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Everything posted by Batou

  1. And I'd hardly call that a "hangar". It looks more like Brera managed to find a disused docking port, and managed to hide his bird away in there. I'd imagine it's very probable they hacked, bribed, or otherwise obtained/found it by morally questionable means ... whatever organization these two are working for, it appears to be well funded and presumably very well connected (something as advanced as a VF-27 can not be cheap to make, even if it's just a prototype).
  2. You should see me when Nascar or a football game preempts my Sunday Simpsons. I can relate. Doesn't it air at like 3 AM anyway? What the hell are they bumping it for? Clog dancing?
  3. Oh we're all going to get it. Just look at it. So not until September? Meaning late October in Yamato-ese? Good. After the '21, my wallet could use the break.
  4. That massive pelican/pterodactyl thingie with a 200m wingspan flying around seems awfully complex to me. Look at how varied life is on earth from region to region. Just the presence of something like that leaves the door open for just about anything, really. "The age of dinosaurs" is a very earth-specific line of evolution, and were it not for a stray asteroid things today would be very very very different. Humans weren't a foregone conclusion by any means. Life on Eden would have evolved under a very different set of circumstance, yielding who-knows-what. I do somehow doubt they'd resemble anything we're familiar with, though (a purple cat with wings and green highlights a la Cringer from He Man does strain credulity a bit ...). "Primitive" to me would suggest microorganisms and such scuttling about in muddy pools. Complex multicelular lifeforms that run around and eat each other didn't appear on this planet until around 500-600 million years ago in the Cambrian explosion, (while evidence of bacteria and such date back billions of years - as soon as larger forms appeared, they just exploded all over the globe, though). An ecology that could create trees, bitter fruit, birds, etc would almost certainly have predators as well.
  5. OK, I got a shipping notice from hlj on thursday ... was cussing at them just earlier today bc the tracking number they gave me still didn't work on EMS' site ... And lo and behold, what shows up today? What is that ... like 3-day shipping from Japan? (note to self: check in on how much you paid in shipping for this, you chump). I am so giddy I could barely contain my nerdgasm at work. Still haven't transformed her, but I am soooooooooo in love. "Sleek" doesn't come close to describing it, it's positively anorexic (as it should be per the line art). I can't fathom how they could have slimmed this down any more to look like the Hasegawa kit and retain the ability to transform. Wings do not droop whatsoever, everything seems as solid as if not more than the 1/48. If I have one eensy teensy minor gripe, it's that the little bits that attach to the shoulders at the intakes tend to push in a little easy, but that's easily counteracted by just gripping the thing from somewhere else. Again, it's a trivial, minor out of minor nag. Seriously, Graham: Tell Yamato they just hit it out of the park, at least as far as this gaijin western barbarian is concerned. This is my all time favorite valk (this and the '22's), and I couldn't be more pleased with how this turned out. So who's making some quality stickers for this beast? I can't wait to get her panel lined and tricked out with some aftermarket goodness for display alongside my Alpha 1.
  6. As any casual stroll through FM radio or prime time network tv will demonstrate clearly. Mediocrity is the great common denominator in most entertainment, I'm afraid.
  7. Man this one is starting to really turn out well. With that price, I guess multiples is out of the question for me, though ... That's a pity. I really wanted maybe 3 of these things to form a little squad, but I can't justify more than one for that much. Stoopid tanking American dollar.
  8. "Bargain" is a stretch. I felt like I'd been violated by an offensive lineman when I saw the bill for both of mine. I can vouch that they're absolutely breathtaking, though. All the cool little bells and whistles are there. You can just sit and stare at them for hours like a lava lamp ...
  9. Got my shipping notice today! Now to find some shelf space for this beauty ... if there aren't any glaring QC issues with this release, I have a feeling this is going to be my centerpiece and pride and joy. Well, until they release a massive Macross or something.
  10. It could have also been collected by Luca's '25, or even Alto's headgear. Yeah, I wouldn't give it too much thought. If this is what strains credulity for you, good luck with the rest of the series (it's Macross, where rocks float, fighters turn into robots at high speeds in atmosphere, and teenage idols crooning about lost love cause mass mutinies in alien fleets ... hard sci-fi this ain't).
  11. Ugh, yeah. I put this up there with that one about two girls and a cup. How did they keep a straight face while recording this? This was seriously the best they could do? Just atrocious, awful awful, painfully bad "music". All copies should be burned, and Reba West banned from being within 50 ft of a microphone for the rest of her natural life for that afront to good taste.
