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Everything posted by Batou

  1. He sounds kind of Rumanian. I hope that makes you feel better. Oh yeah, I think it's really funny. It kind of sounds like these guys ... Link I don't know if it's the same guy, but it's funny.
  2. I just wandered into this thread, but I actually found that interesting. I don't think Big words don't scare all of us around here. By all means, please educate.
  3. It doesn't fit as cleanly as the lineart indicates it should, but getting it to do so would probably take a minor miracle. At its most flush point, the visor of the 1S head is still visible. The reason it doesn't fit in nice and snugly under the canopy is because of the location of the swingbar the legs are attached to while in fighter mode. If that wasn't in the way, it could easily be made to fit in just as you see it in the line art. This is the same reason the shoulders hang lower than they should (i.e., swing bar is in the way). The only reason that the 1A's head can fit in as it should is because of the shape of the back of it's head. I'm betting the 1J sticks out a bit too due to this too when it's released for this same reason.
  4. There were some resin garage kits of a few of the enemy mecha (I know the VF-14 was made for sure), but I've never seen any toys. Considering how awful the other M7 toys Bandai made were, I somehow don't think we missed on anything.
  5. Maybe. I'd definitely go for a "J" before I would go for a "A". I never got the original, either, though, so probably not. The Hikaru 1J is the last VF-1 1/48 I'm getting (unless they do a GBP), so I'd probably pass either way.
  6. Yeah, I would think so. None of the labors in Patlabor were anywhere near the size of a valk. 1/35 should still be way way too small.
  7. Not really. A few of the micro missles don't want to stay put, and the arms don't seem to lock in place quite as solidly when in fighter mode, but nothing major.
  8. That's pretty cool. They really look a lot better than one would expect. And those little poseables came with lots of extra hands to rob for something like this, too. Very good idea.
  9. Suh-weeet. Did anyone else notice that the pics of this in Gerwalk mode show it with the DYRL-style hands? I wonder if that was just for this shoot, or if it can serve as confirmation that this will indeed come with both hand-styles.
  10. I'm 29 now, but 30 is staring me in the face come December. <_
  11. Yep. Definitely the Guges D. It's a little different from configuration you see in Appleseed book 4 in that it's lacking the large blade-looking thingie on it's back. I think it was supposed to house the contraption the "hermes" anti-gravity material was supposed to be contained in ... I'll pull out my old books and find out if anyone's really interested.
  12. Meh. I've seen a few episodes and don't see what the big deal is all about. It looks like I'm in the minority, though.
  13. It looks like HLJ got them in and are shipping them out now. I put a box of these on preorder not that long ago, and it's being processed for shipping. I was REALLY late jumping on the bandwagon with these, so my order must be towards the bottom of the stack - if I'm getting mine already, I'd imagine everyone here who pre-ordered these months before I did should see them coming in soon.
  14. I think that was the tentative date when Kevin put that up. Someone correct me if I'm wrong here, but no official release date has been set as yet, and the sentiment around here (reinforced by those in the know - like Graham) seem to point to a release sometime in 2004. I'd be very surprised to see this one before the end of the year, but you never know - Yamato has surprised us before.
  15. "Non-stop?" Maybe a year. I bought a VF-19A and a YF-21 on Ebay as a fluke maybe 2 years ago. I slowly got another ... then another ... and then more and more frequently ... and eventually found this site ... After that, it wasn't long before Yamato had all of my money and now I'm surrounded by little plastic toys. (sigh)
  16. Can't ... stop ... laughing ... (falls over backwards in chair) Ali Sama, maybe the pic Burn posted above is from a legit release, but I'm definitely seeing some bootlegged box sets up for auction right now. Get a load of this: This came from one claiming "English, Chinese, No Subtitle" and "an be playable in USA, UK , AUSTRILIA AND EUROPE'S DVD players, PS2 and DVD-ROM". This isn't from HG unless they're somehow even dumber than I ever gave them credit for. How stupid would you have to be to try to sell these in HK??? Anyway, go to Ebay and do a search for "robotech dvd box set". You should be able to find them easily enough. Edit in: Me fail English? That's unpossible! (stupid grammar mistakes)
  17. Yep. Deep Discount DVD has it for $60 US: Link Don't buy box sets like this at retail unless you don't mind getting raped on the markup. If you just can't stand to do mail order, Best Buy usually has reasonable prices. You'd have to be nuts to pay MSRP on something like this, though. Shop around. I'm one of those people. Sure they weren't exactly cheap, but you get what you pay for.
  18. That's exactly what I was thinking. We just saw that for the first time on the 9th - that was only 2 weeks ago, guys! Yamato's still a small company, contrary to popular misconception around here. Give 'em some time. It was really a shame how all of that played out, but there's no point in dredging that little bit of ugliness back up. I hope she decides to come back one day. If you're still lurking around here - we miss you, Emiko.
  19. Takatoys stickers are MUCH much nicer than the stock Yamato stickers. They're printed on much better film and don't peel like the Yamato's as a result - it makes a huge difference. They're also a bit thinner (maybe I'm imaginining this?), so they look a little more "painted on" than the normal ones. So far, they've proved very sturdy and well made and have stood up to repeated handling very well. All three of my 1/48's are sporting Takatoy's stickers, and they all look as good as the day they were put on. I've used Anasazi's stickers on a few of my 1/60's, and they're every bit as impressive if not more. One word of caution - they don't seem to be quite as heavy duty as Takatoy's stickers (I scuffed the print off of a few of them with very little effort while applying - bad news ), and may not hold up to repeated handling as well as Takatoy's. If your valks are only display pieces, and you're careful with them, it might not be a problem, but it's worth noting. They're very very thin, and look just fantastic. I've never tried his decals, but judging from wm cheng's 1/48, I think we can assume they're every bit as good as advertised.
  20. Batou

    1:60 GBP-1 !?

    And what exactly did you know? 16 pages into this thread, I mean. what yamato is doing my jedi powers have forseen it He he. [sIDIOUS]Everything is proceding as I have foreseen it[/sIDIOUS]
  21. Batou

    1:60 GBP-1 !?

    And what exactly did you know? 16 pages into this thread, I mean.
  22. Never thought about that - thanks for the tip. I just ordered some FP stickers for my 1/48's and will have to give that a try.
  23. Hah! Funny to see this thread is back - I just got my first chunky monkey from HLJ (picked up a Roy VF-1S while they were on sale). It's wild playing with this thing - it brings back so many memories of my trusty old Jetfire from when I was a kid. Ahhhh the memories ... It's a nice little brick, and I forgot just how solid these things are. And all the joints "click". The price was right on this, and I'm glad I got it now - it's definitely the one to hand to "friends" who like to get touchy feely with my Yamatos. "Here ... why don't you put that down and play with this one instead ..."
  24. yes isn't it inspiring.... lol I won't mention what it's inspiring me to do. Seriously, I love what you did with that 17 - Very nice job. Are those decals or stickers?
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