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Everything posted by Batou

  1. Batou

    I got them today....

    Another ...
  2. Batou

    I got them today....

    Why is everyone crying over a lack of arm armor on the Ostrich? It's NOT SUPPOSED to have any arm armor. As already stated above, only the old Takatokus had this and it was NOT correct. All other representations of it in all of the line art, the Hasegawa models, resin garage kits, and associated artwork have never once shown the Ostrich with the arm guards on. Not trying to pick a fight with you, man, but that's exactly how it's supposed to be - it's not like they left something out. Got me on that one. My bet is that that big dish is just too heavy to stay on using a removable mount piece. I guess this is a let down to some, but for me, it doesn't present a problem - I just think the Elint doesn't look like an Elint without the big saucer on top, and don't see any reason to remove it.
  3. Well, this is the first I've ever seen of it. Cool.
  4. Un-freakin-believable. Is there anything that hasn't been made into a '42 mod at this point? Link. Apparently not.
  5. 1/72=4 1/60=7 1/48=3
  6. Huh. I used to lurk there for a short while. Man did I love that game. Can't wait for the sequel to come out. And the inevitable Macross mod ...
  7. Batou

    Meeting with yamato

    Thanks for sharing what you can, Graham. I'd love to have been a fly on the wall during that dinner conversation ...
  8. Hey! Come to think of it, how the hell did she stay so trim? Seven kids will rob any woman of her figure. It's no wonder she's so pissed at Max in M7. Well, that, and the fact that nothing from her life as a Meltran did anything to prepare her for labor pains.
  9. "Viverator", huh?
  10. Agreed. Has Hasegawa ever make a transforming anything before? Their culture is of a model airplane modelling company. Doing the VF-1 battroid kits were really a pretty big departure for them, IIRC. I think transformation is an undeniably cool gimmick for a toy, but this is an scale model kit. Concentrate on making it acurate - I don't want NO anime magic, thank you very much. I'd expect them to turn out the baddest little bugger of a valkyrie model ever seen by man if they did it right. It could even rival the mighty club m and sell at 1/10 the price - doing a big run of these using injection molding has to be cheaper than that resin monstrosity. I wonder if this is for real, though. Has anyone heard anything else about Hasegawa's Macross licensing, anyway? I thought that at least their Macross TV/DYRL license had expired, which they weren't renewing, and were going to do the Macross Zero stuff now (confirmed), and maybe stuff from M7 or something.
  11. I was 5 seconds away from doing this myself. Gotta say - excellent job on the new site, Shawn. You can really feel how much more responseful everything is now - it's SOOO much snappier than the old boards. It's too bad about the stuff that was left out, but no biggie. Suddenly I don't have post envy from all you folks that were numbering in the thousands (where do you find the time, guys??? - I see some people already well on their way to triple digits ! ). I also love how the model and toys sections are seperated now. I love 'em both, but the model news really did tend to get lost in all the noise.
  12. I never bothered posting to this thread on the old boards, so I guess it's about time to introduce myself (after a few hundred posts, no less). Here goes: Name: Ben Mayfield Age: 29 Location: Austin, TX Occupation: Systems Administrator for a major real estate firm - I manage the email (Exchange and qmail), NT domains, and provide tech support to the execs (apparently the helpdesk just isn't good enough when your income figures in the 6 digits <_< ). Height: 5'10" Weight: 180 lbs Relationship status: In between in betweens. Actually, the last relationship I was in wound up being quite the llittle mind-f***, and I'm not in a big rush to repeat that living nightmare. I think the doctor surgically implanted a psycho-ho magnet in me at birth, since that's the only ones I ever seem to be able to attract. Oh well ... Sorry 'bout the photo, but it's the best I can do at the moment. This is a from about 5 years ago, but I haven't changed much.
  13. Sweet! Thanks for the link.
  14. Still me. Same Bat-Time, same Bat-Channel, same Bat-ou. I'm Batou on slashdot, have been for years, and have pretty much stuck with it whenever I register on other boards. Can you believe that - 700K+ registered member geeks over there, and not one scooped this screenname up years before I did??? I try to use the same username on the different boards I post to, if only for consistency's sake, and I find this one is remarkably nearly always available wherever I go. Not enough Shirow fans in this world (sigh).
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