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Golden Arms

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Everything posted by Golden Arms

  1. 1 Hasbro Jetfire w/o box and gun clip 2 reissue super vf-1s 1 Reissue DYRL Hikaru vf-1A 2 reissue DYRL Fockers 2 red white and blue Joons vf-1J's 1 reissue vf-1J Max 1 reissue vf-1J Milia 1 reissue vf-1A CF 2 reissue vf-1J Hikaru 1 custom DYRL Max vf-1A Made from a bootleg 1 custom VF-1D Made from a bootleg 1 custom VF-1A CF Made from a bootleg 1 custom VF-1S DYRL Kakizaki Made from a bootleg 2 vf-1s Roy bootlegs 19 total
  2. Having not yet seen Spidey 2 I can speculate as to the villian or villians for Spidey 3. 1) Harry Osbourne as the new Green Goblin or Hobgoblin-- They seem to be setting this up based upon what we've seen in the trailers. Plus it would be a logical evolution for Harry's character, He's becomes a nut like his father 2) Doc Connors becomes the Lizard maybe a little far fetched in the movie universe they've set up. 3) Kraven the Hunter-- Lured by the attention of Spiderman, Big game hunter decides if he can tangle with the webhead Sorry Carnage and Venom fans you can dream about them as much as you like, but I Doubt we'll ever see them in a movie.
  3. To Quote Magneto "You are a god amongst insects" Great custom. I never tire of LV schemes.
  4. I think Agent one is about to lay the smack down on a few candy asses. I got the cms collection 2 and got 3 minmay's. One Dark haired and 2 light haired. No Chase figure, and No clear haired Misa.
  5. Wall or poster putty works fairly well on the missiles as well.
  6. She'd make a great wonder woman.
  7. Isamu if you Start a J. Biel fan club, put me down for membership. Did you guys she Tx Chainsaw Massacre. She was lookin pretty damn good in that movie. Alot of good shots of her posterior. BTW can't wait for this movie to come out.
  8. Golden Arms

    1/60 Gbp

    Gret pics hevangel2, I love your setup. I was finally able to get the GBP armor on my CF. I just required a little patience and tinkering with the vertical tail fins. Someone should post a few pics on how to properly attach that back piece that holds the fastpack boosters. I bought two gbp and I'd like to get possibly 2 more for some of my valks that are sitting in my closet. I noticed on the back of the box there is is text that mentions the vt-1, vf-1D and the VE-1. I probably states that the armor wont fit these valks.
  9. Golden Arms

    1/60 Gbp

    Has anyone else tried to fit the gbp armor on any other valks besides the vf-1j and the super Vf-1s? THe reason I ask is because I bought two sets of the armor only, and I couldn't get the fastpack boosters to fit on the general release CF.
  10. That looks inspired by the Dark Knight returns batmobile. Cool if it is.
  11. Hi, I dropped my 1/48 Hikaru Super vf-1J and Broke BP8 and BP 9. I really only need BP 8 but I doubt that I could separate it from BP 9 without breaking it, so I need them both. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks. Mike S
  12. Speaking of race, culture, identity, racism and stupidity, Those familiar with American Football Check out the story below: http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/news/story?id=1817592
  13. Damn Badolza's got one hell of a entertainment system. Great Pic BTW.
  14. Ewilen I think your missing doh-dough's point. doh-dough stated that he met " Various peoples of Asians descent" that disliked the term Oriental and thought it to be derogatoty. The logical response to that If he/ she was really their friend would be to cease the use of the word. Again not all Asians are going to be offended by the term, but it sounds outdated and he specifically knew some people to take exception to it.
  15. I've always have heard that the term Oriental was a derogatory term. From my understanding it was a term non Asians (westerners) used to lump all Asians into one giant pot. It conjures up dehumanizing images of yellow Slant-eyed buck-toothed character types. See WWII American pro war rally signs. Doh-dough is right in that some of the newer terms that many minorities now use to refer to themselves is in attempt to regain the power of identity and define themselves and not to allow others to define them. I prefer to call myself African-American. It acknowldeges both my american and African ancestry which I'm proud of. But it isn't a one size fits all issue. I have relatives and friends that dislike the term and refer to themselves as being black. On a side note I think culture studies should be a required elective for incoming freshman. I think they can help open dialogue between different ethnic, racial and economic groups. We can learn alot from each other which is never a bad thing.
  16. Here are a few other directors that should be considered. 1)Chang Cheh probably the greatest martial arts film director 2) Tsui Hark--John Woo but no Tsui Hark 3) Ringo Lam 4) Bryan Singer a upandcomer 5) Katheryn Bigelow-- Point Break, Strange Days 6) Terrence Malik 7) Liu Chia Liang probably the 2nd greatest martial arts film director Wachowski Bros 9) Hughes Bros 10) Oliver Stone 11) Terry Giliam 12) John Boorman 13) Shiniciro Watanabe
  17. sky commanders, wind raiders, dino riders ????
  18. Van Damme blows bigtime. His intergalactic size ego is why so many people can't stand his lame Arse. Its a requirement that all his films pander to his overinflated sense of his self worth. John Woo and Tsui Hark both vowed to never work with him again. He had alot going for him, but he failed to capitalize on the numerous opportunities that were thrown his way b/c of who he was ( Relatively Attractive Caucasian Musclebound Westerner who looked like he knew martial arts). May Wake of Death be the Death of his movie career. There are much more deserving actors out there who should be given some of the chances that are repeatedly wasted on him.
  19. Speaking of Ms Alba, She, Bruce Willis and a few other celebs are supposed to be here this weekend. I wonder if there presence pertains to this film.
  20. D, you gotta provide us with details on how you came up with your awesome customs. Great work BTW.
  21. http://live.quizilla.com/user_images/S/sha...Desktoprick.jpg OOOHHHHH Brother I give up.
  22. Awesome pics. I just picked up superman/Batman #9 and I loved the artwork. Why does all of Turner's women prefer to flash their undies ala Britney spears when illustrated in Jeans? I'm not complaining but just curious.
  23. So does every imperial soldier and officer in Star Wars, so do Klingons, so do Turkish military uniforms, so does the North Korean army... Pretty much everyone who has created a military force that was intended to be seen as evil since WWII has been a style knock off of the Nazis. I mean lets face it, Hittler marketed his forces well. People saw them as the scariest army ever to walk the earth. I hear that Hugo Boss designed the Nazi uniforms in WWII. Yeah I've heard the same. I think I saw it on the History Channel before it became the Jesus Channel.
  24. I prefer Lee's to Turner, but Turners rendition isn't bad. Lee is still the man. I don't see how some think that Lee's artwork has slipped. I looks the same if not better than some of his older material. Lee is still working with Scott Williams, They both worked on Superman #204. Lee's suprman man isn't too bulky. Check out Superman #204. As a genral rule Superhero's physiques are bulked up on purpose. These are comics, the Hero's aren't supposed to look like everday Joe Blo. Hence the reason why their called superhero's. It works for the medium. If they did look like everyone else, people would complain about why that skinny/fat/ unproportioned slob is running around in a tight fitting costume.
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