pods and a removable pilot? That's not much for the $100 or so it sold for at release. Economies of scale aside, that still smacked of price gouging. If they released a Regult with a removable pilot, attachable missile pods and the like (include parts for each of the variants), I'd pick one up, or even several provided they were reasonably priced. It's just cheapo plastic with no excessive engineering it as far as making it transform goes ... they could sell one of these with all these options for $60 or so (or even less) and still make a very decent profit. I'd also kill to see the Glaug and N-Ger.
  3. So who's making these then? Anyone have 'em up for preorder yet?
  4. Wow ... that is just stunning. Found out the post office tried to deliver this to my house yesterday ... of course I wasn't home and they want a signature, forcing me to go pick it up at the post office before they return it to sender (HLJ - eek!).
  5. Yeah - shipping was the same for me at 4700 yen. I appreciate the thought of what BofA was trying to do ... if it was me getting ripped off for real, then I'd definitely be singing a different tune. It's kind of nice to know that someone's watching my back (even if it's admittedly in their own self-interest to not have to eat the cost if it were fraudulent). Arkham - I don't know about them being the best as far as parts service (thankfully I've never needed them for this), but I'm willing to bet replacing broken or faulty merchandise with them would be a major pain as opposed to a local distributor, mostly because of the time and cost of shipping, as well as language barrier. I've been very lucky so far with nothing damaged in shipping or QA defects that were deal breakers (crooked gunpods and slightly askew skull emblems aren't enough to warrant a return, anyway ...). Their prices are just pretty tough to beat for the local guys, even with the shipping factored in. I typically buy a number of things from them at once, as well, to consolidate on shipping and save a bundle. YMMV, of course. If you want more peace of mind in case of problems, I've had very good luck with Twin Moons locally (US) and have heard very good things about Big Bad Toy Store ... I do miss Kevin running Valkyrie Exchange, though ... (sniff)
  6. Found out mine was getting ready when Bank of America called me to let me know they put a hold on my card for suspicious activities ... Funny when I make 5-6 orders from HLJ a year. Got the shipping notice the other day, but was shocked to see how much EMS shipping added to the final cost. I may start buying them locally (i.e., from US vendors) if this keeps up.
  7. I like to think of them as figure skaters, who wear like white outfits, doing interpretive ice dances of my life's journey.
  8. They've confirmed it's going to be using a tweaked version of the GameBryo (i.e., Oblivion) engine. No idea whether they could adapt it to isometric turn-based play like the first two, but I kind of think it's unlikely, esp since Interplay sold the rights to Bethesda. I'm guessing it's "Oblivion with Mutants", which could be fun in it's own right, but not really "Fallout". We'll see.
  9. Replace the mms:// with http:// ... worked for me, anyway.
  10. Ha! I actually stood up and cheered when Hikaru backhanded her like a pimp. Must be from those years of listening to Reba West belch out "To Be In Loooovveee..." (shudder)
  11. Oh my ... That's pretty. So I'm assuming the weapon/booster pack will be sold as an add-on? Edit - Might have been useful to have mentioned I'm referring to the '51 ...
  12. How do you plan on modifying the cockpit and canopy? Or should we just stay tuned?
  13. Sounds as if getting a real one would be somehow less troublesome ...
  14. Is the thing really permanently attached (as in glued or something), or will it be removable? If it's just a simple matter of prying the dumb thing off, then no biggie ... if it's not removable without damaging the toy, then that's a different matter ...
  15. I take off for a week and look what shows up ... Gotta agree that it's a little hard to justify $60 + shipping by the time it makes it to the States for a green light-up vibrator and hollow leg/sholder armor. Maybe if they threw in all of this it would be easier to swallow ... Link Seriously: This costs more than the 1/48 FP set that had a bazillion micro missles, removable cowlings, rms nukes, etc? Meh.
  16. 'Nuff said.
