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Golden Arms

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Everything posted by Golden Arms

  1. I started collecting the various X-books in 90. I went back bought alot of the back issues for uncanny, X-factor and X-men Classics. Salvador Larrocca is returning to uncanny. I really wish he had never left x-treme. He and Claremont were a really good team. I did enjoy Peter David and Joe Quesada's run on X-factor. The book was extremely different than the other core X-books.
  2. i wouldn't have suspected Xorn. a real kick in the groin, that was. Morrison's gonna be a hard act to follow. Claremont pissed me off cause he killed of Betsy (Psylocke).....WHY???!!! His follow up to God Loves, man Kills was also extremely half-assed. but i guess if he can get Remy and Rogue their powers back, all could be forgiven...... ....except the Gen 13 thing.... If the editors are smart that won't try to follow up Morrisons work. To do so would only result in a cheap imitation. They are better off by going in a new direction and trying some new ideas with a fresh face. Claremont didn't want to kill off Pyslocke. Her death wasn't meant to be permanent. When he started writing X-treme, the Marvel Books changed editorial staffs. The new editors instituted a freeze on characters returning from the grave. Betsy was merely a casuality of this policy. I think they've eased their stance on this policy since then. Claremont has stated that he would love to reprise writing her character. I think in some of the previous story arcs they might have left open the possibilty that she isn't dead. Not 100 % sure so don't qoute me on it. GLMN's follow up was kinda weak, but atleast Claremont wrote it and not someone else. Marvel wanted a follow up to coincide with X2. Claremont wasn't the one pushing for the follow up. If he didn't do, some other writer would have, and could U imagine how bad that would have turned out?
  3. Yeah the collosus death in the X-men was very lame. The way he cured the legacy virus was one of the stupidest things I've read in a comic in awhile. The problem with Collosus was that none of the writers knew how to make interesting stories for the amored mainstay. The character is nearly 30 yrs old and the best the writers can come up with is killing his family off and having him align himself with magneto. <_< Pretty weak. The writing in some of the x-books is back to a very good level. Claremont seems to have regained his trademark style in Xtreme. He's reached a comfort level with the characters in the book, and he's back to creating multiple plot lines in his stories. Morrisons writing in New X-men has lived up to expectations. Who would have thought that Xorn was actually *&^%$)( all along.
  4. Damn those are impressive. I had been regretting the fact that some of my 1/55's are collecting dust in my closet, but you've just given me some ideas on how to finally display some of them.
  5. My brother used to work parttime for UPS, and after listening to the way he told me boxes of all types were treated, I'm suprised anything they ship isn't totally destroyed upon arrival. Boxes marked fragile and those containing computers weren't spared either.
  6. I 3rd ballad of fallen angels. The episode where the crew is being picked off by the mysterious slime alien is another I would suggest, Esp if they've seen aliens or 2001.
  7. TV pilot, coo!!!
  8. Congrats on the new addition. I'm going to hold out until after christmas for the Hikaru vf-1s.
  9. Violent Live action Japanese films don't own the market on violence They probably do now, but they aren't the only influences QT used for KillBill. QT loves to mix different genres in his films. Other genres that influenced KillBill were: 1) Kung Fu Films--- specifically ones made by Chang Cheh( Cheh had a pechant for making very violent films and was probably the pioneer of the ultra male heroic bloodsheed films) Yuen Woo Ping, and Liu Chia Liang. 2) Revenge films of the 70's see I spit on Your Grave 3) Blaxpoitation films--- See pam Greer 4) japanese Samurai films already mentioned 5) Gang drama's 6) The Green Hornet TV Show 7) Japanese Monster Movies --- Godzilla, Mothra
  10. I don't know Why Madsen is in the group (The only male) But the Viper group is a homage to the film the Five Deadly Venoms By director Chang Cheh. Tarantino is a huge Chang Cheh fan, and if you've ever seen any of the Venoms films you might not be suprised if one of the Viper assassins turns renegade and helps Uma if the 2nd film.
  11. Eva fan here. I love the series and movies.
  12. Great collection and welcome aboard.
  13. I chose Batt with armor, but fighter mode comes a real close second.
  14. The machines have to communicate with each other and get their orders from someplace. So they need to be connected to something. Wireless connection no doubt Probably the source. I dont' think the programs in the matrix have any physical forms in the real world. They would merely be limitations/ restrictions. Who needs a body when you could seemingly be everywhere and no where at the same time. Disco your question about the machines developing emotions was answered in Matriculated.
  15. Sick Display cabinets. If that was my room I'd never leave. BTW someone should revive the old display cabinets thread. Maybe even start a pinned thread on what types of display cases are out there, and what types of things should be considered when purchasing one.
  16. Neo is of both worlds maybe he is part machine.
  17. Nice deduction Exo!! I was thinking the name of the station had some significance when I 1st saw it, but I forgot all about it. The more I start thinking about a few things in these movies, I kinda get the feeling that Neo isn't completely human. A newer lifeform. That he might be machine/ human hybird of some sort. You can say that all those that are born in the matrix are, but I feel he is still somewhat different or a more advanced lifeform than even them or the machines.
  18. Yeah their fight was similar to supes vs Doomsday. When I was watching that whole scene I kept thinking the Wachowski bros set the bar pretty high for a possible superman movie. BTW Punisher and Resident evil were other trailerd I saw 2nite.
  19. I saw it a few hrs ago and I liked it. I agree, the ending was somewhat of a let down, but no movie could even hope to live up to the expectattions the 1st two films created. I wish they would have come up with more explanation for a few of the characters ( Neo, The Merovigian, Smith) but oh well. If you haven't seen it, go see it. Oh yeah that fight b/ Neo and Smith was very Dragonball. BTW what trailers did you guys see. At the Theatre I was at before the film they showed the Animatrix aND A TRAILER OF bIll and Ted's Bogus adv. The trailers shown were Troy, Return of the King, and Dawn of the Dead( that Might have been during the Tx Chainsaw Massacre ---I saw that 2day as well.
  20. Well Said Hurin and Imode. For Yamato to get the most out of thier money, which went into designing and producing the 1/48. They need to exhaust the current molds. To do that means making a Hikaru Vf-1s. Once they've recouped exspenses, then they'll be at liberty to design and produce some of the other valk designs that fans are clamoring over. Really simple logic folks. That same reasoning assures us of the possibilty of a M&M, CF, and insert other scheme of choice in the 1/48 line. So I don't get the constant bickering. I decided to pass on the Hikaru Vf-1s for the time being so I could save up for the 1/48 super vf-1J and the armored vf-1J. With a 1/48 Hikaru vf-1j on the way, do you guys really expect the M&M 1j's to be that far behind? I don't think so.
  21. Anasazi you never fail to amaze me. Excellent custom.
  22. Golden Arms

    1:60 GBP-1 !?

    HLJ has a new pic of the gbP armor http://www3.hlj.com/ths/sf/pictures/ymt-60...ouredvalkw.html
  23. I feel ya J rock. I definately could've used a little more Gordon Liu action as well. But he figures to play a prominent role in Vol 2. I'm atleast glad that he's finally been given his due after all these yrs. Most people don't realize that of all the martial arts stars in the past 30 yrs he's made better kung Fu films than any one else.
  24. A great series I would recommend it. It's not for everyone. If you have a short attention span and don't enjoy complicated plots and storyline, then stay away from the series. The TA's have to be the best concieved mechs I've ever seen in any anime series.
  25. For those familiar with old school kung Fu films I submit Hui ying Hung (Shaw bros actress) and Angela Mao (bruce Lee's little sister in enter the Dragon).
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