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Golden Arms

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Everything posted by Golden Arms

  1. I love JL and TT is growing on me. The 3rd Robin is Tim Drake. Tim is the Robin in the TT cartoon. The 1st Robin was Dick Grayson. He was a member of the teen titans. He grows up to be Nightwing in the comics. 2nd Robin was Jason Todd. Fans hated him and Dc killed him off in the comics. The cartoons kinda run on their own continuity. In the cartoons their is no Jason Todd. Dick Grayson doesn't join the TTitans. Dick grows up to be nightwing and Batman meets Tim Drake and the rest is history.
  2. Tired of great customs? Not in this lifetime. Great paint job BTW.
  3. Jung your truely a giant amidst us macross mortals. Awesome work yet again.
  4. I plan to payoff my last Credit card from college.
  5. I don't know if this pic has been mentioned before. If so excuse the post. Check out the link below. http://www.hlj.com/scripts/hljpage.cgi?TAK12413
  6. LOL, Apache Prime
  7. Damn I gotta start colleceting these new transformers. BTW I'd love to see a 05 mustang and a 06 vette as well.
  8. Most impressive custom. Superb work.
  9. master of the flying guillotine is considered a very good Martial art film. One of Jimmy Wang Yu's best films. The tournament fight sequences are some of the most innovative ones shown on film. Shaolin vs Lama is a good martial arts flick as well. I don't think either would be considered guilty pleasures.
  10. She played a cop in Jet's movie My father is a Hero. if you are referring to the Legend of Fong Sai Yuk, you have her confused with another actress.
  11. Yeah I heard that she was real close with Leslie Cheung (Kit from A better Tomorrow) . He committed suicide last month if I recall correctly.
  12. Anita Mui passed away 2 days ago at the age of 40. She died of cervical cancer. She was famous for her singing and acting performances. Those of you not too familiar with the HK movie scene, She was in the following films: Legend of the Drunken Master, Rich and Famous, Tragic Hero, My father is a Hero, The Heroic Trio, The Moon Warriors and Rumble in the Bronx to name a few of her films. She'll be missed.
  13. Van Damme and Segal are both lousy trash. I've heard commentaries in films where Van Damme would pass up real martial artist in the casting of his films because he was afraid that they would show him up. If it isn't about making him look 'pretty' then it isn't going to be in his films. Its pretty sad because at one point he had real potential to be a big star. Several big directors vowed never to work with him ever again.
  14. I forgot all about that movie. Great choice. Santa was a little f*&^ed up in that one. Goes to show you what happens when a kid sees both of his parents killed by homicidal Santa.
  15. From the list above Rudolph all the way. "Why am I just a misfit........" "I am the heat Meiser" You need more Rankin and Bass stuff on the list
  16. Do we even know if CMS has the rights to produce Mac Plus figures? If they did, you'd probably think that they would have been included in either series 1 or 2.
  17. I would assume that it only fits the fast pack capable 1/60 valks ( Max, Milia, Hikaru vf-1j's, Roy Strike, vf-1d and possibly the vt and ve). Not the Gospel, so don't quote me on that.
  18. Damn near every Sci Fi story told is some spin on the Frankenstein Theme. Just like nearly all dramas have some elements of Shakespearean storytelling. I think making them more human ie organic would given them a better rationale or reason to eliminate the humans. There are more motives that way ( Which we still don't know yet). Resources, food, not enough habitable pplanets, etc. On a side rant I'm getting tired of all the Science is evil/ bad that seems to be prevalent in todays sci Fi films and series. Advances in science are all to often being depicted as the fall or bane of humanity, and it gets quite sickening to see all the time.
  19. So evil Machines wiping out humanity hasn't been overdone???? I thought making the cylcons more human was a good idea, considering all the advances we've made in cloning and genetics. It has more of a 21st century feel than the overdone evil machines killing humans.
  20. X-box ver. I play with Mitsurugi Sueng Mina and Xhingchua (love her Tai chi sword movements) apologize for sp?
  21. update for Me 1/72 = 8 1/60 = 17 1/48 = 5 1/48 FastPacks 3
  22. 28 here. Closing in on 30
  23. I love this game as well. I have the X-box version and haven't experienced any of the aforementioned bugs. If they make a sequel to this game (which they should) what types of things would you like to see improved, changed, addded, etc? I think it would be cool to play with a Yoda type character. I don't know what his species is referred as, but they would make neat additions to your party.
  24. Pai Mei Yeahhhhhhh For the informed, The old looking guy with the beard is actor Gordon Liu. He played O-Ren's leader of the crazy 88's in the 1st film.
  25. Why doesn't the idiot start with himself? Because if he started with himself, then he couldn't start the 3rd imapct and achieve complementation. Didn't you guys read the RCB. Jokes aside it always amazes me the defenses people come up with to try to excuse such deplorable behavior. The guy had some serious mental problems, and if it wasn't NGE then it would have been some other form diversion ( Violent video games, Porn, Movie of choice Etc.) that would have caused him to murder his Mother.
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