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Golden Arms

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Everything posted by Golden Arms

  1. 3 section staff chinese sword-- Tai chi sword with tassels of course sai katana pair of silver desert eagles thompson sub machine gun--- Bonnie and Clyde hk mp5 HK G3A3 fantasy/scifi etc. duncan's kataana from Highlander Vash's angel arm wolverines claws green destiny klingon sword like weapon that worf had in TNG Tenchi's sword in tenchi Muyo movie
  2. Eternal you are one sick deprived individual. You need serious help.
  3. Good pic Lone Wolf. He does look like F. Castle in that picture.
  4. I think Woo Ping will have a greater influence in the 2nd film. Uma is gonna to recieve training from a certain white haired chinese Monk.
  5. Yeah he would have made a cool cyclops.
  6. Chiba???? lol He couldn't Hold Gordon Lius jock strap. Just kidding. Chiba is the man. I loved him in Kill Bill. It was cool to see him play a diff sort of character. The theatre where I saw Kill Bill showed previews of a few of his films before KillBill. Have any of you guys seen Ichi the killer? I'm thinking of seing it 2nite.
  7. Thomas Jane was the shark catcher in Deep Blue Sea. When the X-men movie was in production was mentioned as a possibilty to play cyclops.
  8. Rap, Hip Hop, R&B and some Jazz
  9. I just got back from Kll Bill. It was an great Movie. A Very different sort of film from Tarantino, but similar to his other works. I loved the Rza's score. The fight scenes were great, the violence(good ole Ultraviolence). I loved his little homage to the 5 deadly venoms. BTW I didn't know that Chang Cheh and Lo Lieh were both deceased. I'm gonna have to pour outta little L for them.
  10. I'm going 2nite. I missed yesterday's special premiere which had Gordon Liu doing a Q&A after the film. I had to work wed night.
  11. Golden Arms

    1:60 GBP-1 !?

    Thanks for the great pics shaggydog. Your efforts are much apppreciated. I bet the GBP will be packaged with a vf-1J. I bet Yamato had to make a few mods to the current design to allow the GBP to be compatible with the 1/60. But I don't care. I'll be buying the gbp in whatever scale it's produced. If the 1/60 version doesn't sell well, then those holding out for a 1/48 version don't be upset if one never see the light of day. Yamato is a business "and if it don't make dollars then it don't make sense".
  12. Omni is right. Yamato has shown a tendency to try to get the most of their molds. I believe there is a high probability given their track record that we will see Max and Milia vf-1j's. It makes perfect business sense to capitalize on the newly created molds.
  13. The Dark Returns would be an awesome Movie. Good Suggestion Kanata. BTW DC did have a black GL. From My understanding Catwoman in this film is going to have some superhuman abilities of some sort. So what if they change Catwomans ethnicity. Its great that minorities are finally starting to get some roles that have systematically been denied to them.
  14. I can't wait to see Kill Bill. Tarantino is a true fan of the Genre. His knowledge of Martial Arts films is really impressive. He isn't some Hollywood hack that knows nothing of the genre attempting to capitalize on the popularity of martial arts movies. So I have no concerns about him making a quality film. So temper your criticisms a little bit. I'd rather have a fan of the subject matter making a film of the source material than someone who knows little to nothing about it. The fact that Gordon Liu is playing ( Tarantino isn't without a sense of irony) Pei Mei is reason alone to see this film. Part of the film was also shot at the old Shaw Bros Studio in Hong Kong. I really hope he used the temple steps seen in Executioner from Shaolin.
  15. Yeah from the sound of things this movie is going to suck so bad. It can't believe the time frame and locale that the film is supposedly going to take place in. Did the writers and producer(if you can call them that) not familiarize themselves with any of the source material? Probably not. Movie franchises are like sports teams. When they die,theydie hard, fast and ugly ( See Oakland Raiders, St loius Rams and Philly eagles for further elucidation)
  16. Dej8bud to solve the loose missile issue, you can take sebastians idea of using double sided tape or you can use wall putty. That stuff is great.
  17. Update 1/72 = 8 1/60 = 17 1/48 = 4
  18. Thunder Hummer would be my 1st choice then the angel birds ( I really love the idea of a air show scheme).
  19. I love scifi, Hong Kong action, anime and as my username suggest I Have an affinity for Kung Fu Films. In Particular the old school Shaw Bros films.
  20. Roy Strike all the way. Ostrich and vf-1d tie in a close 2nd place.
  21. Golden Arms

    It's official!!!

    I feel the pain as well. But luckily my brother and I will be moving into a larger apt next weekend. I need to buy another bookself when I finally settle in. What really sucks is packing up all my toys.
  22. Welcome aboard, and from one valkaholic to another, there are dark days ahead for your wallet.
  23. I wish Yamato would show Kakizaki some love as well.
  24. Covergirl was a brunette. I like your gI joe Movie A7. Rocco could be Duke. Jenna Jameson could be Zarana.
  25. GBP or bust.
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