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Golden Arms

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Everything posted by Golden Arms

  1. The Master returns :o Stunning work yet again Jung.
  2. I think that it's inappropriate to blame Mr. Reeves care givers for his death. Caregiving isn't like your typical 9 to 5. One that does it really has to care for the people that are charged with. It can be an emotionally taxing profession to be involved in. It's a 24/7 round the clock job. There aren't days where don't go to work because you don't feel like it. Someone else is relying on you. Many times family members have to assume some of these roles or task. Reeves probably had the best nurses and assistants that money can buy. Most people in his condition don't live as long as he did. Nor do they have as much access to the quality care that I assume that he was recieving. He will be missed. He played a Superman on the screen, but he became one in his fight against paralysis.
  3. Kurt, You never fail to impress. Great work yet again.
  4. Have X-box live here. Gamer ID Golden Arms I haven't played online in months. I will start playing online soon. I play ESPN nfl 2k5 and SW battlefront. BTW espn 2k5 is a great game. The gameplay is awesome, blows Madden out of the water.
  5. Egan Loo is being interviewed on Japan A Radio right now. I think it is a 2 hour interview dedicated soley to Macross. Internet Radio See Below http://www.japanaradio.com/
  6. Egan Loo interview is on NOW
  7. I saw Hero Thursday night and loved it. I think I was a little troubled with the films message though--- Dictators are okay if they unite the country.
  8. Emma Frost continues the tradition of Supervillians turned Heroes. The writers gave her a 2ndary power. She can turn herself into a diamond form ala Colossus. If they decide to make a X3 and 4 I think she would be incorporated into the movie. THe 2nd female is Elecktra. She once was a assassin and a member of the Hand ( A group of japanese ninjas). BTW alot of celebs use some sort of glue to attach their dresses to themselves.
  9. Enough of the Halle Bashing. Catwoman may have been DOA, but I'd take her any day of the week and twice sunday's. I agree with the general sentiment. Sommers is hack, and this isn't a film that warrants a remake. The 80's film was good as is. This film will be marktedtowards a crowd (primarily teenage males) that probably don't have the foggieston of who Flash Grdon is. One of the reasons Hollwood loves remakes is that they know that they have a proven winner to invest in. If the original material drew people in, then the remake is surely going to do the same. As a opposed to being adventurous and pushing something new and untested on moviegoers.
  10. I think the scientist polled should get out more and see more scifi films. Star wars as Scifi ??? Are you kidding me. Sci fantasy yes, science fiction no. Where's Metroplis( Should be #1), and Frankenstein? The Day the earth stood Still was good and the original Godzilla (Don't laugh) deserves some merit. I can't argue too much against Blade Runner though. Great film.
  11. The ladder sequence occurred in Pt 1. It was so well recieved it was duplicated in Pt2 using tables instead. Ladders and Tabels, OH MY!! Both sequences are ripe with metaphors, allegories and themes that are depicted in the films. The Ladder sequence is a metaphor for Tai Chi. Tai Chi literarly means balance or control. Jet Li or Wong Fei Hung in the series represents rightousness. Fei Hung is always at balance in the ladder scene. While His opponents: Iron Robe Yen Pt 1 and Master Lei Kung pt2 are always out of balance. They are strugggling to achieve what Fei Hung has. Iron Robe represents the desire to achieve fame or wealth at the expense of Morals. So in a sense the fight isn't just between the 2 combatants,but between their differing philosophies on life and China. So in order to stay atop the ladders or tables or stuff in life one must reconcile certain desires with what is fair and just in lfe. Iron Robe loses because he yields to desires and loses control. He becomes bestial in nature. He ultimatley discovers that Martial Arts can't compete with bullets. Another theme prevalent throughout the series. Jet Li broke his shin filming the ladder sequence in Pt 1. I was wrong about his stand in. Another actor completed the rest of the scenes for Jet. It wasn't Yuen Biao. the stand in later appears in the series sequels playing a Character dubbed Club Foot.
  12. Damn that looks impressive. I can't wait to see that on the big screen. I think Jenn is going to make a great Electra. She seems athletic enough to pull the role off. I wonder if the Hand makes an appearance in this film.
  13. You didn't like the Ladder fight in Once upon a Time in China 1? Its generally regarded as one of the best fight sequences in all of film. The choreagraphy needed to complete that scene was masterful. I think Jet Li had a broken Leg for that particular sequence and Yuen Biao stepped in as a replacement for Jet.
  14. The earliest Martial Arts movies of the 20's and 30's had lots of superhuman feats. Characters routinely flew and used weapons that could fly or had magical properties. Hero and Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon aren't the only films to use these things. Zu Warriors from the mystic Mountain, The bride whith White Hair, Saviour of Soul, The dragon Inn, etc. This isn't a new phenomenon but a return to what was done generations ago. This is an evolution from the Peking and Bejing performance schools. It really shows you the differening film backgrounds in Western and Eastern audiences. If this movie were made for Non Chinese audiences then non of the mystical elements would be incorporated in the film. No walking or running on water. No flying, no shooting in China. Nor would the North American release be subtitled (it would be dubbed with Tom Cruise or Brad pitt supplying the voices). Nor would the film be released nearly 2 yrs later after its initial release. A western ending would have a happy ending with the protagonist reunited with his love interest. I held off buying this movie months ago, so I could wait for its theatre release.