  17. I've used his stickers on all 3 of my 1/48's and I can say without any hesitation these hands down beat the snot out of the stock Yammie stickers. They're not quite as seamless as using decals, but then again they're nowhere near as fragile and you don't have to deal with multiple clearcoat applications. If applied correctly, you won't see a hint of peeling even after repeated handling. Be sure to apply them evenly and firmly to prevent any sort of air bubbles from forming, and I've found it helps to apply a hair dryer to them (briefly! ... don't wanna damage your expensive Yammie, now do you?) to really get them to stick. Great job, Erick ... I can't wait to grab a set. After seeing those pics I have to remember to find a can of spray paint with a black lid for that neck-cover mod. Very nice.
  18. Ugh ... pre-order cancelled. What a shame. It'd be reasonable at half the price for something that size. Unless they're only making a few dozen of them (hand assembled by magic elves out of solid gold), this smacks of milking the fanbase, regardless of what a niche market Macross is. Maybe Yamato make a grown-up sized one for the rest of us for the 25th anniversary.
  19. Wow ... hadn't checked in on this in a while, but I'm glad I did. I just bought a new PC last month with a "free upgrade to Vista" thingie when it hits retail ... I was debating on whether to do the upgrade or not (was about to settle on "when a DirectX 10 game hits the shelf I just can't live without since I have a shiny new 8800GTX to take advantace of it), but after hearing about this I may stick with XP indefinitely. Macross mod aside (oh c'mon guys ... how far out is the beta now?), HW2 was one of my all time favorite games and still gets loaded up once or twice a month. Why Relic couldn't sell copies of this by the boatload is beyond me ... I wish someone would come out with a new RTS in this genre that take advantage of the new video cards capabilities, but since the HW series bombed so badly at retail, I'm sure it's scared off any of the development houses that could do it justice.
  20. The earth was still getting over (or even still in the last throes of) a world war at that point, too, and the UN government had actively been covering up the fact they were at war with aliens, so I'm sure there were plenty of ground troops still around then. After the surface was bombarded (a very few moments later from that very pic, I might add), I'd imagine warfare had pretty much taken on a very different face and your footsoldier/infantry was pretty much obsolete in any sort of large-scale conflict. There would have to be security forces, surely (those smg-toting goobers that got mind-whacked by Sharon Apple and went after Myung in the end of Macross Plus are a good example), but the chances of the UN placing traditional infantry on the field against mechanized Zentran forces would have to be pretty slim, don't you think? I'd hate to face off against a pissed off Zentradi with just an assault rifle.
  21. That was an intentional inside joke by the creators (presumably the froating head laughed his ... er. head? ... off). Warera + Rori + Konda == "Ware-ra rorikon da" == "We are pedophiles" in Japanese I remember these guys having a fascination with the bridge bunnies (tell me Shammie didn't look 12 to you), not to mention Minmay being like 16 ...
  22. My thoughts exactly. Most anime doesn't lend itself to "adaptation", Shirow's stuff especially (as if the original medium wasn't good enough? they want to "appeal" to a wider audience? wtf???). We already had GitS on the big sreeen. Twice. I can't fathom how this is going to add anything worthwhile. I really hope I'm proven wrong, but I can't see anyone in Hollywood doing this justice, much less not butchering the property outright. Baaahhh I sound just like one of the fanboys on AICN ("Luucaass raped my childhood, duuude"), but crapola this makes me shudder.
  23. Ha! I remember one of the model makers back in the 80's ripped off a ride armor model and resold it as Cy-Kill in the states ... Revoltech maybe? I think it was the Blowsperior one ... They did the same thing with the Legioss kit (can't remember scale ...) which I remember building as a kid. "Gobots are like the K-Mart transformers" - Randall
  24. I think the 1/60's have gotten a bad rap since the 1/48 series were released. It's by far the most complete line as far as canon designs are concerned, and I happen to think the proportions in battroid are superior to the 1/48. Much cheaper, as well. Also, as LurkerX mentioned, they're in scale with all of the known upcoming releases.
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