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Golden Arms

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Everything posted by Golden Arms

  1. I preordered the X-men and Xfcator sets. The AOA may be an easy pass. Most of the character designs from that series were utter garbage. Magneto and Sabretooh were cool, but not much else. Dark beast is a no brainer. Dr Doom looks awesome. I really wish they give him a soft goods Cape, but good fodder for customization. Figures/ teams I would like to see incoporated into existing lines: 1. Classic Excalibur team 2. Classic shadowcat on jubilee buck 3. Giant Size X-men team (thunderbird, banshee, storm in OG costume) 4. Banshee in blue/gold costume (90's team,) 5. Marauders 6. Apocalypse horseman( we have archangel and caliban) 7. Legion 8. Starjammers 9. Imperial Guard 10. Hellfire club and their goons 11. Reavers and lady deathstrike 12. Finish remenders X- force team
  2. I have endgame black widow, ps4 spidey, and red/black suit spiderman on PO. I would like to get battle damaged Tony, but I bet it's going to be a pretty penny. I would be surprised if the Captain marvel and Robin figures get released. Seems like the boat has sailed on those figures.
  3. Hello Alto, I got into Gunpla about 2 1/2 years ago and started painting with rattle cans. I've since moved onto airbrushing as I feel it gives the best results. It was intimidating to learn at first, but like anything, the more you immerse your self into it, the easier it becomes. You can get some really awesome looking kits no matter if you are hand brushing, air brushing or just panel lining and doing washes. There are a lot of really great modellers you can follow on YouTube that post really informative tips/tricks and tutorials. The models thread also has a lot of really talented artists who are eager to share their knowledge. It's a great place to start.
  4. Good One!!! My brother had that game. I Could never beat Storm or Gambits stage. I picked up Silver Sable to use For Lilandra. I'm kicking myself for passing on Night thrasher. He looks awesome.
  5. Not sure. I tried ordering individual figures from the sasquatch and apocalypse wave when they were first announced, and gave up on them filling the orders. I also ordered Professor X when it first was listed on their site and it's still pending, so I won't be using them anymore.
  6. Very nice! I just finished building the rg full armor unicorn and ver ka Sinanju. I need to decal the unicorn, and I'm currently working on the PG banshee
  7. Very nice Anubis!! How did you do the base?
  8. It takes them forever. You will likely find them out in the wild before they ship them out. It seems they prioritize the case orders over individual orders.
  9. My sideshow Rogue showed up today. Also built the arttystation Symphony this weekend. Sorry for clutter. Working on rg destiny and Ver la Sinanju and re doing my model room in the same weekend.
  10. I met a guy last week end at the austin comic con that is building that kit. It's phenomenal. Very inspiring, makes me want to get to work on my PG Millennium Falcon.
  11. Very nice Forge mod. We need banshee in the same outfit to complete Forge. The kotobukiya MSG line offers a lot of good weapons options for customization.
  12. Thanks for the tips. I will order the brushes and give them a shot.
  13. Very nice Anubis!! How do you paint your pilot figures so well? I generally use a tooth pick, but there is no way I could replicate what you did with Lockon. Any pointers?
  14. Such a great time to be a X-men fan. Just wish they would go back to the MS Marvel buck for some of the female characters. I want them to do the hellfire club and Marauders.
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