  12. Yeah, that's my take. It would serve two purposes: 1.) Hit as many of the enemy as possible, weakening them up for when you close in for the kill. 2.) Keep them busy trying to shoot down missles so as to avoid being blown to tiny little bits. If they're occupied trying to blast missles, then they can't be shooting at you while you're closing the gap. I also think some of this may stem from Space War 1, where Zentradi superior numbers forced them to use reaction weaponry to even the odds. In the opening scenes in DYRL (or close to the beginning, you know the one) where Roy/Hik/etc were intercepting that Zent wing of pods, the first thing they did was let loose the big dawgs (i.e., RMS-1 nukes). They'd carve a hole in the enemy ranks, and then sweep in and clean up the survivors. Seems to be a logical tactic to me. Soften them up prior to engaging at close range, keep 'em occupied so they can't blast you while you're coming in (precious little cover to take advantage of in space, after all, so it's more or less a straight line, and you don't wanna have to "dodge" beam weaponry)
  13. She has eyes? Hommina hommina hommina ...
  14. Is Gattai getting out of the game? Saw an updated Ep 8 that they just released today, comments as follows: # # All the conditions have been cleared; this is our last release. Final release has BONUS audio & script! ... Would post a link, but I don't want to get spanked by the mods. I know there were a few members here from various subbing groups (Shinsen and AiA, I think) ... does anyone in the community know more about this? I can't say I blame them if they are: There's no shortage of groups rushing to sub Frontier, so many I haven't bothered to check maybe half their efforts. If they're quitting, I'll miss them. They were the first kids of the block to get their subs out for the most part, much appreciated for rabid fans (me) who understand just enough words of Japanese to catch every 10th word (i.e., just enough to infer what's going on, but a complete lack of details ... maddening!). Edit in: Doh! Must have missed it, but Graham already mentioned this above. Yep, looks like ep 8 is Gattai's last one after all. Bummer.
  15. My gawd that looks amazing. The flat finish looks much better, I think. Just added a Revoltech '21 (to action pose next to this beaut in fighter mode) and a pair of Regults to my open orders at HLJ ... hoping they can squeeze these all into the same shipment. Don't really have the money for any of this, but I've waited so long for this I'm willing to sacrifice. So I wonder what color variants we're going to see next? Surely they aren't going to toss the mold after just a few runs of this scheme. If a VF-22 variant is out of the question, maybe a low-vis version could work. _If_ handled right, anyway (wasn't too wild about any of the 1/48 low viz other than the first). I'd really like to see more realistic paint schemes, but I guess hero schemes and well known variants are the safer investment for Yamato.
  16. Yeah, that sounds like a codec problem. I'd try downloading Gom or VLC (both which internal codecs, I think) and see if that doesn't help. Viewing something shouldn't crash your system. As for the "V-type infection": I bet they gave Luca an anal probe, and now he likes to sing-a about the moon-a and the june-a and the spring-a. Seriously, he was either knocked out, disoriented or drugged when Alto found him. There has to be a reason they kept him alive, even if it was just as a prisoner. It could be they purposely infected him with something, or it could just be that exposure to these things is dangerous. They're supposed to be "biological weapons", right? There's no telling what kind of other kind of "biological" technologies running loose in that ship, part of that could be pathogens that attack intruders, make them susceptible to interrogation, etc.
  17. If Space War 1 taught us anything, it's that you can blast the snot out of your enemy from orbit if you can obtain orbital supremacy. (only way to be sure ). No need to muck with reentry at all. If a big bad fleet of unfriendly Zentradi show up (or whatever), at least the colony can fold itself out of harm's way. I can't see these colonies being enough to sustain a huge population long term, though. Regular use eventually destroys everything in time, so they can't be permanent settlements.
  18. Pretty sure it's all done with holographics, as it was in M7. Everything, including the tides, weather cycles, etc. would be artificual approximations of the real thing.
  19. I was expecting a big let down after last week, but even watching the raw and not understanding half the dialog, I had a really great time with this one. Good episode. Hope this doesn't devolve into another animation quality bitchfest ...
  20. MOSQUITO NET?!?!?!? Now you tell me!
  21. (Sigh) Still hitting f5 like a rabid squirrel hopped up on a case of redbull on my rss feeds ... no sighting of that raw yet ...
  22. I'm not so sure the Tardis was designed for evading the Itano circus.
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