  15. The films on that list are total garbage. Whats sad is that I've seen so many of them. These people should never be given any more Hollywood money to make films: Sandra Bullock, Bruce Willis, Jerry Bruckheimer, Will Smith, Kevin Costner, Steve Guttenberg, Joel Silver, Jim Carrey, Sly Stallone, Julia Roberts, Jean Claude Van Damm, Steven Segal, Leo Dicrapio, Paul Wes Anderson, George Lucas, and Shaquille Oneal. Sorry if I offended any fans of the above mentioned hacks. BTW Godzilla(with Matthew Broderick) The punisher (Dolf Lundren), 2 fast 2 furious and Gigli should be added to that list. The recent comic book movies have been well made. The punisher was the only real stinker as of late. League of the Extradinary Gentlemen Left alot to be desired, but it wasn't bad. Spiderman and the Hulk were both well made. Each recieved critical reviews. The only real complaints that I saw with the Hulk were from those that were expecting some mindless saturday morning action fare and instead got artsy action film with lots of internal drama. The movie was marketed more towards kids when the actual film was meant for a more adult audience.
  16. Yes japan A radio can be heard using WinAmp and RealOne. You can tune into it online. Follow the link below for more info. http://www.japanaradio.com/
  17. Today I heard that Egan Loo will be on Japan A Radio next Sunday discussing Macross. I believe the interview will be at 6:30 p.m. pacific time
  18. Thank God Austen is no longer with Marvel. His storytelling was horrid at best. Psylocke may not be dead. Claremont didn't originally intend for her death to be permanent. At the time Marvel got new editors (Quesada) who instittued a dead means dead policy. So Claremont didn't bring her back, but the story he's been telling in Uncanny hints that she may make a return. I can't stand the way they've prostituted the wolvie character. The only thing they're going to do is create a reader backlash against the character. BTW check out Whedon's run on Astonishing X-men. He's quickly making me forget all about Grant Morrison. Whedon has infused some life into some pretty bland characters. They're is alot of internal drama in his stories which is good.
  19. MJW also starred as Mike Tyson in the Mike Tyson movie. I also think he was in Black Mask 2, but don't quote me on it. Wesley Snipes is also a accomplished Martial Artist. He's also a Black Belt as well.
  20. I'd love to see a Ford GT as a transformer as well.
  21. I just saw AVP. I liked the film..... I think. I thought it was okay. But, I don't think that I could recommend it. Not as bad as Aliens 4 but nowhere near as good as Aliens or Alien. They spelled out way too much of the plot. The movie was way too short. It didn't have as much action as the trailer makes you think is going to be in the film. Another problem I had was that the Aliens grew too quickly and it didn't seem that there were that many potential host to generate the amount of Aliens that were shown in the film. I'm not spelling out any of the plot that hasn't been depicted in the trailers, so no complaining.
  22. I miss Lee doing the X-men. I've been buying the superman title that he's been drawing, just to see his work. I think for X3 we'll either see the Hellfire club or Brotherhood of Mutants. Either group will probably be used to corrupt jean into the dark phoenix.
  23. Florida does have the death penalty. The electric Chair is named "OLd SPARKY". The really sad part about this story is that this guy was able to convince others to aid him in his murdering rampage with ball bats. They even killed a dog. Democrats won't be the only ones ranting over video games. This story is normally fodder for the religious right of the republican party. Dems are usually very liberal in regards to social issues such as video games unless your name is Tipper Gore. Do you guys remember when Kids were getting shot over Air Jordans?
  24. Not with ya on the Mummy Franchise Isamu, the sequel sucked hard. But Miss Weisz had it going on. You should check out Enemy at the Gates. One of her better films. When Rogue was 1st introduced in the comic she was about 16 yrs old. So the film was correct in that aspect. They kinda gave her a possibility of having Miss Marvel like abiliites in the 1st film, but they didn't go with it. When Mags transferred his power to her, she gained his abilities. If the writers decided to say that the effect had somehow been permament ala Carol Danvers, Then Rogue could potential fly, and have magentic abilities. She could potentially be super strong assuming the object was metallic in nature. I like that fact that the film Rogue doesn't have all of the comics abilities. She's a little more interesting that way. One of my big gripes with Singers films was that we never get to see the X-men cutting loose as a team. All the fight sequences are one on one. One of the staples of the comics is that the X-men fight as a team. Each complementing the others strengths and weaknesses. After seeing the Hulk, I was further disappointend in that we also never get to see the X-men cut loose with their mutant powers. But I'd guess that would require an astronimical budget to accomplish that.
  25. I'll probably see AVP anyway, but I'm with those that think this movie is going to be trash. BTW T3 sucked. How many times can one recycle the same tired premise over and over. Answer-- As long as there are idiots errr people that are willing to give away their $8. But back on topic Mr. Andersen has a terrible track record. His movies are in the okay to bad filmmaking range. I don't think giving him another franchise is going to change that fact. The toys may be this films only saving grace. I'm occasionally one of those above mentioned idiots are tricked out of their money by lots of FX, ass-kicking and explosions.
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