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Everything posted by Batou
Yeah, I saw those the other day while ordering some of those acrylic stands Sithlord found. Have you seen the price, though? Link Cold cast porcelain or not, that's a too rich for my blood. It's neat looking, just not enough for me to spend that much considering what you get - I'd much rather pickup another 1/48 at that price. Like all things Toynami, I'm guessing you'll see them on Ebay going for 1/3 MSRP before long, anyway.
I highly doubt it. The chestplate and backpack design for both would likely get in the way. Edit in: The Vf-1D might be able.
I'd always assumed the cockpit displays in the 19 were holographic due to the prevalence of that tech everywhere else in the Macross world. I don't see anything in the compendium to confirm this, though, so I might be completely wrong. If they were holographic, the pilot's perspective shouldn't be altered at all. I do think the BDS was abandoned a little too hastily - just think what Max could have done with it in M7 (if they managed to work out all the bugs). For the record I love 'em both, but the 21/22 is my fave.
I'll second that. My first taste of the original series was from some HK boots with particularly bad subtitles making it virtually impossible to follow and horrible picture quality. I don't know of any HK boots of the original series that had both a good transfer and a proper translation. Beg, borrow, or steal the money for the Animeigo set. If you can rent or borrow them from someone you know, all the better. You'll be glad you did. Like rewooh said, overstock.com has 'em for cheap: Box Set 1 Box Set 2 Box Set 3 It's still a little pricey for the whole lot of them, but you have to remember they digitally restored some pretty damaged source material, and the translation is essentially flawless. I loved it to death, and really didn't mind paying full price when it first came out, but YMMV.
Didn't see this already posted anywhere, so here goes: Nausicaa.net (Link) reports that Disney is finally going to distribute Miyazaki's classic Nausicaa of the Valley of Wind in North America, giving fans access to a classic anime masterpiece they've been long deprived of. They're currently working on the dub, which will feature (among others) Patrick Stewart, Uma Thurman, and possibly Natalie Portman. In other Miyazaki/Disney news, they've premiered the English dub of Porco Rosso (another one of the master's greatest films) at the Austin Film Festival (my hometown). Disney has already released Monoke Hime (Princess Mononoke), Sen to Chihiro no Kamikakushi (Spirited Away), Kiki's Delivery Service, and Laputa Castle in the Sky, making a grand total of 6 Miyazaki films Disney has brought or is bringing to the States. There's also a Slashdot thread going on about this here: Link I have to admit I was a little skeptical as to how Disney would handle Miyazaki's catalogue after the dismal returns of Mononoke in theatres, but it looks like they may make good after all.
Ha! I forgot all about that god awful POS. Why no one hasn't dragged Aaron Spelling out of his Beverly Hills mansion and lynched him beyond recognition for wasting countless hours of our generation's lifetimes is beyond me. Addicting countless addle-brained morons to 90210 and Melrose fluff ought to count as a crime against humanity, if you ask me (not that anyone ever does ).
Let's not be too hasty about the virgins.
I'd love one of each, but I think my wallet might spontaneously burst into flames if I even thought about getting that monster. What's up with the "virgins" thing, anyway? Are we talking like a 'days or yore' beautiful young women all stuck in a harem with nothing better to do than take turns bathing each other in a huge elaborate gilded pool ("welcome to the castle Anthrax!")? Or are we talking pimply-faced, greasy, pasty, living at home, never-even-talked-to-a-woman-without-giving-credit-card-numbers kind of virgins you find at all the sci fi shows? I might have to change my vote depending on the answer.
Very very nice. Thanks for the hi-res versions, too, btw. Just got me a new wallpaper.
I never got the whole "leave it unopened in the box and never ever touch it" mentality. I buy Macross and other toys because I think they're just unbelievably cool - not because I'm hoping their value will go up some day. I can't imagine buying a shiny new Yamato valkyrie just to leave it unopened and sitting hidden in a closet somewhere. I do hold onto the boxes, not because I'm particularly attached to them or for the collectors value, but rather in case I ever have to move (which I'll be doing before the end of this year).
Is it possible to be blinded figuratively? I don't think the eyes in my head turned away fast enough. B)
Heh heh. I've never seen one with natural blue/green/pink/whatever hair either, but it never seems to have stopped them before. Funny how you never saw Max or Millia with dark roots. They must go through hair dye like there's no tomorrow. L'Oreal pink?
- 180 replies
- 美少女戦士セーラームーン
- Miyuu Sawai
- (and 18 more)
Yamato definitely owns my wallet. The bastards. I think most of us have at least one yamato toy in all of the three given scales. As for me - I could care less about what scale it's in. If I like it, I'll pick it up. I'm no completist as far as this stuff is concerned (though you'd never know it from all the Yamato stuff I have ! ), so it's really never been a question of scale. Edit in - Removed a shocking demonstration of my flagrant disregard for grammar. Me fail English? That's unpossible!
