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Golden Arms

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Everything posted by Golden Arms

  1. Cool Pic Exo, you gotta provide us with details.
  2. 1/60 Focker vf-1s Strike vf-1s Focker Max vf-1a Hikaru vf-1a Hikaru super vf-1j Max super vf-1j Milia super vf-1j Millia Quedaluun Rau TRU cannon fodder vf-1a cannon fodder vf-1a general release vt-super ostrich ve-elintseeker gbp armor soon to be released hikaru vf-1j bundled with gbp armor soon to be released vf-1D 1/48 Hikaru vf-1a Max vf-1a Focker vf-1s Low vis vf-1a Hikaru vf-1j Hikaru super vf-1J Max super vf-1j soon to be released Milia super vf-1j soon to be released Hikaru Vf-1s Fast pack kit sold separately Then there were rereleases of some of the 1/48's with minor improvements
  3. Id say if you got 30-40 dollars to spend on a 1/55 valk your best option would be to get one of the bandai remakes. Unless your deadset on owning a joons for whatever reason. I have 2 of the joons valks and they really don't hold a candle to the newer bandai's. Besides, if you look around enough you could buy a superior valk for the same amount of money that your willing to spend on a Joons.
  4. Nice customs Jason. I remember the tiger striped valk from the old message boards.
  5. Love both designs. Tough call as to which I like better. Real creativity fellas.
  6. Naw Isamu I'd want storm or Sage( as Tessa in her black Hellfire club Lingerie outfit). Jean as Dark Phoenix would be kinda cool as well.
  7. Damn I gotta get me one of those. Do you guys think they'll make A few X-men. I'd love to see a nightcrawler or even wolverine.
  8. Does anyone know the name of the song at the end of ep 3, and is it available for download?
  9. Ford Focus vs Ford Gt??? Hmmmm both fords, both cars. Comical. I guess you missed my point about non transformable vs transforable. Apples don't compare well with Oranges. Again if you don't like it then don't buy it. Yamato will not burst into your home with ak-47's and force you to buy it. Your dollar is your voice. You don't need to keep telling us all your grievances with this toy. Once is enough. Nice points Ali. But if the current design was good enough for SK, then none of us have much too complain about. Judging by the compendium stats and the pic above I think they came very close to scale.
  10. Thanks for the excellent review Graham. Your analysis just cements my pleasure in ordering the Q-Rau from Tam. In regards to all the constant complaining and bitchin over Yamato's latest release. For all those that have (and haven't) been paying attention for the past few months we pretty much knew what the specs were going to be on the Q-Rau. We roughly knew its size, lack of diecast content (which is good), price and lack of padded acessories. None of these things are new people. So all the crying over these things is just plain retarded. Yamato didn't just change these things right before its release to piss off the more anal retentive members of this hobby. If these were issues with you some of you when we first saw pics of the preproduction model along with its price you've had more than ample time to deal with it. Legitimate complaints or concerns would sound something like this: "After handling or seeing a Q-rau in person I feel that it isn't worth the price tag because X,yand Z." As great as reviews and pics online can be, they don't always tell the full story. The great thing about capitalism is that you can let your wallet do all the talking for you. And comparing the Q-Rau to the 1/48 is off base as well. Different scales and one transforms and the other doesn't. But mosth of us already knew this. It would be pretty funny if the Q-rau ends up like the low vis. Alot of early complaining, and once word of mouth spread in what a really cool toy it was they were virtually sold out and people were forced to fork out twice its original price. Rant Mode off. Originally I was going to pass on the Q-Rau but for its price and uniqueness I had to preorder one, hopefully I didn't order one too late in the game.
  11. Great custom. I love the black strip design and the tail wings.
  12. Pat Lee is the artist that draws the current TF comics. I agree with you Mr. M his atworks is awesome. Someone outta let him submit a few ideas for the binaltechline. I'd like to see what he could come up with.
  13. Does anyone know the name of the song that is sung in Mac 0 when the end credits play? I bought the 0 soundtrack hoping that is was going to be on it, but it wasn't. BTW my fav's are ai, oboeteimasuka Counter Clockwise After in the Dark~ Torch Song Wanna be an Angel Dog Fight Angels Paint Arkan Heart and Soul Pulse Life Song Macross National Anthem Voices
  14. I think they were already separated as well. When Kawarou confronts Shinji in terminal Domga he made the mistake in assuming that the angels all came from Adam. Which he later learns is a mistake. If memory serves me correctly, the evas are the only beings that came from Adam.
  15. Great customs. Keep up the good work.
  16. The VF-0 arms look a little thin and too short as well. I've also changed my mind on the Q-Rau. I'm going to pick up one now as well.
  17. This is something that should have been done yrs ago. We've seen alot of great talent come and go. I fear that those new to the boards will have missed out on all the great customs that used to be more frequent.
  18. Golden Arms

    yamato 1/48

    I think that vf-1D, elint and Ostrich in 1/48 are highly unlikely. They would require new sculps, which would be pretty expensive. But one can hope.
  19. Why people continue to assert that Misato Killed kanji when there is overwhelming evidence to prove otherwise boogles the mind. The RCB even states that he was killed by someone else. I guess conspiracy theorist are eva fans as well. As Anubis pointed out the entire show isn't about mecha,religion and what not, but about how people relate to one another and the relationships one makes in life.
  20. Kaji wasn't killed by Misato. She wouldn't have been fearing a phone call that she knew was never going to ring if she had killed him. He was probably killed by his contact or some Seele agent. Dr. Akagi shot herself if I remember correctly, you hear a gunshot and then theres lots of blood. In regards to the last two eps-- unit 01 initiates complementation, everyone evolves i.e. becomes a single entity. Shinji becomes a god of sorts and realizes that people will always face loneliness. So he decides to return everything to normal and allow others to have their distinctness.
  21. Words don't even describe the quality of your work so I won't even try.
  22. EXO could you put me down for a set as well?
  23. Very nice collection Rabid. I especially love the Kakizaki custom.
  24. The only comics that I'm reading as of now are the X-books. Claremont is back (yeah ) and Morrison has been writing some interesting stories. I think I'm going to pick up the Batman Hush series once it goes TPB.
  25. Yeah if you follow the cartoons continuity, TT's Robin should be Tim Drake. At the end of the Batman TAS Dick Grayson was shown to have already become nightwing. Nightwing and Tim even shared their thoughts about working with Bruce. Another tip off the TT Robin is Tim Drake is the costume Robin has in the cartoon. It's the same one that Tim Drake was wearing at the end of the Batman animated series. Like I mentioned before the toons kinda follow their own continuity. For Instance GL in the Justice Legue should be Hal Jordan and not John Stewart. And the flash could be wally west and not Barry Allen. But thats another story for another day. BTW I think it would be a cool story if they show the fall from Grace of Hal jordan in a future story arc.
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