Amen. This is the best news I've heard in months. Judging from this pic: Link it looks like the missles are all molded into one piece. If they're removable, they won't be seperate pieces like the 1/48 FP micromissles. If/when they do the (inevitable) 1/48 version, you can bet the missles will be individual seperate parts.
I don't know that Disney will ever release this one. The animation doesn't quite hold up to the newer Miyazaki stuff, or even Porco Rosso or Totoro. Don't get me wrong - I loved the movie, but I just think it's a little dated for Disney to take an interest in it. Who knows. BTW, if any of you ever get a chance to read the original manga Nausicaa was based on, by all means do it. The movie was kind of a mish-mash of different parts of the original story - kind of like DYRL is of the Macross series. Stuff was changed, major characters left out, lots and lots of detail and backstory you just won't get without a longer telling. It was really thoughtfully written, too. I couldn't recommend it more. Link
Wow. Wasn't expecting a response so quickly. No kidding? Toycom? With a US release even? That Bri looks almost like a painted resin kit - at least from what you can see of him. You're not talking about these things, are you? Link Those weren't anywhere near as big as the behemoth shown above, were they? They both look almost as large as the 1/48 VF-1.
Correction: It frickin' rules to be a Macross fan with disposable income right now. (I just happen to have a lot of disposable income and no gf at the moment, so ... ) Holy CRAP is this good news. 1/48 whatever. I'll get it too if it comes out. I want 'em both. Gimme gimme!!! A little OT, but can anyone comment on this pic: What's with the Guges and Briarios??? That's as exciting as a GBP as far as I'm concerned. Someone actually loves us neglected Appleseed fans at last! Who the heck is making these, and what are they going to cost??? I MUST KNOW!!!
Ditto that. I have ep 1, but have had nothing but trouble getting ahold of a fansubbed 2.
ditto is there a way to save them to my PC for future watching off line? why yes there is. When the window pops up to view the movie, right-click on the area next to "send to a friend" and select "view source". A notepad window should pop up with html coding. Search for this: http://uploads.newgrounds.com/ Copy the entire link (ie. http://uploads.newgrounds.com/75000/75811_...1_Robotech.swf) And paste it into a leeching program like Download Accelerator Plus. You have to do this for every movie you want to dload. He he. Us unix nerds are scratching our heads wondering what the fuss is about.One little 'wget' and you've just downloaded any file accessible via http. For those still shackled to Windows, Internet Explorer leaves an easily saveable swf file in your "temporary internet files" folders. Just do a search in there for *.swf and you'll find it. Great thread, btw. I've never seen these before.
FF VI on the Super Famicom. Hands down. Best console RPG of all time. I can still remember skipping freshman physics the day I beat it and couldn't tear myself away from it to go to class. How long was that ending - 15 minutes? More? Bare in mind this was in the days before FMV and big dvd-based storage. I don't think any have been as good since. VII was close. X was very pretty, but lacking. VIII and IX were merely ok.
Best Arnold movie ever? Hercules in New York
Wow does that look nice. I might have to give in and get a low-viz now (must ... resist ... save for ... new Hikaru ...).
Nice work. I find that pencil wears off, though, and you'll have to eventually redo it unless you seal it somehow. I've switched to using gray Gundam markers for mine, which gives nice results (though it's a little less forgiving if you make mistakes ).
Great work, Jesse! I have this kit too, and have to admit some of those large decals are scaring me away from it until I feel more comfortable with it. You did a really nice job there, and on everything else. Very cool.
From here: So no - don't expect to see any Yamato M7 toys for the next decade or so - probably never. The fact that Bandai doesn't plan to further the license and make money for Big West is irrelevent (though unfortunate). A license like this is an exclusive contract, and any exclusive rights Bandai currently holds will not be transferrable until the current license expires. As no one can or will comment on the specifics regarding their license, I'm going to infer from Graham's answer that this just isn't going to happen. I have no idea regarding the legal system in Japan, but in the US BW could potentially sue Bandai for not developing the property (some game developer is doing this against - I think Paramount, maybe it's just Berman and crew - right now in regards to how they own exclusive rights to develop video games based on Star Trek and they've let the property slide into decline). Even were this possible, I can't imagine BW or Yamato would want to go head to head with a juggernaut like Bandai's legal team, so don't expect to see this situation change any time soon. Sorry, but it's time to move on, people. This has been discussed ad nausea already. As much as we'd ALL love to see it, this just isn't going to happen. Ever. Get over it.